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Into the Stars

"I don't know Victoria. Not at the moment. Right now Kasu's sister thinks he is traveling for his work. He is... technicily. He is helping all over the world.... I can do the same for you. However I am no big named organization... and although I can pay you... it would never be something as grand as many thousands.." Buba leaned back and sighed.
"It depends on what it takes for your parents to think you successful." Buba told Victoria. Buba closed her eyes for a moment thinking. Perhaps she needed to go visit Victoria's parents.
"Mhmm." Buba said with a nod. She already promised Justice she wouldn't go out today.... She let out an annoyed sigh, "Justice is such a pain sometimes." She said out loud. "You can go back now Victoria."
"I'm ready.." Taji told them, he was still drying his hair, though he was walking around without a shirt on. He was pretty filled out for a teen, and his skin was a nice tan.

Leo smiled a bit before putting the cards down, "Alright."
Leo blinked, "What is the pack for?"

"Kinda like me... I carry around my endless bag!" Shougen said with a grin.

"Be safe everyone. I'll be here." She told them.
Leo nodded and stood. Taji put his shirt on and took the lead since he happen to be standing by the door. Like normal, Buba already set where they'd be traveling. When they got to the world, it was a lot like the world that Leo had gotten his power from, though without the creepy red snow. It was very old fashioned, like the 70s.
Kasu looked around he didn't have his ring on so he could smell everything.

Kaishiro smiled "It looks like that one place!"

"Yeah... it does," Victoria said
"Not necessarily my favorite of places we've visited..." Leo said softly.

Taji thought for a moment, come to think of it he never once asked Leo about what happened specifically. He proububly will later.

Mika walked into the front and picked up the note that told them where to go, "Melody is who we are helping today."

"That sounds kind of familiar." Leo said with a bit of thought.
Mika nodded in confirmation, "Yes."

"Isn't she like.. cursed?" Taji asked, "She said something about a layered curse.."

"I guess she needed out helped again." Leo said with a bit of a smile.
Leo chuckled, Kasu actually said something nice about someone else.

When everyone was changed, Mika lead them to where they were supposed to meet Melody.
"Who knows... if it is as crazy as kissing a prince..." Taji said with a shrug.

"YaaahooO!" A yell came from a roof top and a familiar girl waved at them spastically. She had cut her hair since she last saw them, she now had a wild looking pixie cut. "Hello fairy and prince!"

Leo looked up, shielding his eyes a bit from the sun.

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