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Fantasy Dragon Age

She landed on the tree with her hind legs and shot herself at akriloth double times more fast, she tackled him and bit him in the shoulder very hard making it sting since Miya had fire fangs
Akriloth's scales protected him from Miya's fire fangs. He bit her back with the exact same effect. He growled and held onto her with his teeth.
Akriloth's tooth grew back and he smashed his claw against her face, before she could recover he hit her again, then again. He slammed his head into her chest then roared at her.
Carbon laughed and shook his head. "Don't you know who i am?" He slowly approached them with his knife still held up. "I've already killed a dragon today and will gladly do it again." Carbon was surprised that they did not know who he was, most dragons would be flying away by now. "Since you are being brave ill give you a fighting chance!" He holstered his knife and stood with his arms to his side.
Miya scratched his chest then dug her talons into the side of his face, She roared louder and slammed his head against a rock
Akriloth grabbed onto a rock and hit her in the head with it before slamming his shoulder into her. His face got a new battle scar, as well as his chest, from her talons.
Carbon just stood there stunned. "Are you both domesticated?" He pulled out his notebook and saw how much one of his clients were paying for a already trained dragon, his mouth dropped. Carbon pulled his knife out and shook his head. "Too bad that he wants a younger dragon, im sorry but your hide will fetch me plenty of..." He stopped and heard Miya roar. "Now that is a dragon i would prefer to kill. You both are way too boring, ill just have to go kill this other one." Carbon ran in Miya's direction.
Akriloth rushed over and dragged her down, he then grabbed onto the tree and ripped off a huge branch before slamming it against Miya's side. Akriloth roared as he stepped back a little, recovering.
Tamenth sat next to Irane "You have a death wish don't you" "Maybe" Irane smiled slightly looking at him.
Akriloth lunged and hit his head against Miya's chest, slamming her through the tree, breaking the trunk with her body. He continued to push until she hit another tree.
Miya dug her feet into the ground and flipped akriloth over, while he was on the ground she climbed another tree high enough he would have to climb up himself to get her.

i gtg eat brb)
Akriloth's wings burst from his back, he roared in pain but stretched them out. He flew up and grabbed onto Miya with his talons. He flew higher and higher until they were near the clouds. He didn't lose his grope on her for even the slightest second. Akriloth roared loudly as he reached as high as he could go. (Mkay. Akriloth and Miya are in the air now. Doing nothing lol.)
Carbon watched as Akriloth and Miya fought and could not stop himself from laughing. He pulled a throwing knife from his belt and whipped it at Akriloth. "Take that you damn bird!" The only thing running through Carbon's head was the thought of fame and fortune.
Akriloth watched the blade barely get close to Miya then drop towards the Earth. Akriloth flew over to a den that could only be reached by dragons and he threw Miya inside of it. The only way in and out was a form of flight, otherwise you couldn't reach it, or you would plummet to your death. (BRB until Miya gets back)
(Let us continue!) Akriloth panted heavily as he turned back into a human. He looked at Miya and himself, realizing what he had done. He was about to speak but exhaustion overcame him. He passed out and lied on the ground of the cave.

(WB btw X3)
thanks XP ) Miya turned into her human form and collapsed she crawled over to Akriloth. She felt his forehead, she sighed and her face went pale, her vision went black and she passed out.

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