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Fantasy Dragon Age

Carbon shook his head. "I will get you somehow!" He did not care about death or falling and decided he would scale the cliff and climb into the den. Carbon put his mask on then walked towards the cliff. "Why cant you just die like all other dragons?" He thought to himself.
Akriloth awoke after half an hour. He sat up, having nothing on except the bottom part of his dragon armor. He looked over at Miya and tried remembering what had happened to him. "Crap" He sighed, before dragging her to a wall in the cave, he rested against it and let Miya rest her head on him. "Well that got out of hand...." Akriloth chuckled before closing his eyes and resting.
Miya groaned and moved her head to the other side, she opened her eyes and looked up at Akriloth. She stared up at him they were just fighting a little bit ago and now she was resting her head on him.....
Akriloth opened his eyes and he looked at Miya. His expression was soft and actually friendly. "Hey... Sorry about freaking out like that." He spoke quietly so he wouldn't aggravate a headache if she had one. He had scars all over his body and face from his fight with Miya.
Carbon continued trying to climb up the cliff and slipped a few times. He was now maybe four minutes from the den and was ready to kill. Carbon took one careful step after another. He finally reached the opening of the den but was exhausted. Carbon slowly pulled himself up into the den and stood up. "What a dump..." He stretched then looked around.
"yeah right I'm sorry too, guess we sort of took it to far" Miya said, she had a cut on her cheek that was still bleeding
Akriloth kissed the wounded cheek and it began to heal. He sensed someone was at the mouth of the den and he growled "Someone is here." Akriloth stood, making sure he was gentle so as to not hurt Miya. He half-morphed and readied himself for a fight.
Miya touched her cheek, then stood she readied her self if she needed to turn into her dragon form, but she wanted to see what they were up against.
Carbon could hear the dragons move in the den. He pulled his knife from the sheath then ran to the side of the cave into the shadows. Carbon hid then watched the dragons in secret.
Akriloth was half human half dragon at the moment. His eyes fixed on Carbon and glared at the slayer. Akriloth roared at Carbon and kept his distance, putting himself between Carbon and Miya. "What do you want slayer?" Akriloth growled at the man.
Carbon laughed then stepped out from the shadows, he made sure to keep his knife up. "Well i usually hunt for the hide, but you dragons do put up a good fight..." Carbon looked at Akriloth then at Miya. "Since ill probably do allot of damage to the hide, the bones might do..."
Miya growled even though she was in her human form. She kept her eye on him to make sure he didn't try to make a move.
Akriloth lunged and striked at Carbon, his movements quick and accurate. His scales covered his entire body, including his face. Akriloth was still plenty capable of fighting.
Carbon raised an arm that took the full force of the attack, he dropped the knife out of pain then jumped back. "Wow, i thought you would have been exhausted due to the fight you had earlier." He dived for the knife on the ground.
Miya turned into her dragon form and slammed Carbon into the cave wall. she growled and hissed wanting him to leave them alone

dang it man i'll be right back as fast as i can)
Akriloth smiled a bit, finding Miya to be lovely for defending him. He felt a little honored but then he got his head back into the game.
Carbon pulled himself away from Miya. She was not that strong even for a dragon. He jumped back at the ground and picked up the knife. Carbon's arm began to bleed massive amounts. He raised the knife into the air and threw it at Akriloth.
Akriloth skillfully caught it but barely. He whipped it out of the cave and over the cliff. He flipped forward and landed behind Carbon, slamming his fist into key points of the hunter's back to damage his arms.
Carbon screeched in pain as he was hit. "NO!" He shouted as the knife flew out of the cave. Carbon managed to move an arm then grabbed for his pocket where he hid a small dagger. "I will not be bested by a giant reptile!"
Akriloth slammed his knee into Carbon's hip, hoping to send the hunter a few feet away so that he himself could recover. He was skilled but he was in fact still exhausted.
Carbon was knocked forward by Akriloth. He stood up and pulled the dagger out of his pocket. "Big mistake lizard." Carbon said then laughed. His arm continued to bleed and was now pooling on the ground. Carbon looked at the puddle and sighed.
"I am a hunter just like you, only better. Dragon hearts help that way" Akriloth smirked, he charged up a white blast in his mouth. It crackled and got stronger and stronger by the second. He released it and focused concentrated white flames flied in the direction Akriloth was aiming which was right at Carbon.
Carbon's eyes widened as the flames flew towards him, he dropped to his chest on the ground and smiled as they passed overhead. "If you are a hunter like me, why not kill that dragon...(Points to Miya)...She would probably fetch allot on the market." His voice was somewhat muffled by his mask. He stood up and his entire body was covered in blood. Carbon raised the dagger up and shook his head.

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