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Fantasy Dragon Age


Senior Member
You may be only a dragon, you can be a human that turns into a dragon, or you could be a human that can train or hunt down dragons. Please i hope you have fun in this rp! All about fun!If you are a human that hunts down dragons please do not be like a god you got to get hurt! Also dragons there is a place for you to be hidden and safe hunters you do not know about this place!
(If no one is going to get this RP going. I would like to start it, if there are no objections?)
Akriloth was sitting on a big rock in the middle of a random forest sharpening his sword. He kept his eyes to the sky and his surroundings while doing so in hopes that he wouldn't get caught with his guard down. He was a little irritated at the lack of dragon activity around him, and boredom was the last thing he wanted.
Irane flew through the air chasing Tamenth. For an older dragon he was fast but she was faster. She caught up to him quickly as they barreled down to the earth floor.
Miya walked through the forest quietly, watching her surroundings.she stopped and looked up at the sky, dragons are being unseen, good, She thought
Akriloth blinked and looked around, feeling something. He felt the presence of someone close to him and far away. "Dragons?" He thought to himself. "Dragons and... a person? Most likely" Akriloth's hunting intuition was kicking in as he stood and cleaned his sword before sheathing it. He felt energy build up in him as he walked in the direction of where he thought the dragon or dragons might have landed.
Way was that? Footsteps. Miya turned and ran as fast as she could the last thing she wanted was to be chopped up for diner. She looked behind her real quick but ran for somewhere to hide
Irane landed before Tamenth turning back to her human form. "Beat you again" She smiled. "You are younger, I'm not as fit as I used to be" Tamenth said as he turned to his human form and pulled his hood up.
Akriloth broke into a sprint, feeling that he was onto someone or something. He could hear rustling from a distance and chased after it. He knew it were not a dragon as a dragon would be noticeable at this distance. He took his dragon bow and fit in an arrow as he raced faster, avoiding branches and anything that could stumble him.
Miya ran as fast as she could hearing definenently someone behind her. Come on she could make it. Right? This could be her fate. No. She was going to walk away alive from this. Wait does the person have a bow?! I'm screwed!!!
Irane nodded and walked along with Tamenth. They walked in silence for a bit before Tamenth started making a series of noises, like clicks and soft roars.
Arkiloth suddenly stopped, took a knee, and released the arrow directly at Miya's leg. His bow made of dragon bones and scales and made to make an arrow fast enough to hit a flying dragon. He caught sight of Miya before he let the arrow loose. He knew it would just wound her enough to make her trip if it did in fact land. He had no agenda to kill a human, just find out what they were doing in dragon territory.
"Agh" Miya fell to the ground and took hold of the arrow, she took a quick breath in. It would be fine it's just I'm caught! Tears fell down her cheeks and she groaned in pain.
Akriloth rushed over to Miya. His speed much faster than a normal human's. He readied another arrow and aimed it at the girl. He stood a good five feet away, circling her slowly, ready to let the arrow go if he had to. "What are you doing here?" His voice was sharp but calm.
"A person can't walk through a forest?" Miya said tugging at the arrow. Man it hurt, bad. Miya frowned again and scowled up at the person
"Not one that is famous for being dragon territory..." Akriloth almost scowled back. "Don't try to pull it out, the head is designed so that it will rip off a handful of flesh before it comes out. There's a trick to it. I can show you, but if you attack me I will not hesitate to finish the job." Akriloth let his offer linger, his eyes serious and full of focus.
Miya swallowed hard lay still and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath in "I won't attack you" she opened her eyes and looked up at him again
Akriloth knelt down and reached over to the end of the arrow. He pulled on the feather and the arrow head shrank into a small needle. He pulled it out with ease and threw it to the side. Akriloth's eyes wondered up and down Miya's body. He thought to himself as he stood, staring at Miya. "I can smell dragon on her..."
Miya stood slowly blood going down leg. "Ow" she glared at him. What a relief, anyways she knew how to take the arrow out now so if she attacked him and he shot her she could take it out....maybe
Akriloth grabbed onto her throat and lifted her up with his right hand, pinning her to a tree. He growled "You smell like a dragon. Tell me why. Or else!" He took out his sword with his free hand, ready to stab her if she was uncooperative. "If you have been near dragons then for your sake you better hope you remember where they are."
Miya took out a sharp dagger and stabbed it into his side, she kicked him in the stomach, then punched him in the face. "You want to do this the hard way?"
Akriloth took the blows with a painful cry. He dropped her but impaled Miya against the tree with his sword. He stabbed a non-vital area but made sure she couldn't escape. He ripped out the dagger after stumbling back. He growled "I will show you the hard way" Akriloth growled as his eyes got animalistic. Akriloth reached into his pocket for a powder and rubbed it into his wound, stopping the bleeding and sealing the wound as the powder solidified into it. "Dragon scales work wonders.... Wouldn't you agree?" Akriloth smirked as he took out his own dagger, the size though made it seem like a short sword.
Miya's white hair turned red quickly, and she turned into her fire dragon quickly. She roared and took out the sword swinging her tail smashing it into the person slamming him against a tree.
Akriloth expected something like that to happen. He moved his dagger into her tail as it was swung at him. He hit the tree and fell to the ground. Akriloth recovered faster than to be expected. He threw multiple throwing knives at Miya, each one made of dragon teeth which he knew were the only things hard enough to penetrate dragon scales. Akriloth coated all of his weapons, including his dagger with a paralyzing solvent so that dragons couldn't take flight after exposed to a wound from one of his weapons or traps. He was hoping to at least wound Miya enough so that if she did flee he would be able to take his time in pursuing so as to not agitate his wounds which were taking their toll.

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