Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

Ahh, that kind of monster. Don't worry, I had to go to school with a stabbing gut ache, it can get worse.
It's not a tradeoff it's a curse! least I can laze around my dorm most of the day...that always helps a lot.
Thanks. :3 I am debating walking to the caffeteria to smuggle sweets away, buuuut actually. Salty foods are even better for it.

(that and ever since college I've majorly lost my sweet tooth. Like....takes a lot for me to even want a piece of cake or cookie.)
I have no idea where I could find that around here....the Ibeprophen has worked for now. That and some tea and Chicken in a Bisket. x3
Aaaah. I'll have to look for it next time I'm there. I don't think it's wise to drive tonight because of how sleepy I am...slept well last night, but just feeling so drained today =_=
*has depression. Takes st johns wart.*

You all know how I reference The Cairo Incident with John?
What if some of the dolls weren't just souls, but an entire person trapped in that form? That's why they can move?
He's been in big trouble for most of his life. What's one more little thing like accidentally turning people into dolls?
If that's the case he probably should have been arrested long ago for some of the stuff he's done. Letting his demon get the best of him and wreaking havoc. and only a few of the dolls are actual people! the others are just souls.
it's Interpol. They don't care about lives. They care that he's practicing a forbidden art that can be used to grant power which can be a threat.

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