Cirque de Monstres (1941) first edition

I think I'm gonna stick to root beer and possibly fruitier little sip of wine and I was done with it.... No idea how Iggy can drink a whole bottle and more. :P

Time to see what Nanami is up to! Or do they even want to see?
True, but will a demon and half demon who is having issues controlling himself help at all with her freak out?
I have come to a conclusion....

Shampoo in the eyes = what it feels like to be burned by Holy water.


You could easily make a pot with the amount of clay I decided to wear out of the classroom today.
Uhh Nora is back at the cirque and there is an investigator hiding out and listening to the convo Nora, Nanami, and Ignis are having. He can be hiding by Fiona's trailer!
And here we see the two cirques side by side


Mingling and co-existing
The past cirque and the present-ish cirque.

and I don't know what's creepier....the empty dolls or the full dolls...both stare back at you, but one looks into your soul and the other tries to take it.
Rats are adorable. It's strange for me though...I couldn't give it live mice and rats, but I'm okay with frozen ones....guess I just don't want to kill them that way...or any way really.

That little snake would be okay to own though! From what I looked up it only eats earthworms, insects and other small snakes. And it only grows to about 11-16 inches. too. Sounds like the perfect starter snake.

If posts for Iggy go painful tonight I apologize....cannot be helped as I am under attack. =_=
I wish....more like the motheris de naturis....time to crawl to the Ibeprophen and chocolate....and curse all men for not having to suffer like we do.

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