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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Yes. Also Ruth is upset with Mei. She translated as Arini is just a random who cares if they get hurt. galvanismgal galvanismgal

Wonderful. Can't wait for this to develop into something to leverage for drama

Also hm. Might make a little (noncanon) oneshot to figure out how I'm gonna write Jet
It was a cool, calm night when the shuffling form he knew my sound and sight slipped out from the broad tent, dissolving into the darkness to all but his eyes, keen as they were. Were it a different time—a different place—he may have left them to their own devices, but there was mirth in the air, and what they brought with them was sour with something unsaid.

He stood. A slow, quiet affair that cluttered the neat divot he'd been using as a nest for the night. Rocks, dead trees, and even whole tents were stepped over as he rose, wings and tail clacking softly as he drew himself to his... not quite full height, but comfortable enough. Talons longer than most humans' forearms sunk into loose sand as he walked, carefully—ever carefully—toward the figure slumped against a wooden spar of their makeshift camp.

"If I didn't know better," he started as he drew, voice light on the wind and carrying only the weakest of the low rumble that carried so far, "I would think you were fleeing the celebration." He couldn't smell very well—at all, he would say—but the space between them tasted rancid, like fruit left out too long. Alcohol, he assumed. As far as he remembered, this one favored the sort. Anything to take a breath of relaxation.

"Then you obviously don't," came the sour reply, and his eyes caught on the beaded necklace draped across their neck. Her, then. "'Cause that's what 'm doin." The cup in her hand swirled with color. Magenta and a shimmering, oily green.

His neck was more than long enough to loop down and cut her off as she made to keep walking, even with her sturdy boots sliding in the sand. "Never knew you to miss a party," he continued, head turned slightly sideways to regard her. "Especially not one with good drink." She scowled. "Not good, then?"

"The drink's fine," she assuaged, always one to defend her own work. Which the drinks most definitely were.

He loosened the barrier he'd made, giving her space back and settling to sit on his claws when she didn't appear as though she was going to run off into the night. "Company, then?" And she flushed, brighter so when he chortled a bird's laugh at her.

"Company's... great."

"Then?" A rock clattered harmlessly off his crest, and she scuffed her boot in the sand, a mumbled "nothing" making him wish for the ability to roll his eyes just this once. "It's either you tell me what's biting your tail, or I'll be the one to do it." His teeth closed just over her head, a soft nip that was as much jest as the hand that pushed his head away from her hair.

"You wouldn't get it," and there was a smile taunting her lips and a warm tilt to her voice.

A snort, amused even if somewhat offended. "Try, at least. I've been—"

"Been talking to humans longer than we've been here. We know, old man." Another pebble skipped off his snout. "It's just..." She hesitated, but he heard the breath that always meant she'd continue. "I don't... know how to dance."

He blinked.

And blinked again.

And he laughed, a sharp bark of a sound he'd picked up from the humans and their endearing little noises. "That's what's got you so worked up, darling?" He asked, and it was levity and jest. "Come now," and the smile was still in his voice "I'll show you."

It was her turn to laugh and shove at his wing as he beckoned her to her feet. "You? You know how to dance? Come off it." He was already leading them back within earshot of the music, the beat drumming in his heart.

"Please. Once settled, you little things love to make music. What else is there to do about it?" A brush of his wing, and the sand was flat, a stage perfect for a demonstration. His strides fell in time with the song.

Drink forgotten on the same rock he'd found her by, his newfound partner in dance set her hands on her hips, visibly fighting the smile that played on her lips. "You're going to look ridiculous." He was swaying now, a soft rhythm wreathed by his airy laughter.

It was no official or cultural thing, but he found a pattern to his steps and settled into it, moving in time to the music and flourishing around her as she turned to look, light in her eyes and nose wrinkled with the fight against joy. "That's the point, dear!" He swept around her until they were even again, her feet tapping to the rhythm he set. "Follow me, now. Put your appearance out of your mind, and revel in how it feels." They were steps away from the tent, now. She was distracted, mirroring his movements and laughing at the bob and sway of a head far too big for such a long neck.

He whistled with the tune, and caught eyes looking at them. Someone he recognized. She was too distracted to notice that one. The tiniest movement beckoned him over, and like a puzzle, they collided, falling into step almost automatically. They caught each other's eyes, and if he weren't fading himself into the background, he would have chuckled at the horribly smitten gleam between the two.

And they were back in the tent.

The night was quiet, and he took a breath of it to cool his own mirth.

He was alone again, but with a glance to the covered plateau shining with light and laughter, he decided couldn't feel too bad about it.

He knew in his heart he'd outgrown the place. That him being around for too long would breed dependency. They would have to grow on their own, and he knew this and it hurt like fire in his veins and ice in his throat. he couldn't stay, and he knew it. He knew, and it still hurt like a knife in his side.

His smile faded with a breath that misted softly in the cooling desert air, pluming white to coil and writhe against the faint moonlight.

He left that night, followed by wind that sounded like joy and joke, with light at his tail, and a voice he pretended not to hear calling after him. They didn't like it when he stayed for long. They would grow, and spread, and they would not need or want him, only another to tolerate as they soured. They didn't need him, and one day, he somehow doubted that they'd want him. He was not one of them, and he knew this in both heart and mind, even as it poisoned him with a sound he ignored as he did the biting of worry that seemed to live with him these days.

But he was not theirs. And they were not his. So he left, and put his nose to the wind, flight set for the horizon and the knowledge that there would be more to know. More to show the beauty of the world they had been abandoned in. To help as he could, and leave before they turned the sharpness they'd had for the world onto him.

It would never get easier. He knew it wouldn't.

To some extent, he was glad it didn't. Glad that the connections he'd made and the knowledge he'd found still wound around his heart. That it was not cold to others as he worried it might become. That each voice scarred and stayed. That they colored his gaze.

For hope's purposes, it wasn't a bad deal.

Ough. that got. So out of hand.

I thought it was gonna be like. 100-150 words. Not. That. But uh yeah read if you want I don't care either way really mostly just a thought experiment this is probably not canon
It was a cool, calm night when the shuffling form he knew my sound and sight slipped out from the broad tent, dissolving into the darkness to all but his eyes, keen as they were. Were it a different time—a different place—he may have left them to their own devices, but there was mirth in the air, and what they brought with them was sour with something unsaid.

He stood. A slow, quiet affair that cluttered the neat divot he'd been using as a nest for the night. Rocks, dead trees, and even whole tents were stepped over as he rose, wings and tail clacking softly as he drew himself to his... not quite full height, but comfortable enough. Talons longer than most humans' forearms sunk into loose sand as he walked, carefully—ever carefully—toward the figure slumped against a wooden spar of their makeshift camp.

"If I didn't know better," he started as he drew, voice light on the wind and carrying only the weakest of the low rumble that carried so far, "I would think you were fleeing the celebration." He couldn't smell very well—at all, he would say—but the space between them tasted rancid, like fruit left out too long. Alcohol, he assumed. As far as he remembered, this one favored the sort. Anything to take a breath of relaxation.

"Then you obviously don't," came the sour reply, and his eyes caught on the beaded necklace draped across their neck. Her, then. "'Cause that's what 'm doin." The cup in her hand swirled with color. Magenta and a shimmering, oily green.

His neck was more than long enough to loop down and cut her off as she made to keep walking, even with her sturdy boots sliding in the sand. "Never knew you to miss a party," he continued, head turned slightly sideways to regard her. "Especially not one with good drink." She scowled. "Not good, then?"

"The drink's fine," she assuaged, always one to defend her own work. Which the drinks most definitely were.

He loosened the barrier he'd made, giving her space back and settling to sit on his claws when she didn't appear as though she was going to run off into the night. "Company, then?" And she flushed, brighter so when he chortled a bird's laugh at her.

"Company's... great."

"Then?" A rock clattered harmlessly off his crest, and she scuffed her boot in the sand, a mumbled "nothing" making him wish for the ability to roll his eyes just this once. "It's either you tell me what's biting your tail, or I'll be the one to do it." His teeth closed just over her head, a soft nip that was as much jest as the hand that pushed his head away from her hair.

"You wouldn't get it," and there was a smile taunting her lips and a warm tilt to her voice.

A snort, amused even if somewhat offended. "Try, at least. I've been—"

"Been talking to humans longer than we've been here. We know, old man." Another pebble skipped off his snout. "It's just..." She hesitated, but he heard the breath that always meant she'd continue. "I don't... know how to dance."

He blinked.

And blinked again.

And he laughed, a sharp bark of a sound he'd picked up from the humans and their endearing little noises. "That's what's got you so worked up, darling?" He asked, and it was levity and jest. "Come now," and the smile was still in his voice "I'll show you."

It was her turn to laugh and shove at his wing as he beckoned her to her feet. "You? You know how to dance? Come off it." He was already leading them back within earshot of the music, the beat drumming in his heart.

"Please. Once settled, you little things love to make music. What else is there to do about it?" A brush of his wing, and the sand was flat, a stage perfect for a demonstration. His strides fell in time with the song.

Drink forgotten on the same rock he'd found her by, his newfound partner in dance set her hands on her hips, visibly fighting the smile that played on her lips. "You're going to look ridiculous." He was swaying now, a soft rhythm wreathed by his airy laughter.

It was no official or cultural thing, but he found a pattern to his steps and settled into it, moving in time to the music and flourishing around her as she turned to look, light in her eyes and nose wrinkled with the fight against joy. "That's the point, dear!" He swept around her until they were even again, her feet tapping to the rhythm he set. "Follow me, now. Put your appearance out of your mind, and revel in how it feels." They were steps away from the tent, now. She was distracted, mirroring his movements and laughing at the bob and sway of a head far too big for such a long neck.

He whistled with the tune, and caught eyes looking at them. Someone he recognized. She was too distracted to notice that one. The tiniest movement beckoned him over, and like a puzzle, they collided, falling into step almost automatically. They caught each other's eyes, and if he weren't fading himself into the background, he would have chuckled at the horribly smitten gleam between the two.

And they were back in the tent.

The night was quiet, and he took a breath of it to cool his own mirth.

He was alone again, but with a glance to the covered plateau shining with light and laughter, he decided couldn't feel too bad about it.

He knew in his heart he'd outgrown the place. That him being around for too long would breed dependency. They would have to grow on their own, and he knew this and it hurt like fire in his veins and ice in his throat. he couldn't stay, and he knew it. He knew, and it still hurt like a knife in his side.

His smile faded with a breath that misted softly in the cooling desert air, pluming white to coil and writhe against the faint moonlight.

He left that night, followed by wind that sounded like joy and joke, with light at his tail, and a voice he pretended not to hear calling after him. They didn't like it when he stayed for long. They would grow, and spread, and they would not need or want him, only another to tolerate as they soured. They didn't need him, and one day, he somehow doubted that they'd want him. He was not one of them, and he knew this in both heart and mind, even as it poisoned him with a sound he ignored as he did the biting of worry that seemed to live with him these days.

But he was not theirs. And they were not his. So he left, and put his nose to the wind, flight set for the horizon and the knowledge that there would be more to know. More to show the beauty of the world they had been abandoned in. To help as he could, and leave before they turned the sharpness they'd had for the world onto him.

It would never get easier. He knew it wouldn't.

To some extent, he was glad it didn't. Glad that the connections he'd made and the knowledge he'd found still wound around his heart. That it was not cold to others as he worried it might become. That each voice scarred and stayed. That they colored his gaze.

For hope's purposes, it wasn't a bad deal.

Ough. that got. So out of hand.

I thought it was gonna be like. 100-150 words. Not. That. But uh yeah read if you want I don't care either way really mostly just a thought experiment this is probably not canon
What the fudge man 😭😭 That was bittersweet as hell. I hope they find Arii now
Just checking out some music and thought why not post it?

Shrine Battle Theme:

Fangmon Chase Theme:

And just for kicks, this was obviously blaring at the World Tournament:
I just realized if we finish today guys we can proceed tomorrow to the next scene, I'm guessing?

That is true if all post are up today i can post if not you will all suffer until wednesday XD.

I did not forget to reply no I did not

Aaaaaaah. Huh.

I will probably never actually use this xD rn in my brain Jet is basically just. Armor-evolved champion because my brain is too smooth for mechanics, and by the time I remember X-antibody is actually a thing, it will probably be months after the fact

Sure uhuh XD. Well just remember your champion jet can in fact go toe to toe with a ultimate and spar somewhat with a mega lol.

Also, the wiki says nonnatural X-antibody digimon have to restore their X-antibody supply. If they lose their supply of X-antibody do they change back to non X-antibody form. Are they just in a constant state of transformation

Technical in this situation all X-antibody digimon, and those inflicted are of natural sitaution so you dont have to worry about that XD.

Also I need Mei and Arii to get into a Texas Holdem (type of poker) tournament and just. Get stuck at a draw forever


Just checking out some music and thought why not post it?

Shrine Battle Theme:

Fangmon Chase Theme:

And just for kicks, this was obviously blaring at the World Tournament:

Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu Mirai-chan Mirai-chan Hey guys you have till Wednesday to post just as a heads up. After this cycle to get use into a better cycle of posting like what we started with until the site repair next week when I post I will be needing everyone to post by Saturday that week or you will get skipped only so we can get this situated back into a better cycle as i think Wednesday is not working like Saturday was. If you can't post till Saturday this time dont worry it will not gain you a strike as this is more adjustment move to get use back on the more favorable posting day for me to start the next round.

Anorgos Anorgos galvanismgal galvanismgal ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Scatterbrain Scatterbrain Twist Twist Pumpkid Pumpkid
tbh I think I still have the promo card from when the first digimon movie was in theaters...other than the tri I havent seen any other digimon movies but I don't know if im missing anything.
I'm going to make a post on Monday, The Weekend is being a big Headache due to issues going on in IRL, So it's going to be a bit.
tbh I think I still have the promo card from when the first digimon movie was in theaters...other than the tri I havent seen any other digimon movies but I don't know if im missing anything.
Didn't they include some kind of promo for Angela Anaconda of all things to the movie?
Didn't they include some kind of promo for Angela Anaconda of all things to the movie?
yes it was wild times back then, but i also stand corrected that the movie I saw was apprently the second one called our war game that had the s1 kids.

edit: wait it looks like the usa version was a combo of films spliced together so maybe i just blocked the angela anaconda promo from my mind.
Last edited:
I just realized that just like how I am IRl, I've been keeping Danny on the sidelines and waiting for someone to interact without ever even considering the possibility of him starting the conversation or approaching someone. Yes, I'm a diagnosed autistic, why do you ask?
I just realized that just like how I am IRl, I've been keeping Danny on the sidelines and waiting for someone to interact without ever even considering the possibility of him starting the conversation or approaching someone. Yes, I'm a diagnosed autistic, why do you ask?
I don't know if this helps at all but feel free / let me know if you want to interact with Mei at all. If you want a scene set up or a more specific call and response senerio feel free to reach out to me here or in private messeges (or to just tone her down a bit since depending on whats going on she can be ....a lot). I've been enjoying what you have been writting in your post so i'm glad we are on metal seadramon together.
I don't know if this helps at all but feel free / let me know if you want to interact with Mei at all. If you want a scene set up or a more specific call and response senerio feel free to reach out to me here or in private messeges (or to just tone her down a bit since depending on whats going on she can be ....a lot). I've been enjoying what you have been writting in your post so i'm glad we are on metal seadramon together.
I'd be more than happy to interact with Mei
I just realized that just like how I am IRl, I've been keeping Danny on the sidelines and waiting for someone to interact without ever even considering the possibility of him starting the conversation or approaching someone. Yes, I'm a diagnosed autistic, why do you ask?
I knew I should have picked Danny for Ruth to interact with xD I was gonna but Arii was injured bad so she wanted to be useful atm. And technically Ruth is currently talking to everyone so I'm open if you want to interact too. Curious how Mei and Danny will get along. They seem like opposites.
Update! Almost Done Typing the Post
Sorry life is being a butt :[, but also, Yay! Can't wait to read some Leo posts 8D

Guys! I just had this crazy awesome digimon dream regarding s1 cast. It was like a darker version and I wanted to see more. The gang are teens in this and have entered the digital world but it's all creepy because it's some sort of Dreamworld meets saw type of suspenseful show. Duuuude they killed Palmon. Turned it into data. Like straight up slit their throat in front of the Digi destined. This makes me want to do a digimon semi dark horror RP now
I knew I should have picked Danny for Ruth to interact with xD I was gonna but Arii was injured bad so she wanted to be useful atm. And technically Ruth is currently talking to everyone so I'm open if you want to interact too. Curious how Mei and Danny will get along. They seem like opposites.

Sorry life is being a butt :[, but also, Yay! Can't wait to read some Leo posts 8D

Guys! I just had this crazy awesome digimon dream regarding s1 cast. It was like a darker version and I wanted to see more. The gang are teens in this and have entered the digital world but it's all creepy because it's some sort of Dreamworld meets saw type of suspenseful show. Duuuude they killed Palmon. Turned it into data. Like straight up slit their throat in front of the Digi destined. This makes me want to do a digimon semi dark horror RP now
honestly we are like 1/2 a year from a netflix live action digimon show like this just like they did with all the archie comic like sabrina. One of the digimon will say the f word like every other sentence because its not for kids.
Guys! I just had this crazy awesome digimon dream regarding s1 cast. It was like a darker version and I wanted to see more. The gang are teens in this and have entered the digital world but it's all creepy because it's some sort of Dreamworld meets saw type of suspenseful show. Duuuude they killed Palmon. Turned it into data. Like straight up slit their throat in front of the Digi destined. This makes me want to do a digimon semi dark horror RP now
:xFeek: You sure that was a dream and not a nightmare? And did you eat some cheese before bed by any chance? :xFwink:
Ya know I actually did lmao 😂
Weird dreams and cheese go hand in hand for whatever reason.
honestly we are like 1/2 a year from a netflix live action digimon show like this just like they did with all the archie comic like sabrina. One of the digimon will say the f word like every other sentence because its not for kids.
And they will introduce #$@!%mon who digivolves into Mega#$@!%mon amongst others.
Weird dreams and cheese go hand in hand for whatever reason.

And they will introduce #$@!%mon who digivolves into Mega#$@!%mon amongst others.
So I've heard. And I love cheese so I might try again. The villain was like a variant of Piedmon

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