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Fandom The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale(OOC)

Alright lets be honest who expected Arii to get kidnapped right out the door XD

  • Honestly I am surprised it didnt happen in the first post.

  • Well shiitake mushrooms


  • ... I feel nothing, and that scares me XD

  • o3o Azure the moment you accepted them we knew we would be disappointed if you didn't.

  • All according to plan....

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Uuuuhhh. Marcus 😒
Thought tbf I haven't seen it in a while so maybe it ain't all bad
Oi! Oi! Leave my baby alone. I personally like that one and had me interested. It's not for everyone as it was supposed to attract an older audience. I like that emotions were the major issue here.
Uuuuhhh. Marcus 😒
Thought tbf I haven't seen it in a while so maybe it ain't all bad
The recycled partners were also not great. Agumon with bands, totally not Gabumon and totally not Palmon. Definitely the weakest of the series.

I love pteranomon Vs pteranomon x-antibody

Because I'm ngl one of the only reasons I went with X antibody is because X antibody version of pteranomon is so much cooler. Like I legit don't know what the X-antibody does

Like. This looks like something I would draw when I was younger and/or without references as to what jets look like
View attachment 1154966

and this looks like something I would draw now/with references

View attachment 1154968

Basically X-Anitbody is a compound created to counter the x cells virus. It was a unnatural occurence literally reshaping certain digimon. The most intense thing about it is the power it gives them. Its like the Digi Egg of Miracles where the title says champion but that mofo can punch out a ultimate and a mega. It a extreme power boost that breaks the power system. Problem is it also breaks the system of normality digimon infected by the X-Antibody suffer from the physical adjustment.

Lol smart. I do the same. I ain't trying to get anxiety.

Also posted! Enjoy the long shit post xD

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream TYSM for all the nice words. Sorry I didn't reply back. Too much to respond. But I mean I hope Ruth at least finds a companion aside from Impmon xD in terms of ship

So what's up with Raven? I feel like they're the mysterious of all

No props you all earned it x3.

it could be worse, someone could grab them and throw them off. you know just renact the lion king a bit

Leomon: "ITS THE CIRCLE OF LIFFFFEEEEE OH GAWD *gets thrown off the train*

meiby lol but in the future who knows?

.... 030 *rolls up a newspaper*

Wow, two pages worth of comments in the ooc and Rpnation notified me of none of them


Uuuuhhh. Marcus 😒
Thought tbf I haven't seen it in a while so maybe it ain't all bad

Agreed i actually dislike Data Squad only because of marcus the rest of the cast is good though.

Oi! Oi! Leave my baby alone. I personally like that one and had me interested. It's not for everyone as it was supposed to attract an older audience. I like that emotions were the major issue here.

Nuh he sucks I stand on this hill to die o3o with that said I did like Data Squad
Basically X-Anitbody is a compound created to counter the x cells virus. It was a unnatural occurence literally reshaping certain digimon. The most intense thing about it is the power it gives them. Its like the Digi Egg of Miracles where the title says champion but that mofo can punch out a ultimate and a mega. It a extreme power boost that breaks the power system. Problem is it also breaks the system of normality digimon infected by the X-Antibody suffer from the physical adjustment.

No props you all earned it x3.

Leomon: "ITS THE CIRCLE OF LIFFFFEEEEE OH GAWD *gets thrown off the train*

.... 030 *rolls up a newspaper*


Agreed i actually dislike Data Squad only because of marcus the rest of the cast is good though.

Nuh he sucks I stand on this hill to die o3o with that said I did like Data Squad

The recycled partners were also not great. Agumon with bands, totally not Gabumon and totally not Palmon. Definitely the weakest of the series.
*Gasp* I cannot believe what I am hearing! Looks like I gotta beat ya all cause I reject your rejection. *Rolls up sleeves*

Nah, Valid. I know it didn't do good and I can agree when I first started that I was disappointed. They didn't give the guy goggles, and he was too intense. Like punching a digimon? That threw me off. Was incredibly disappointed that they had an Agumon. I wanted to see a different dino for them. Not to mention their evolution is essentially a rip off of the original just slimer and taller? Anyway it grew on me cause it helped my insomnia at the time. Plus, I like aggressive people xD
Say the rest of its good though I wont deny that but Marcus truly is a wrench in the cogs protag.
The recycled partners were also not great. Agumon with bands, totally not Gabumon and totally not Palmon. Definitely the weakest of the series.
Unfortunately i reject this statement but because i am a simp when it comes to anything lillimon related even if a clone XD
Woo! Very excited! 8D

ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon I just realized something. Have you seen Digimon savers or Digimon Data Squad? I feel you might like it since the MC essentially just picks a fight with every digimon and punches it every time
I haven't xD

I stopped watching after the 90s anime 'cause they stopped putting the fear of mortality in these children
Also love everyone like "Arii's limp! They gave up!" and Arii's over here using their body as a bolas
I just realized if we finish today guys we can proceed tomorrow to the next scene, I'm guessing?
Now that it seems we are entering a bit of combat did anyone have any sort of battle or character theme picked out for their character?
Now that it seems we are entering a bit of combat did anyone have any sort of battle or character theme picked out for their character?
I don't have a plan but judging by Impmon's moves he has fire and ice and teleportation powers. There is even one where he can allure an enemy to death and releases a cloud of darkness that stuns the enemy
Mei beloved

Obsessed with the fact that it didn't occur to her that if she caught someone with a noose, their neck would snap
I don't have a plan but judging by Impmon's moves he has fire and ice and teleportation powers. There is even one where he can allure an enemy to death and releases a cloud of darkness that stuns the enemy
I do wonder how it will work with some of the digimon with a lot of things/flavor text vs some where its like only one attack listed
to digi prison because its a crime to be as hot as she is
mei "generic ass normal looking person" moore: I am so pretty
black gabumon: you really are
😂😂 Ah yes the self obsessed. Slay queen~

Punk Ruth: *leans in to whisper* I can make you look prettier~ How do you like the color red? *Pops knuckles*

Impmon: No, no. Bad. *Drags her away*

Sorry I had to but I really would like to see Mei trying to stunn on us peasants 😭

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