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Futuristic Zombie Apocalypse

Henry and johnny began to talk in moaning and groaning, and then went back to the ambulance to lay the two girls in the ambulance bed. they cared enough to keep them alive, and henry somewhat liked Skyler. johnny took an interest in majia, like in wanting to know what she is capable of. @aja maji @Aryn Harris
majia moaned and stretched her arms out to come in contact with Skyler. she looked up to realize she was in a ambulance. she questioned her surroundings to see the zombies before her. majia didn't react right off the bat, after all she wandered off to see on up close in the first place. she looked around,needing a diversion and an escape rout.
Skyler sighs softly and grips her side. The pain had ebbed a little bit because of the medication. She glances at Majia and places a gentle hand on her shoulder.
majia glances over to the female next to her, her eyes filled with question and fear, she glances back and forht between the monsters and the person
An undead pack of wolves howl, but henry screamed as he beats his back. Johnny pried a piece of I-beam from his back to use as a bat. the wolves show, and henry growled.
majia retreated father back into the ambulance. she felt trapped,and was to week to run even if she had a chance to escape

Squinting at the figure next to the setting sun that had called to him and Blue, he couldn't identify his face. Trax wasn't even sure if it was a "he" or a "she". he played the voice back in his mind for a several moments, staring in silence trying to identify it. he couldn't identify it, another failed perception check, he thought to himself. After a good five seconds of awkward staring at this figure armed with some sort of big stick, he yelled back in the most rugged voice that he could muster, "Greetings fellow adventurer! How are you on a fine day like today!?"

@VeeTheAbnormalOreo @Silent Karasu

((Sorry for dying, very busy lately, hopefully I'll be back in full swing by the weekend))

Jake look at the two people that he shared the clearing with. One was a woman with a white hoodie and the other was a somewhat short man with a surprisingly rough voice... Forced maybe? It didn't matter either way. "I'm doing as well as you could expect with the lovely community of the neighborhood!" With that Jake made his way towards the two figures somewhat slowly so he did't alarm them.
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Dillon smiled at the figure approaching them, she figured he would be a very friendly person, she already trusted him.... So far.
Trax wasn't one to trust someone just because they are kind at first, but at the same time, he knew for a fact that there were still nice people in this world that deserved a chance to prove themselves. A bigger group is a stonger group, no question about that. With that, he placed a hand on the sling that was hanging from his belt, which without a rock or lead bearing in it was a glorified leather strip. He shot the stranger a genuine grin and said in the same gruff voice that he attempted earlier, "Hello stranger, where're you headed'?"

Jake slid his baseball bat into the bag on his back. He was rather surprised that they were being civil. After all that's happened civil appearances either meant they were good people or it was a trick. Jake slowly gripped his revolver, ready for something to happen. He meant no ill will, it was just a precaution. "I'm not really heading anywhere, just looking for supplies. What are you looking for?"
Trax raised an eyebrow sarcastically as if to ask, "Really?" And went on to say, "Water, we're a bit low at the moment. A tent or a bike wouldn't hurt, but our water stores are more of a concern." Trax glanced at the stranger slowly gripping his weapon. Trax nudged Dillon with his shoulder and whispered, "Blue..." As he attempted to direct attention to the newcomer's weapon with his gaze.
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Dillon looked at Trac then back over at Jake, he seemed to have his hand on his revolver, "Got it." She whispered back as she placed a hand on a knife, ready to throw. If it came to that she knew she would have to, no question about it.
Skyler grips her side and leans against the side of the ambulance. "We should really leave. We're sitting ducks here. We have to move." She says, and ignores the howling and the pain as she jumps out of the ambulance.
The girl hadn't reached for anything until he had grabbed his revolver so she was probably fine. And while the guy had reached for something if he was hostile then the girl would probably be dead so they should be okay. And if they're working together he was screwed anyway. With a small laugh Jake let go of his gun.
majia screamed trying to get free,she was terrified not sure what was happening.

After a few moments of awkward silence following the stranger releasing his weapon Ajax spoke in his normal voice, comforted slightly by the fact that the stranger wasn't crazy enough to attack Blue outright, "Your name, what's your name stranger?" This is weird, I really don't like this. Why can't things be simple again?

Dillon let go of her knife just as the stranger did. She stood her ground, waiting for him to answer Trac's question.
Skyler groans softly as her wound is jostled, but quickly gets a hole of herself. "Calm down." She says to Majia. "You're going to draw attention to us. These guys are good." She says as sincerely as she can.
the girl was crazy was majia's thought of her. she did take noticed to the girl's warning and calmed down.
Going off the little fact he wasn't dead, these people had to okay. Putting his hands behind his head and giving a slight smile he answered the man's question. "I'm Jake, who are you?"

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