zombie apocalypse

Lin came back with some pieces of beef jerky. He saw Sarah walk into one of the rooms, and he followed, stopping at the doorway. "I got some Jerky, if you want it."
DarkWolf13 said:
Lin came back with some pieces of beef jerky. He saw Sarah walk into one of the rooms, and he followed, stopping at the doorway. "I got some Jerky, if you want it."
I looked back and saw lin standing in the doorway with some meat in his hands. "Thanks." I took it from him and ate it.
Lin nodded. "You're welcome." He stepped out and went into his room, flopping onto the bed to stare at the ceiling.
Why are these people so kind? I thought to myself. I explored my room. It had a bookshelf, brimming with story's, an encyclopedia, and a dictionary. I picked out a book titled Dragon Slippers.
There's some infected outside. they aren't doing much but i still want some backup incase they get intruiged. it was your turn on watch anyway.
*waking up* what is that noise *he thought* hearing a noise outside his door *getting up* opening the door to his room *eyes widen OoO* 
*closes door and runs upstairs* we have a breach in the building *saying it in the a loud voice but not shouting*
I looked up from my book, eyes wide. Man, just as I got to rest my poor feet, I thought as I ran downstairs to help, my daggers and bow already out and ready to defend the base
issler gets out his knife and axe. "they weren't that close at all. damn the infected" he whispers. he also straps his bow onto his back
"But what though. this is important, if we don't find out what it we might not be able to handle all the infected."
I rummaged around in my backpack, and pulled out my wire. "I doubt this will do much, but it is all I have to offer. Do any of you have a board or something?"
lets use some of those old chairs in the corner over there and somebody clear out the infected especialy the one in my room:mad:
"Wait, there is an infected in your room?" I asked, running to his room to go take care of the pest. I opened the door, and it was immediately on me. Before it scratched or bit me, I stabbed it, and it collapsed, falling to the ground moaning
Ill go, ive got a lot of combat experence. when he gets to the front room an infected lunges at him. he ducks before ramming the axe through the infecteds skull and into its brain and stabbing it with the knife through the neck

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