zombie apocalypse

Lin came back down, wearing an umbrella hat (don't ask). "What are you talking about?" He stepped back out, and saw the the girl laying in the mud. She was hard to spot with all the pouring rain and the darkness. "Oh." Lin's eyes widened. He ran outside, and approached the girl carefully.
Lin frowned and picked up a stick. Poking her with it, he said "No snarling. It's too dark to tell if she has any injuries though." He stepped closer, suddenly serious. "What's your call?"
He glanced at Alex, eyebrow raised. "What? I only knocked you out. Snake was the one who tied you up." He picked up the girl, surprised by how light she was.
I coughed, and tried to stand up, as I regained conciusness. I felt scratchy ropes binding me to a chair. My eyes popped open, and I saw two boys talking a little ways away. I tried to stay silent, as I maneuvered my hands into a position to grab my dagger. I winced as the leg of the chair tapped on the hard wood floor
Lin glances over. "I say she's fine, there's no appearance of injury." He shrugs. "But oh well, interrogate her if you must."
Minigunmad said:
Well she's awake now. now who are you and are you infected
"Uh, I'm obviously NOT infected, as you can see, and im Sarah. Sarah Wripple. You?" I asked, just as another boy walked in
Lin sighed. "Snake, I don't think that she is dangerous." He walked over and gently took her dagger and used it to cut the ropes.

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