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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse

Tori's head perked up whens he heard someone enter the kitchen and before she could question who it was the smart comment filled the air. She smirked but managed to put a fake scowl on her face as she looked round at the man "I do not burn food" she stated simply and narrowed her eyes at Austin and then turned back to the porridge and gave it a stir. It did smell pretty good and her stomach rumbled. Tori ran a hand over her face tiredly and leaned against a counter beside the cooker so she could keep an eye on the food. "My food always tastes good smartass if it doesn't meet your standard then don't eat it. problem solved grumpy" Tori chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest "Take it you are feeling better then?"

Holliday titled his hat down to hide his eyes, and a cheshire smile adorned his face. He spread his arms out wide presenting himself and a gave the slightest bow. The he looked each and every person in the eye until finally arriving at Jennifer. It was at that moment his expression soured just a little. "Who the hell do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do. I don't care IF I die, I care how I die. When it does happen, and with people like me it always does, I want to be standing on my own to feet and not rotting away here.

Holliday titled his hat down to hide his eyes, and a Cheshire smile adorned his face. He spread his arms out wide presenting himself and gave them the slightest bow. The he looked each and every person in the eye until finally arriving at Jennifer. It was at that moment his expression soured just a little. "Who the hell do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do? I don't care IF I die, I care how I die. When it does happen, and with people like me it always does, I want to be standing on my own two feet and not rotting away here. Even the way I am now, I’m still better than the whole lot of you. So what if it flared yesterday, it only happens once or twice a week at best.”

His head craned and he scanned everyone who had come out into the yard. Holliday looked down and shook his head. “Yeah I get it, I make the decisions you guys can’t make. But all that means is you’re beholding to me, not the other way around. I can do as I wish, that’s that. I’m going today; the weather is nice so it would be a shame not too.” He slowly climbed back into the Razer and turned his attention towards Patch at Miyuki’s mention of his name.

“Listen up boy, you try anything and Ill hunt you down and gut you alive. Everyone, keep your eyes on him. I still don’t trust you and have half a mind to gun you down right now.”

When Austin offered to go without knowing what was going on, Holliday rolled his eyes. “Look,” he said to the man who’d given him so much trouble in the past. If he had to travel alone with him Holliday would likely go insane and shoot himself. “There is this thing called an empty gesture. My asking if someone wanted to come along was one. Just run along. Stay careful, guys.” With that, Holliday through his seatbelt on and slowly pulled out of the yard.
Jennifer scoffed at Holliday's response. Was he really this self centered that he cared about himself over the rest of the group? Sure, Jennifer was a complete jerk and bitch at times, but she cared about everyone else's well being. Holliday's response showed he was putting himself before the others.

"Jesus Christ, are you kidding me," Jennifer started, her annoyance elevating. "This isn't about just you or what you only care about. This is us as a group. We rely on one another for everything, but we certainly rely on you for the hard decisions we can't make. You make the ones that no one else wants to. Sure, you're free to do as you want. But you can't just be so selfish to put yourself in danger and not consider how much we need you back here. Yes, we look up to you. So what's the problem with that?"

The girl had finally put her knife and the rabbits down and turned to face Holliday and the others. She was upset at how Holliday would insinuate that this was about how he dies and nothing else. She called herself for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

"I'm going to die one day. And a good bet would be on me running out of pills or running into my donor heart's expiration date. I don't care how I die. What matters to me is that I did everything I can to make sure you, Austin, Mikyuki, Tori, Nikole, Tif, the babies, all of us, are alive and surviving. It's not about me, Holliday. It's about us as a group, each other. As long as I do everything in my power to keep you guys safe, I don't care how I die. I put you guys before myself. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't put yourself before us, caring about how you die. Instead, you should be looking out for the well being of us all as a group. We need you here, and we can't let you die. Are you really that selfish that you only care about how you die as opposed to keeping us safe and surviving a little longer?"

Jennifer returned to her rabbit, preparing it for everyone. She forgot how hungry she was this morning. She hoped Holliday would understand what she was saying, as would the rest of the group. For once, she was able to calm herself down, as opposed to getting loud and yelling and getting nowhere. She knew she had to go about this calmly, even if it were out of character for her at this point in her life.

@Tombstone @KathleneWilliams2121 @Dibbydoo @Crono

Things slowly started to clear up. His mind was blank. How did he get here again? Patch just woke up, blinking as he pulled his head up, his eyesight was blurry,his lips felt leathery. He poked his tongue out as he licked his hair. Pulling up his arms. He pulled the hair from his face and tried to focus. He couldn't. He rubbed his eyes and opened them wide for a second, them slowly focusing. He could hear the people talking, holiday stood out the most. Wow, he sounded more jerky than beef. He looked over at Jennifer as she spoke, she made a lot of good points. Crossing his arms, he leaned back. He was surprised that he wasn't tied right back up when he slept. Did they trust him better now?chances are they probably didn't, and just couldn't be bothered tieing him back up or from the looks of it too busy arguing. Softly under his breath he groaned. He raised his eyebrows after holidays comments. He only cared how he died? Patch didn't know he was that selfish. He knew he was probably a little, but that was really selfish.

No one had come forward for patch, no one had attacked them. Nothing happened. Patch was most likely telling the truth . He hadn't tried anything dumb or stupid, or tried to hurt anyone, he was just being a flirt. When holiday spoke to patch, Patch narrowed his eyes. " Heard that plenty of times out of your mouth cowboy." He frowned, he was getting tired of this. Slowly, he leaned back and sighed gently. Jeez, people can be asses. He let out a soft sigh as he looked around, scanning everyone's face. He let out a soft sigh.

@Tombstone @KathleneWilliams2121 @Crono @Jennifer Shotain


Nikole was in her room, working on her wounds. She wanted to get better. And she is gonna force herself to do that, even if it meant trying to push out everything she THOGUH that was negative. She was cleaning her wounds off with some antiseptic, getting rid of infection. She had thrown out her old bandages. She finished with her right arm, wrapping them well with a bandage that was clean and tight. Soon she took off her dirty blouse, cleaning her self off with a red rag and soap, cleaning the wounds too. She dried the wounds, and put a few gauze pads where the biggest ones were. She did the same things for her other arm and stomach. Soon she was fully clean. She put on a new bra she had found that was just a size bigger than her, and wore a shirt, slipping over a jumper to keep her warm. She loved to a mirror, and strep at it. It was her first time in ages. Very slowly, she took her lip peircing out and began to clean her lip and the peircing off, putting it back . She cleaned off her neck too, but didn't put any bandages, they were fine. She grabbed the slightly dirty rag and cleaned off her face. She wale,d to the bushes she was using, the water was fine, but not good to drink. So she dunked her hair in it, washing it. After she washed the blood out , she combed it out with a broken comb she had found that managed to work fine. And cut her hair a little shorter. Nikole was now groomed, and felt better. She left her room, and went to the kitchen, where she knew Tori would be.

She slipped into the kitchen and looked at the two. Austin and tori. She knew tori would be here but had no idea about Austin. She mentally shrugged it off and walked to tori, silently, her voice slipped. " Do you need help..?" She asked. Her voice was only a little shaky. But was scratchy. She was getting nervous now, and her fingers played with each other. Nikole s,let like nothing, she didn't smell like blood any more. She saw moving figures in the corner of her eye which made her flinch, but she stayed focus, waiting for an answer.

@Lola Shimmer @Crono
Tammy listened to what Holliday had to say, rather than going against his wishes she decided to let him be. She wasnt going to try and changed his mind like Jenn would. Or even try to change the option to travel with him. Tammy glanced back for a moment she hadnt seen Tiffany or Nikole in a while since the night before. Tammy judged the meat that was going to be breakfast that Jennifer had for the day. The meat was fresh and thats all that mattered to Tammy. She loved hot fresh meat, seasoned the way she loved it to perfection usually thanks to Tori and her incredible cooking skills. Tammy recalled the meat from the deer Miyuki killed the night before. She felt her mouth begin to water, that was going to be an incredible dinner.

Getting her mind off of food, which was usually very hard for her to do. Tammy began to make the day happen. She was still groggy, still hungry of course, which was cliche of her. She moved back into her room, she begun to get dressed in more suitable clothing that would pose of use. her clothing was the same, her favorite winter jacket and snow pants followed by a fitting pair of snow shoes. Under neath she prepared a few layers of clothing to ensure she would not be cold. The weather had a wind chill today so she figured to prepare for it.

she finally made her way back to the kitchen and found her friend Tori. "TORI.....food..." She said pausing between each sentence in her daily winter outfit.

@KathleneWilliams2121 @Lola Shimmer @Dibbydoo @Tombstone @Jennifer Shotain
Tori was humming softy under her breath, the pot next to her on the stove was bubbling away happily and there was the rustling of the people beginning to wake, stir and just the general starting's of the day. It looked like it was brighter than it actually was thanks to the sun reflecting off the soft snow that lay on the ground and shining through the windows the blonde for a moment swore if she closed her eyes she could pretend this was a normal day....in a normal life..where normal things happen. Hell what she wouldn't give for something as mundane as being able to just sit and enjoy a good cup of tea, eugh proper tea not watered down, rationed no sugar no milk tea....she sighed and closed her eyes imagining just that. Tori was soon interrupted in her reverie by a soft voice.

Tori opened her emeralds orbs and cast a look down and to the side toward the girl there...and she blinked in surprise, straightening up her posture whens eh saw how different the girl looked. A soft smile touched the older woman's lips, Nikole was still a long way from healthy but she was certainly seeming to get onto the right path. "Sure you can help...why don't you get some bowls and such out for people to eat off" she suggested. The woman pushed off the counter and turned her attention to the pot on the stove..she stirred it to check the consistency and how close it was to being down. She had just decided that it was indeed ready when Tammy came crashing into the kitchen and an echo of laughter escaped Tori's lips. "Well i

think you might have a physic tummy cause it's just done

@tammynorthland @Dibbydoo
Tammy laughed as she prepared herself the morning breakfast. She remained quiet about the whole issue with Holliday leaving But the issue seemed to reside in her head. She had no say in what would happen. No say in how it would happen. All she knew was that he wasnt going to accept others to travel with him for an answer, Tammy ate quickly. The meal was hot and tasty as it crossed over her lips into her mouth. She smiled almost not even breathing as she was so excited to be eating. She always recalled these meals being so special to her since it very well could be the last.

Tammy recalled something Miyuki brought up early in the morning before Holliday went off on his tangent..... Something about the generator.

"Tori, Miyuki brought up the generator to the house. Something must be up. but of course Holliday wanted to play lone wolf again. none the less we will have to adress that after breakfast. or even now." She said being relatively educated about the situation.

@Lola Shimmer
Austin sat down at the table, "Better than yesterday at least." He could the vehicle that Holliday was in leaving, "That cocky ass attitude of his is going to get himself killed." Turning in the seat he rested his chin onto his hand with the elbow propped on the table, "Or worse, one of us." Fact was Holliday could take care of himself, but everyone had their limits, and anyone can be caught off guard. Just depends on the situation with the severity of the consequences. Austin simply grunted, now thinking exactly what excuse he could give to escape the house. Miyuki had potentially given him one by mentioning the generator, maybe there'd be a part that would need replacing.

Wouldn't that be perfect.

@Lola Shimmer @Dibbydoo @tammynorthland (And anyone else I forgot in the vicinity.)
Miyuki gets up and sighs as she hears Holliday's Razor turn on and starting to leave. "HE just wont stop trying to kill himself will he." She shakes her head as she gets up. Her head felt heavy but then again she was asleep for.....a few minute? UGH. Miyuki, deciding she might as well go have a little breakfast before doing whatever needs to be done, grabs her bow and arrows and walks down into the kitchen. She hears Austin comment about Holliday as she sighs. She knew the reason....or at least thought she knew the reason that he was acting like the way he was, the way he has. Then again, someone needs to slap some sort of sense into him. Walking down into the kitchen, and seeing Tori, Miyuki gulped a little as she sits down at the table, "Morning Austin, Tori." She says as she looks over at the two. Did she pass them before she went up to bed? She didn't remember. Miyuki propped herself up on the table with her arm as she looks over at Austin, "Feeling better? Also is Tiffany up yet or is she still asleep?"

@tammynorthland @Crono @Lola Shimmer
Tammy widened her eyes at the comment that Miyuki made about Holiday, it kind of offended her in a way considering how conservative that Miyuki was with the group. none the less she didnt get to obsessed over the small factor, considering Holliday was already gone it gave her time to consider her options. She just lost the rzr for the mean time so she was on her feet or the jeep which Tiff never used. Or she could use the dodge, which was not fun for her to drive since she wasnt very proficient with a manual transmission, either way she had one thing in mind. What would happen if Long shot never returned....

Tammy jostled her memory Miyuki had something she wanted to tell Tam. although with the sudden rush of events it was proven to be alot harder to get her message across. Before they knew it they were all at the dinner table getting ready for a meal which was very nice for once. Of course Tammy was still hungry, she inconsiderately decided on another bowl to eat of the oat based pourage. Tammy never was a fan of a breakfast unless it contained meat, eggs, and fruit smoothie afterward, but it would do for the mean time. Tammy munched down obnoxiously. between her chewing she asked again. "Miyuki, there was something you were supposed to tell Tori and I."

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Tombstone @Crono @Dibbydoo
As the kitchen started to fill up with people Tori would just grab a bowl and lay it down in front of each person filled to the brim. They needed to have a good breakfast before they started the day..that way it kinda made it a bit easier to get through to dinner since in general they were the two biggest meals of the day the group tended to eat. She glanced over at Tammy when she took another bowl but didn't say anything it still left plenty to go round only time she ever piped up about people taking extra was if it left them short. She didn't put in her two cents about Holiday and whatever actions he was gonna take, the dude did what he wanted, he was a good fighter and good at helping protect them and the kid had put his life on the line more than once for them, however he was also reckless..impulsive and put his life on the line allot when he didn't need to so...she would leave him to it and hope he came back alive and possibly one piece.

She perked up however when she heard something about the generator and sat down with her own bowl..only half filled at the table. "The generator?" she asked and tilted her head to the side "Damn, i can have a look but chances are its been overloaded i mean they are only really for emergencies and we have been using it as a main power source" Tori shrugged "Could be fried..we might have to try and thin of some other way for power..ive been meaning to for a while..but it will mean leaving camp" she stated simply. She hadnt left camp since she got hurt and they arrived here...she was kinda nervous about doing so this place had kind of been a safety bubble...but at the same time it was stifling being stuck in the same place.

@KathleneWilliams2121 @tammynorthland @Crono
Holliday spun the gear shift into reverse and backed up. With a quick flip of the moved the transition into high and gassed it. By backing up he had more than enough room to make a B-line and round Miyuki. "Later Katnip!" He called as he passed by. "Ill be back! Its ME that were talking about!"

With that he tore out of the drive and down the long backcountry street. As time passed the asphalt turned into dirt roads, likewise the dirt road turned into rugged snow covered trails. The air was crisp, and bit at the skin. The trees were barren and void of green, the exception being the conifers. The pines filled the winter air with a glorious sent. It made a man's heart sigh in relief. Occasionally he's hear the chirp of some bird daring enough to brave the harsh season. He at ease in the wild, in his element. So he continued on, following the old water damaged map, listening the natures sounds along with the humming of the razor........
Miyuki looks over at Tammy and Tori. Tammy reminded her of the generator, "Oh ya, the generator is making odd noices and I think smoking or something. It could be like you said, Tori, overloaded, but I'm not really too good with technology so I can't say. If we have to go on a run, I will go. I'm sick of doing nothing around here." she says. She would say more but she kept her mouth shut. "We can also take Holliday's truck" " That should teach Holliday to call me Katnip." She says as she looks over at Tammy, "and I'M driving this time." Miyuki had it with Tammy's driving, three times she drove, and two of those times she faceplanted the seat in front of her and hit her head on the window and the other she fell out of the truck bed. She wasn't going to take any chances on this one.

@tammynorthland @Lola Shimmer @Crono
Tammy glanced over at miyuki from her comment. She gave a small snarl on her face but decided it wouldn't be worth her time. She was still finishing the last bites of her bowl. Food fragments scattered her lips. Rather then being angry she was more happy to have the food in her mouth. She swallowed and spoke. "Don't get that shit stuck then." She planted her bowl onto the table and stood up. Making her way outside toward to the engine that generated their power. She noted to tori at that time. "Better come with. Might need your help too." She said grabbing hydra. She just forgot to grab it from the back where the hallway led down the large manor. The people of the home filled it with life and vibrance. She enjoyed this life. Nothing better than what they all had before which was much much worse. Especially the tiny log cabin. That was a nightmare.

"Let's check it out."

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Dibbydoo @Jennifer Shotain
When Holliday ignored her, Jennifer almost lost it. He was being selfish, and with him possibly dead, this group wouldn't fair as well in some circumstances. They needed someone to call the hard shots. He was the one who did it. Had he die on this mission of his own, Jennifer would be willing to step up to the plate and do what he did. But she would cause far too much bloodshed. Her immediate reaction to a new group of unknowns was kill, kill, kill. There was no middle group. She'd look like a bloody, ruthless leader as opposed to one who would make the best decision for the group.

Jennifer finished cutting the meat up. next was cooking. Not wanting to be by everyone else, she decided to walk back outside, collect some twigs and sticks and start a fire. After searching for awhile, she got what she needed. The outside was cold, but being in nature made her calm down, as she was angry at Holliday. As she finally put everything together, she grabbed her magnesium fire starter kit, and started to use it. When the fire finally lit up, she grabbed a small pan, placed the meat on it, put it over the fire, and began cooking it. It was a slow process, but it cooked the food.

When it was done, she ate the food, put the fire out, and walked inside. She walked into her room, and got out of her winter gear. She lay down on her bed, and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to sleep, or try not to, at least. But she was going to rest until she needed to do something.
Tori had been in the process of filling the sink with some melted snow water to wash their dishes in having finished her own breakfast and she was also trying ti decide whens eh turned into the damn maid..not that she minded to be honest it kept her bust cooking meals and making sure things were clean but still she felt like she had a bit more to offer than dish washer extraordinaire. Oh well. Her head perked up whens he heard Tammy and she looked over her shoulder "Huh? oh right generator" she stated and pulled her hands from the water hastily drying them on a rag, "I can see if we have any blown components and wires and such" she shrugged at that and grabbed her coat shoving it on. She was already walking toward the door, she had hidden her wepaons on her this morning when she got up. It was weird it had kinda become a ritual that was as normal to her as brushing her teeth now. Get up wash, get dressed hide weapons brush teeth cook breakfast. All in a day in the apocalypse. she smirked to herself at that before simply following along after Tammy to see what was going on with their power.

Everyone seemed to feel the need to ask how he was feeling, answering once was good enough for him so Austin ignored any more attempts. However the man smiled inwardly while he silently ate his food and perked up a little when Tori stated they'd need to leave camp, his chance to escape was on the horizon. Though with Miyuki wanting to drive he felt a little dread fill him, letting the spoon slip back into the bowl and stood up, leaning towards the counter and snatching the other mans keys he gave them a little jangle. "How about I drive, that way we don't have to worry about getting killed in the crossfire of you two trying to kill each other." With that he slipped back into his seat to finish his food.

Tammy made her way down to the garage where the spare room was attached to the back that allowed them access the generator room. It originally was a storage room, the space the old owners once used for all their summer and winter toys and equipment was cleared out and only lied some of their rations as well as water containers and gas containers. Tammy sighed opening the door, she really hoped the generator was just out of gas or something similar to it. Anything ele would make it a big bitch to fix and on top of that they didnt know where they could get another generator. Tammy gave away the solar blueprints, so shed had to remember everything else she had written and developed to make the proper plans once again. It wasnt hard but would take time at least a few days to remember everything she wrote down and all the information she incorperated into harnessing sun power for the home. then she would need Tori to help her with the wiring to allow it all to charge the house. She opened the door and made her way with Tori inside.

Tammy glanced at the generator. It was most definitely off, and on top of that there was oil pooled on the ground around it, she was no expert but this definitely could not be good.

"what the fuck happened?" Tammy said to Tori.

@Lola Shimmer
Miyuki huff as she watches Austin grab the keys, "Alright then. If you think you can drive, but you deal with Holliday and stealing his truck." She says as she puts her head back down on the table and watches Tori and Tammy walk out of the room. She saw the look Tammy gave her, she was still hot from what happened the other day. Then again....she did do more than her..... she shakes her head as she looks up at Austin. "Hey Austin, do you think Jen is going to come in at all? She was out there skinning a rabbit and I haven't seen her come in." Miyuki was worried for Jennifer. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her, and she felt that Austin was a lot closer to her now than she was. Besides, she never really talked to him except for that one time when she was on the roof at the mill. She shivers at the thought, to think only a few months ago they just met up at a mill.

Tori was humming softly to herself as she followed after Tammy and she hopped down the steps into the room that the generator lived in. She was in a surprisingly good mood but was blaming it on being in that crazy place between exhaustion and going to where you had been awake so long you were past wanting sleep. As soon as she walked in and seen the pool of liquid below their power source she let out a deep sigh "Well hell" she muttered and walked over crouching down in front of the generator. She dipped her finger in the oil just to confirm that indeed that was what it was...when the texture on her fingers confirmed it to be oil her heart sank alittle.

"Well" Said Tori standing up and getting to her feet again and wiping her hands on her jeans before running fingers through her hair in a stressed manner "What happened is we were using something that was supposed to be temporary and for emergencies power only as our main power source and it's pretty much shat itself" she said simply and gave the generator a quick. She didn't even need to open it to know it was screwed..but she would open it to see if they're was anything they could salvage. "This thing is deader than the corpses we fight off....its done man we are gonna need to find another source... i mean i can try frankensteining it with some other parts but even the chances of getting parts that we need and will work is....well slim" she looked over at the other woman and shrugged her shoulders "I think it might be time to deal with the power issue...we need something a bit more permanent..specially if we are gonna be holding up here...and quite simply i don't see why we should leave...we got it pretty good here."

Tammy watched as she began to observe the situation, her mind shook but her body stayed calm. Kind of like she was trying to keep it professional even though she was ther last thing from that. As Tori spoke she took in all the information. She recalled as this generator was an emergency backup, but due to them using it so much and only really giving it rest at night, it must have caused it to overwork itself. The generator seemed to be a little old and used to begin with, meaning that this event was imminent. The power was out none the less. And even if fixing the issue occurred they would still run out of gas. These were all issues that needed to be addressed. They could always go somewhere and steal a giant clunky generator, but even if they did it would require gas. Tammy knew all the access ports in the town along with Holliday, who could very well be dead by the end of the day, but it was only a matter of time until those are all used up and no longer helpful to them anymore. They would have to go further and further out for gas. Which would get more and more dangerous even though they are more so in the rural parts of the state. Tammy Scanned the solar option again. Even though it was a great idea, axehead had the blueprints and even though she could make them again it might have been better to let them figure it out. Considering the sun wasn't out that much during winter time.

Tammy begun to realize the probabilities of these options being beneficial. Neither one would last in the long run. Now what if they got a generator for the mean time....

"I think I have a plan...." Tammy splurted out

@Lola Shimmer
Tori had been quietly examining the generator while Tammy stood silent, she hadn't interrupted the woman since she seemed to be thinking pretty hard about something. She figured she would leave her to it but upon opening the generator up using her knife it wasn't looking much better. The insides was swimming in oil and even if it hadn't been some of the wire were completely fried. They were lucky that miyuki had found this in the morning if they had left it another night it could have lit them all up..and they last thing they wanted was a massive beacon of warmth to attract the dead or the living they would be deer in headlights and even then that was only if they all made it out alive. Tori shuddered at that and thanked her lucky stars it hadn't happened .

When Tammy finally spoke Tori shoved the generator closed and looked over at her expectantly "Well spill it sister because we are all out of options with this thing" She gave it a kick for good measure too as if to teach it a lesson for running out on them in the first place. "Cause whatever it is we are wasting daylight here"

Tammy glanced around her mind scanned the outside walking a few feet into the open air. There was always a slight breeze and even if there wants she knew the trees always were slowly moving and whatnot. What if they used a power source that was always moving. there was plenty of places to build it she just needed the proper plans to put it all together along with the manpower to get the supplies and help build it. Tammy thought for a moment letting her memory reboot old and newer ideas. She was surprisingly quiet for what felt like a few minutes at least.

"ok what if we built another source of energy. There is always wind blowing around even if its slow it could be enough, if we get everything we would need we could possibly build a windmill to power the house. If we conserve energy like we have been and not pwoer up the whole house it could be more than enough, we only have so much gas which we will have to be using on the cars. Using it on energy will detriment us in the long run. This leads to another point. If its wind power and we hook up the generator to the fuse and power box we could directly run it to the house. this might be our easiest method but its gonna take time. we would have to set out and try and get everything we need as fast as possible. But if possible maybe grab another generator somewhere for the meantime as well. This is our best bet if we are gonna stay here."

Tammy finished the speech she made. If all went to plan she could draw up a needs list to make it happen. This could work, if everyone agreed of course.

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121
Tori blew out a long breath..that seemed like allot of work and they would need allot of luck on their side, she had never tried to build anything like that in her life. Then again she had never tired to create a videogame or a business in her life and that had turned out pretty great...heh she forgot sometimes she would be a millionaire right now if all this hadn't happened...weird money seemed so foreign now. She snapped hersefl out of her thoughts and blinked looking back to tammy "Well shit...alright i guess we could give it a go but we need plans, outlines..skematics...we will need to come up with a rough idea of what kinda parts we are going t need and then look for those parts and imprivise for the ones we can't find" the blonde scratched her head her mind working a mile a minute. "You are right though if we could get a source like that up...we would be rolling in it...but we do need another genrator first so thats step one" she said firyl and was already heading for teh stairs...now they had a plan she was keen to get started. She had always been that way as soon as she had an idea or something to latch on to she would get stuck in and work herself to near exhastion until it was completed to perfection, Her height of perfection "Some of the others will have to come with us we won't be able to do it on our own...so we grab a genrator..get back here build a plan of parts and do snother couple of runs in the oncoming days to get what we need...we can build by nigth scavenge by day" Tori suggested it was kind of exciiting to have something new to work on and something that would benfit them all greatly too.

Tammy nodded to the agreeement on the skematics aspect of it. "dont worry that should be something I will worry about. Otherwise I would mainly want us to focus on finding good sources of harnessing the wind. We will be ale to use wood or hopefully aluminum considering the weight behind them. Steel will be to heavy from what I am guessing." Tammy drew in a breathe followinbg her into the house. "Hey we are gonna need some help here guys." Tammy let impulse strike the room like lightning. No consideration of their rapid convorsations they wsere all having after the morning meal Tori had prepared for everyone.

@Lola Shimmer @KathleneWilliams2121 @Dibbydoo @Crono

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