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Fantasy Zombie apocalypse

Varus felt like he had gained Skylar's trust, and so he over passed Jake and went and stretched out his hand looking forward to a handshake and smiled and looked into Skylar's eyes. @DragonOverlord
Ignoring the other guy that was topless like he answered skylar's question"Fine hardware store lets move"he said serious then smirked"Amanda you said you didn't want to walk so"he picked her up again"I'll carry you there"he said winking at her.
He smiled and looked at the others and said"You comin or naw"sounding like he just had the best day of his life though he does feel like he did.
Harper and Skylar followed. Harper discreetly shot glares at Amanda, although she didn't know why. It was like...She didn't know how to describe the way she was feeling.

Skylar kept glancing between Jake and the newcomer. He grabbed the newcomers hand and practically pulled him into the store with them, before he started putting the boards over the doors.

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Walking around he saw a ace glaring at amanda in a evil way he didn't understand why but then tried to ignore the sudden glances that was going back and forth.
While walking he noticed that the stranger and skylar is missing"Ace have you seen skylar or the other guy"he asked looking around too see if they were close by no sign of them.

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