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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse: Dead Road To Canada [CHARACTERS]


No weapon formed against me shall prosper.


It was a normal day exactly like everyday in USA, 20 April, 2016. People are doing their job in the big cities of country, nothing is unormal untill people noticed something while watching breaking news on the TV. A dead body has been found in a backyard of one houses in the state of Georgia. Of course it's not very suspicious in this big country but what made it important. A person who found this dead body saw him walking around his house at first, punching at the wall, making disgusting voices and doing other unnormal things. That guy (his name was Philips) thoughts he is a thief so he came out of the house after he took his shotgun from inside, aims the gun on the walker but he was he continues doing his job with walking around and making voices, he warned him three times to stop doing it but suddenly he turns around and shows his face to Philips.- Philips says "I couldn't believe what im looking at, his head totally blew up like someone killed he before, i saw his eyes bleeding and his fingers are all black like he didn't wash it for a year. All of things i saw was only like a DEAD MAN." in this time that walked walks towards him and tries to attack him with bite him, philips hits his face with a gun but he didn't got serious damage, after that he shot at his torso, almost next to his heart but he saw he stands up like nothing happened. "I just scared and ran towards my home, locked the door and waited for polices to come". After that cops tried to arrest him, but after some minutes they shot him in the head so he stopped walking and passed away. People saw these news, but probably no one believed it seriously.

Same thing happened in LA and it made people to believe it better than before. After some days disease spreads around the USA and starts infecting people, government doesn't wanna do something for people, army is making the people hopeless about them and all of the things are against people, it happened in a day but stayed in the world for a year, before that people tried to kill those "Zombies" with them weapons, such as shovel, sword, or any tool they can find but when they noticed that this disease is dangerous they just made themselves ready to travel, in search of a safe place. five days spent and TV finally got a signal to tell the people an important news about this mess in the country. They told people about disease, a person who got bitten, is not alive anymore, they told people to stay in their homes and try to stay alive until government help them. But after some weeks and month no one came to help.
People just divided to a lot of groups and gangs to help each other to survive, bandits, refugees camp, ETC. But none of them got enough chance to survive in this mess, number of zombies is increasing everyday and people are dying, because of suicide or zombies. After one year radio and TV is still streaming help messages and keep telling people to wait for help, people are hopeless and in these years only 25 percent of the country breathing healthy.
In the first weeks of this mess, government made the army ready for battle with the infected people when they found out the only way for this is fighting with them. But the population of zombies was more than people in army, and the ammo was limited so they just fell back and escaped, some of them tried their chance in army and others just splitted up to survive alone.
After some days in the first week of these messes, A group of scientists tried to make a cure for this infection, their LAB in washington was advanced with the best cure-making tools and machines, but after some months when the zombie population in washington was in the worst condition the LAB got attacked by a huge amount of zombies so they all got killed and turned to the zombies, army couldn't make the LAB clean from them so they just ran off,and the cure project canceled when it was almost ready to use. However the cure making project was extremely hard to do but they tried to do it one more time in the Georgia but they couldn't make it and all of the project got destroyed in a zombies attack, All of the scientists there got killed and the half of hopes for cure gone.

Very soon gossips about safe places spreads around the USA so people starts traveling together to find those safe places in order to stay alive and survive. People are getting killed and dying everyday, many of zombies are waking up and camps are burning at fire of bandits. The country is not lawless so nothing can stop the zombies, only a good plan which can save the world, but who can save the world when they're not even in a safe place? Many countries got destroyed, here's nothing to tell people what's going on in the world, in the age of 2017 all of TV channels and radio signals are down and here's nothing to allow people to make a call with others, Here is the end of the world, but still some of people are alive around the world after two years. 99 percent of big cities are destroyed and full of zombies, even quiet places aren't safe enough for people, zombies can hear and smell humans, one bite or scartch from them is enough to make you killed. People are trying to stay alive and they will do anything for that, even killing another human. The money and other things in modern life is unvaluabe only food, weapons, safe places and supplies are worthy.


After some years a big gossip spreads around the country or maybe around the world, some of people are talking about a safe place, it's different and isn't like those unsafe camps. A place without any zombies, without bandits and without anything can put you in danger, but it's a long way towards it, you have to move from a lot of cities, and jungles, deserts etc to reach there, and it's a dangerous road between you and that SAFE PLACE, It's a dead road, towards the Canada.
That camp is located in the CANADA and now many of people are talking about this story, they saying there's a extremely big city with big walls , and USA army is protecting people from zombies, and other bandits, there's like thousands of people survived there. Food, a place to stay, weapons, and anything is ready for them. some of people just ignored it and continued searching around to find a way to stay alive until they get a help from government however they know the government won't do anything for them. But others decided to try their chance to reach CANADA, and stay safe till this mess get over. People who decided to go there chose the hardest way to survive but if it be really right, so they chose the best way. It's a long way towards canada, full of zombies and bandits, for people who are strong enough to go there...

  • This roleplay is story of your character which trying to survive from this Apocalypse, your character hears a gossip about a safe place in canada, with food, shelter, weapons, walls and guards. These are all of worthy things in this world. You can do anything with your character to make this game better and better, but always remind that, here's no unrealistic things except zombies and their following activities. Your character must be a human only because here's no magical thing and others like that. We are going to keep this story realistic and great so please never try to ruin it. Your character can do anything in this world and choose his way of life. living in the world full of zombies is always hard so your character probably will face problems and zombies and will fight to survive in this world. Your character will meet with other survivors and make friends or maybe enemies from them. Your character manner depends on you and we won't force anyone at choosing the character. You character can be a man, woman, kid and any type of human.
    If we make it simple, here you will write the story of your character in way of survive.
    You can fill out the character sheet in Characters tab, but before starting read the rules and other tabs for more information that you need to know for start.

Full name: Damian Cole
Nick name: Dami
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American
Age: 25
Like(s): jogging, drinking, watching TV, country music, guitar.
Dislike(s): Zombies, Bandits, liars.
Personality: Friendly, punctual, methodical, sometimes deceitful, realistic, tolerant.
Skills: Good shooting skills, Knows how to fight with knives, good fighter.
Occupation: correspondent (Pre-Apocalypse) He was member of Atlanta 263th avenue survivors group.
Sara Jackson (Wife) Disappeared
Daniel Cole (father) DEAD
Natalie Parker (Mother) DEAD
Tommy Cole (Brother) Disappeared
He spent his childhood in the state of Georgia, in the city of Atlanta. He is a good writer and that's why after finishing high school he joined Atlanta New Agency to collect some news for them, and he earned money from this job until the apocalypse, when his father passed away his brother went to Los Angeles, he start working there to get some cash. Damian continued his job as a reporter, he got his own dreams and targets in his life before apocalypse, and he did his best to reach them, he and his mother with his girl friend sara was a family, when the infection spreaded around the state, and the city of atlanta, he made himself ready for travel, he and his family with some of his neighbors and his friends left the city when it was full of dead people walking on the streets, their escape from the city wasn't that good because they got Damian's mother bitten by zombies, so infection turned her to a zombie, and they didn't have any choice expect shoot her in the head.
After that they settle somewhere near the city with 5 of his neighbors, they camped there so they stayed there for five days, one night when all of them was sleeping, zombies attacked the camp so they bit three of his friends, one of them got eaten completely by zombies, they started fighting them with any tools and weapons they got but the number of walkers was more, when Damian was between a huge group of zombies he yelled at his Girl Friend to RUN and escape, she did it and it was the last time he saw his girl friend, Damian managed to escape from that situation, but all of his group splitted up and he continued his way without anyone and anything except a knife and an empty bag. He's going to try his luck to survive.
*Character Sheet*
Full name:
Serena Taylor
Nick name:
Hot weather
Drinking (her guilty pleasure)
Walking long distances
Big groups
Siri is a girl who likes to think she's a closed book. Rarely opening up to people, she keeps cold and distant to most. But her friends call her excitable, smart, and kinda lazy.
Agile, book smart, training to become a doctor
Student (Imperial Collage School of Medicine)
Father: Dr. Alan Taylor (Unknown)
Mother: Sarah Taylor (Unknown)
Born and raised in London, she's always wanted to follow her parents' footsteps and become a doctor. She was always the top of her class growing up, and became the prodigal child. Always thirsting for travel, she's come to America for her spring vacation. Within two days of arriving in Atlanta, she heard the news reports about the strange bodies found. She didn't pay any mind to them, until the plague struck her hotel. She heard the fire alarm go off, grabbed her backpack that held a few day things, and left her room through the fire escape. But she was surrounded by chaos. She ran until she couldn't anymore. She had hidden in a gas station bathroom with the door locked with the attendant. After one day, the attendant couldn't handle the claustrophobia and left.
*Character Sheet*
Full name:
Serena Taylor
Nick name:
Hot weather
Drinking (her guilty pleasure)
Walking long distances
Big groups
Siri is a girl who likes to think she's a closed book. Rarely opening up to people, she keeps cold and distant to most. But her friends call her excitable, smart, and kinda lazy.
Agile, book smart, training to become a doctor
Student (Imperial Collage School of Medicine)
Father: Dr. Alan Taylor (Unknown)
Mother: Sarah Taylor (Unknown)
Born and raised in London, she's always wanted to follow her parents' footsteps and become a doctor. She was always the top of her class growing up, and became the prodigal child. Always thirsting for travel, she's come to America for her spring vacation. Within two days of arriving in Atlanta, she heard the news reports about the strange bodies found. She didn't pay any mind to them, until the plague struck her hotel. She heard the fire alarm go off, grabbed her backpack that held a few day things, and left her room through the fire escape. But she was surrounded by chaos. She ran until she couldn't anymore. She had hidden in a gas station bathroom with the door locked with the attendant. After one day, the attendant couldn't handle the claustrophobia and left.
View attachment 432850
Accepted, Welcome!
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Full name: Vanechka Kuznetsov
Nick name: V
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian
Age: 24
Like(s): stars, the ocean, music, drinking, getting high
Dislike(s): being sober, physical touch
Personality: V is a very complicated individual. He hates being around people, but he's lonely and has a need for social interaction. To strangers, he seems pretty cold and has absolutely no tolerance for anything. He doesn't hesitate to call someone out, or say something even if it will hurt their feelings. He's very blunt, and often times comes off as rude. He will occasionally go out of his way to start a fight, just for the fun of it, or get on someones nerves just to see how far he can push it. He doesn't like being touched at all, and touching him in any way will set off fight or flight mode for him. Which means either you get hurt, or he does. He's quiet when by himself, mostly stuck in his head so he'll do anything to get out of his own mind. that includes drinking, and drugs. It's his favorite past time, but usually doesn't end in his favor and it's hard to get that stuff in this time. Around his friends, he's a joking sarcastic dork, but still seems distant. He doesn't click well with most people, so the ones that he does he's very protective over. He would lay his life down for his friends without question. V is very loyal, and even after you've done him wrong he will still give you a chance, and another chance, and another.
Skills: Quick, strong, street smart, knows how to shoot most guns.
Occupation: Stole for a living before everything happened.
Sean Williams (Adoptive Father) Unknown
Jenna Williams (Adoptive Mother) Unknown
Viktoria Kuznetsov (Sister) Unknown
Aleksei Kuznetsov (Brother) Unknown
Feliks Ivanov (Grandfather) Deceased
Biography: V was born in russia, along with his two other siblings. His brother was four years older than him, and his sister was three years younger. He's not sure what happened to his parents, he doesn't remember them. Him and his siblings lived with their grandparents until they couldn't care for them anymore, and then they were transferred to foster care in america. When V was 16, he was adopted and separated from his sister. Things should have been getting better in his new home. Instead, things seemed wrong to him. He didn't know why, but he didn't like it and started acting out. Getting in fights, being a rebellious teenager. That was the start of the downward spiral. He soon got into not so healthy habits. He started sleeping with anyone he could just to feel useful, drinking nightly to deal with the nightmares and doing drugs during the day to feel okay and forget. He didn't know why he couldn't forget and he didn't understand why it made his skin crawl when anyone touched him. When he hit 18, he left and lived in his car for a while before he found an apartment. He didn't know of the outbreak until it hit his city and left it in ruins. He packed what he could and took off. He heard a rumor of a safe place, and started heading there.
Friends, we are still looking for some more and active people to make this roleplay better and more interesting.
I will be happy if more people decide to join.
Full name: Vanechka Kuznetsov
Nick name: V
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian
Age: 24
Like(s): stars, the ocean, music, drinking, getting high
Dislike(s): being sober, physical touch
Personality: V is a very complicated individual. He hates being around people, but he's lonely and has a need for social interaction. To strangers, he seems pretty cold and has absolutely no tolerance for anything. He doesn't hesitate to call someone out, or say something even if it will hurt their feelings. He's very blunt, and often times comes off as rude. He will occasionally go out of his way to start a fight, just for the fun of it, or get on someones nerves just to see how far he can push it. He doesn't like being touched at all, and touching him in any way will set off fight or flight mode for him. Which means either you get hurt, or he does. He's quiet when by himself, mostly stuck in his head so he'll do anything to get out of his own mind. that includes drinking, and drugs. It's his favorite past time, but usually doesn't end in his favor and it's hard to get that stuff in this time. Around his friends, he's a joking sarcastic dork, but still seems distant. He doesn't click well with most people, so the ones that he does he's very protective over. He would lay his life down for his friends without question. V is very loyal, and even after you've done him wrong he will still give you a chance, and another chance, and another.
Skills: Quick, strong, street smart, knows how to shoot most guns.
Occupation: Stole for a living before everything happened.
Sean Williams (Adoptive Father) Unknown
Jenna Williams (Adoptive Mother) Unknown
Viktoria Kuznetsov (Sister) Unknown
Aleksei Kuznetsov (Brother) Unknown
Feliks Ivanov (Grandfather) Deceased
Biography: V was born in russia, along with his two other siblings. His brother was four years older than him, and his sister was three years younger. He's not sure what happened to his parents, he doesn't remember them. Him and his siblings lived with their grandparents until they couldn't care for them anymore, and then they were transferred to foster care in america. When V was 16, he was adopted and separated from his sister. Things should have been getting better in his new home. Instead, things seemed wrong to him. He didn't know why, but he didn't like it and started acting out. Getting in fights, being a rebellious teenager. That was the start of the downward spiral. He soon got into not so healthy habits. He started sleeping with anyone he could just to feel useful, drinking nightly to deal with the nightmares and doing drugs during the day to feel okay and forget. He didn't know why he couldn't forget and he didn't understand why it made his skin crawl when anyone touched him. When he hit 18, he left and lived in his car for a while before he found an apartment. He didn't know of the outbreak until it hit his city and left it in ruins. He packed what he could and took off. He heard a rumor of a safe place, and started heading there.
Accepted, welcome!
Fast travel? :)
wip editing as i go

Full name: Kim Soo-jin.
Nickname: Her surname will do. Right now, the name Soo-jin has some unpleasant memories tied to it, and she'd much rather distance herself from that.
Gender: Female.
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Korean-American
Age: 28 years old.

Alexander Cruz (Lover) Dead
Heracles Cruz (Adoptive Son) Alive
wip editing as i go

Full name: Kim Soo-jin.
Nickname: Her surname will do. Right now, the name Soo-jin has some unpleasant memories tied to it, and she'd much rather distance herself from that.
Gender: Female.
Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Korean-American
Age: 28 years old.

Alexander Cruz (Lover) Dead
Heracles Cruz (Adoptive Son) Alive
finish it then u are cool ;)
Full name: Yoseph Nikiyev

Nick name: N/A

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Russian

Age: 19

Like(s): Reading, music, quiet

Dislike(s): Loud people, tedious actions

Personality: Yoseph is bit of a loner in terms of social skills, but he is a very efficient individual. Though he does spend most of his time reading or listening to music, he will snap into action at necessary points in time. Those who have seen him in action describe him as "ruthless" and "inhuman"

Skills: Pick-pocketing, Parkour, High Stamina, Lock-picking, Resourcefulness

Occupation: N/A

John Nikiyev (Status Unknown)
Mary Nikiyev (Status Unknown)

Biography: Yoseph was born into a poor family in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Due to poverty and the condition of the people around him, Yoseph was quickly raised in the art of theft. He was arrested 4 times throughout his childhood before he became an expert in his craft. Of course he still got into pursuits with the police, but with the body and experience of a thief, he was never caught again. When his parents found out where the money he was making came from, they scolded him and told him he should be focusing on school in order to get into a good college. So he left the thieves world behind and focused on school. He was lucky enough to receive a scholarship from a decent University in the U.S. When he arrived, things had already gone to shit and he was thrown into a quarantine shelter. He managed to escape before stealing a car and leaving the airport.


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