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Active [Zhaojun] Vipers Honor, Shadowed Bonds

第二ラウンド" (だいにラウンド

The border between the Eastern Empire and the Republic of Kuridan became a stage for a brutal clash, illuminated only by the moon’s pale light and the occasional flash of magic. As the fight erupted, the scene transformed into a whirlwind of violence and chaos, with the river's gentle murmur starkly juxtaposed against the sounds of battle.

Neramo's aggressive lead set the tone, his fangs bared in a savage grin as he unleashed his fury upon the guard nearest him. The clash of his black flame against the guard’s face sent the beastkin staggering back, blood spraying in an arc as he collapsed, consciousness slipping away amidst the tumult.

But things didn't really fall underway until after Naori was pulling his dagger out of the Panther, and Hiroshi delivered a blow right to the wound. The panther fell to his knees and lost consciousness. The black orb, a forgotten player in their deadly dance, rolled away into the shadows, its faint glow dimming on the cold ground. Hiroshi, swift and relentless, capitalized on the disarray, his legs a blur as he delivered crushing blows to another guard. The force of his attack left his adversary reeling, blood mingling with the dirt, but the effort was not without cost. Pain coursed through Hiroshi’s own body, a grim reminder of the physical toll of his power, bones aching as they fought to knit themselves back together.

The guard closest to Whizzie, despite his evident pain, charged with a howl that mixed laughter with agony. His attack targeted Whizzie’s wing, a desperate strike from a wounded predator. Meanwhile, the guard which Hiroshi had nailed with a kick a moment earlier, as now running at Naori. Screaming angrily at the child murderer. He lunged at the child, swiping at his midsection.

Near the broken wagon, Thaddeus and Julia faced the wrath of another beastkin, whose growl rippled through the chilly air. As he lunged, Thaddeus moved protectively in front of Julia, absorbing the brunt of the impact. Both were knocked to the ground, the shock of the attack leaving them dazed and vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Dayle and his men, like a scarlet flood unleashed, coordinated their assault with lethal precision. They descended upon the beastkin who had suffered under Neramo’s initial onslaught, swiftly ending his struggle. Another guard fell under their coordinated attack, leaving only one adversary standing near Neramo and Dreayth.

This last foe, driven by desperation and pain, launched himself at Dreayth with feral intensity. His cat-like claws slashed through the air, aiming for the horned giant’s face in a manic attempt to inflict damage before his inevitable downfall.

Throughout the battlefield, the night echoed with the sounds of combat—the grunts, the thuds of bodies hitting the ground, and the softer, fatal whispers of life fleeing the fallen. The river, a silent witness to this border conflict, reflected the moon’s light onto a scene marked by the grim dance of survival and dominance.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Shatter Shard Shatter Shard SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy
F4: 6/15
G4: 3/15
J7: 7/15
G7 15/15

Whizzie takes 1 damage.
Naori takes 1 damage
Dreayth takes 1 damage
Thaddeus takes 1 damage
Julia takes 1 damage
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy @Gryphon3707 @DSLIX

Hiroshi winced in pain after his kicks connected to the guard, hearing an audible creaking come from his joints. It was curious how his strength was too much for his own body to bear it. He had been called a 'demon' a few times during his life and maybe, just maybe, they were right. Despite the pain he felt running through his body, he grinned, as if enjoying every second of it.

However, his face would morph as soon as he saw one of the guards attacking Whizziemin. Every single shred of coolness, which the yakuza had shown up to that point, flew through the window, disappearing at a snap of a finger. Bearing his teeth in an almost primal form, with veins popping at the side of his forehead, he would disengage from the opponent at [G4], rushing towards the one at [F4] as fast as he could. "You fucking trash!" He bellowed, in pure fury, attacking the guard who had engaged in combat with the incubus. He attack the guard twice: first, doing a two-kick flurry against him, both aimed at his stomach and lastly another kick aimed at his throat, looking to break the animal's trachea.

1 - Moved 5ft towards [F4]
2 - Crane's Wing Dual Assault II- Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] E, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade E Cooldown 1 - Hiroshi delivers two swift kicks against a target, one at their midsection and the other towards their upper section - against the guard at [F4] = Strength C (+4) + Natural Weapons D (+3) + Ability E (+2) = 9 Base Effectiveness + 1 Damage from Linked + 1 Damage from Blight [Blight] + 1 Damage from Continuing [Beed] for 1 round
3 - Basic attack against the guard at [F4] +1 to the Base Effectiveness, bringing it up to 10 Base Effectiveness.

C 2/3
E 1/1
Regeneration to take effect: 5/6

Current situation:
HP: 3/3
Natural Armor: 2/2
Natural Weapons: 2/3
Whizziemin the Greatest

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus
Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob

Getting struck in the wing was not a pleasant feeling in the slightest, wincing as he was hoping he wouldn't have to face such pain today. He had noticed the black orb that was used to identify titles and such drop when its beholder had faced their fate, briefly flicking a gaze to where he saw it roll off believing in his mind that it would prove rather fascinating for his own research practices to get his hands on such a tool. It might help him figure out getting undetected, or even some other greater information he couldn't fathom right now considering the ongoing conflict.

Hesitant if something further was going to get him really hurt, a familiar voice had broken out as he noticed Hiroshi's sudden intervention to try and keep him out of further harm's way despite his own potential safety at risk. Blushing a little as he took a step back to avoid getting further caught in the confrontation, he chose to clear up his own injuries with magic before the situation worsened.

"T- T-thanks honey... " the incubus spoke softly, a reddened face from the need to be so abruptly saved by such a man who was able to do powerful combat with his physical strength alone.  Yes, his brothers did the same, but Hiroshi was not a sibling and was simply a stranger whom he had recently met and felt rather fond of despite their short time together. He was caring and nice, even if it seemed like there wasn't much gain from being so to Whizzie. He was a monster after all, and Hiroshi was human.

Nevertheless, Whizzie cast his own healing power on himself as he looked elsewhere.
"C-could you be so kind and handle that for just a little moment? There's something I wanna grab before it's too late" Whizzie asked Hiroshi, looking to the others around and his brothers in hopes that things would be covered. He was gonna go look for the black orb before it got lost for good, or someone else got their hands on it. It wasn't everyday such a chance arose, after all.

Cooldowns: E: 1/1
1. Use Dose of (Self?)Love on himself.
  • Dose of Love - Magic (D), Healing (D) - Grant magical healing to help soothe and heal injury- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
2. Move to go look for the Black Orb.

[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]

As the panther went down, Naori pulled the dagger out of his chest, letting out a sickening giggle, as he heard the angry crimes of the panther’s comrade. It wasn’t over yet and the crimson liquid that gushed only made what was happening now satisfactory. As he was attacking, he would attempt a counter with [Fighting style- Faux Innocence [E] which would be followed with an average mundane swish of the dagger that had no technique to it. There was a job to do and a wheel that needed to be fixed. Needless to say, he would have to deal with these guys first.

Action 1: slash at the attacker with down graded Fighting Style- Faux innocence
Action 2: Follow up with a mundane dagger slash.

Faux Innocence [D] 1/2

Effectiveness Calculations
[C] strength + 4 effectiveness [D] dagger/catalyst +3 effectiveness [E] Faux Innocence + 2 Effectiveness
+1 effectiveness from mundane attack to over all calculations
Over all Effectiveness = 10

Skill Used
[Down gradee] Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [E] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst.

Fighting Style- Faux Innocence. [D] 1/2


Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ E }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

-East Empire-
Zhaojun City

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle scanned the field, and it looks like the situation was being handled well, except at Julia's side. It was terrible professional etiquette to let the employer be attacked, and Dayle just breached that. "Tsk." Dayle clicked his tongue as both Thaddeus and Julia tumbled down the ground.

Without delaying any further, Dayle hopped down the ground, the chains on his arms rattling as he landed. His feet thumped loudly as he neared Julia and Thaddeus.

[Attack: Strength B - Chains C - Catch 'em Lackin D]
Dayle let a down length of the interlocked metals as they hanged free. A flurry of steel whipped around him as he coiled the chains — "Hup!" — and sharply sent it towards the panther officer.

[Attack: Strength B - Chains C - Where It Hurts F]
Unrelenting in his onslaught, Dayle immediately withdrew the coiling steel and flourished it around. Steel once again blurred by his side as he twisted his body, and in a flick of his wrist, shot out the chains as it whistled past Julia and Thaddeus, aiming at the panther officer's head.


1. Move
2. Attack: B(5) + C(4) + D(3) = 12
3. Attack: B(5) + C(4) + F(1) = 10

Abilities Used:​

Grade F​

[CD | 0 Post] Where It Hurts: Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] (C) F, Chains [Flexible] E, Sting Like a Bee [Hotshot] F, Thwack [Accurate] F| Dayle flourishes his Chains, before striking with force and precision, either as if he was swinging a mace or lashing out with a whip. Exclusively used to cause as much as pain as possible, potentially impairing a target through pain.

Grade E​


Grade D​

[CD | 2 Post] Catch 'em Lackin: Fighting Style [Bonebreaker] (C) D, Chainz [Flexible] F, Thwack [Accurate] F| Dayle flourishes his chains, making it unclear when or where the next attack would come next, before striking wildly but accurately. If an opponent is caught off-guard, Dayle can potentially disarm or trip them.


Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

With the performance act being no good, Dreayth would remain silent. This pantherkin was quite persistent perhaps if had just let them off easy things wouldn’t have come to this. At the sound of Neramos' whistle, the large demon begins to loosen his neck before also choosing to flash a fanged smile. The jig was up and now it was time for some bloodshed. As Neramo started things off with smashing the guards face in, the sight of the carnage would only widen the monster's grin. The breakout of violence was much more his style as opposed to playing an act. He’d look around to survey what had been happening.

While he had been reveling in the violence, one of the guards got the best of the demon. A slash mark across the monster's face. Dreayth would feel his essence drip down his cheek, the cool breeze of the night gently brushing the gash on his face.


The monster would try to shake off the thoughts that had been surfacing underneath. The innate craving for destruction was beginning to surface, he could feel his skin crawl as he tried to resist his own primal urges.

[“Now you done it…you woke them up…” Dreayth picked up the spear and clenched it tightly, the veins on his arm apparent as he wielded the weapon with great power. He would lick the blood off his cheek as he stared violently at the beastkin. With a large swing of the spear, Dreayth would utilize [Relentless Assault] to try and shred his foe into bits.

1. Relentless assault (Fighting Style E, Penetrating F, Athletics F)Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.

Battle Calculations

Rank E ability (2) + strength D (3) + rank E weapon (2)

7 overall effectiveness + Rank F penetration
Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
Neramo saw the battle begin in earnest, seeing his brother getting fired up as he turned to the last guard in front of them, rolling his shoulders and simply casting a [Blue Flame Strike] To assist his brother, letting his E grade skill rest off of it's cooldown, before taking a moment to simply look around the battlefield and take in the surroundings, wanting to make sure nothing could take them off guard, his eyes narrowing as he gazed around.

Intelligence D +3 effectiveness, Natural Catalyst F +1 effectiveness, Magic F + 1 effectiveness, Corrupting Flames F +1 effectiveness = 6 Effectiveness


Under the dark cloak of night, the riverside was thick with the scent of damp earth and freshly spilled blood. Amidst this tumultuous backdrop, the river flowed gently, its murmurs starkly contrasting with the sharp grunts and thuds of the combatants. The muddy ground bore the marks of their struggle—trampled grass and disturbed soil evidence of the chaos unleashed.

Hiroshi, driven by a primal protectiveness, delivered punishing kicks to the officer who had dared harm Whizzie. Each strike landed with grim finality, the officer's body eventually crumpling lifelessly to the ground.

Despite having healed his wing, Whizzie still felt the throbs of residual pain. His attention was drawn to the black orb that had rolled away from a fallen guard. As he cautiously picked it up, the orb erupted in a piercing, blaring noise, flashing the word "Monster" in various languages. Julia, alarmed by the orb’s reaction, sharply hissed, "GET RID OF THAT!"

Meanwhile, Dreayth and Neramo were a fearsome duo, their combined might overwhelming another guard. Dreayth's spear tore through the air, a deadly dance of primal fury and precision, while Neramo's flames licked hungrily at their foe, consuming any hope the guard had of survival.

As the final guard realized the futility of his position, panic set in. With a wild glance at the carnage around him, he turned and fled his cheetah speed apparent. His footsteps pounding against the earth as he sought the dubious safety of the dark woods.

Helping Julia to her feet among the chaos of the battlefield, Thaddeus took a moment to look around at the carnage that surrounded them. With the night air filled with the sharp scent of earth and iron, his voice was thick with emotion as he implored Julia, "We need to stop this, Julia. It isn't right. Just go home and forget this deal."

Julia’s face set in lines of steely resolve as she replied, "We've had this talk Thaddeus....This is the only way I know how to ensure my son is cared for after I'm gone. He's helpless without me. What would you do, Thaddeus, if you knew you didn't have much time left, and Aedrianna was going to be on her own? Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to secure her future?"
Thaddeus's gaze softened, the weight of his own responsibilities settling on his shoulders. "I understand the fear, Julia, but I would want to leave knowing I did what was right. That she would remember me for that and be guided by it. Isn’t it better to leave behind a legacy of integrity rather than one of regret?"

Frustration flared in Julia's eyes as she waved off his argument, her urgency palpable as she started herding the others onto the wagon. "We don’t have time for this, Thaddeus. Either get on the wagon, and I’ll take you closer to home, or leave if you can’t stomach the business I’m in."

Thaddeus stood hesitantly; the conflict clear in his expression. As he settled into the wagon, his expression was clear sign he was torn between his disapproval of Julia’s actions and his need to return safely to his daughter.

As the wagon trundled away from the site of their harrowing encounter, the landscape transitioned from the lush riverbank to a more rugged terrain. Marked by sparse vegetation and rocky outcroppings that jutted out like the bones of the earth.

The air grew perceptibly cooler as they moved closer to the mountains, a crisp chill settling in that hinted at the altitude. Mist clung to the low areas, shrouding the path in a ghostly veil that seemed to obscure the way forward. The faint rustle of wind through the sparse foliage and the distant call of a night bird emphasized the isolation of their path.

Here and there, patches of frost clung to the grass, glistening under the moonlight like scattered diamonds, a reminder of the approaching winter. The ruggedness of the terrain made the wagon’s journey bumpier, the wooden wheels clattering against the uneven ground, occasionally dislodging stones that clattered down the mountain’s slope.

Above them, the towering peaks of the Paizu Mountains loomed, their imposing silhouettes etched sharply against the night sky. The peaks, capped with the first snows of the season, reflected the moonlight, creating a serene, albeit deceptive, beauty. It was a landscape that commanded respect—a reminder of nature’s untamed spirit. Julia spoke after several long moments of silence between Thaddeus and her.

"We should be coming close to designated meeting spot. Once we're there just make sure there's no one to interfere with the deal nearby, and once the purchase is complete, you'll be making sure the product is obedient and stays in line." She paused and turned to look at Naori with a frown. "-Do-Not-Kill-My-Product." She looked at him for a few more seconds, before continuing. "That said, if they are unruly, you may use force, so long as it doesn't cause any scars or leaves them unable to work." Julia gripped the reigns as her eyes scanned the horizon. The painted colors of the predawn sky hanging above them along with the tension.

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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy @Gryphon3707 @DSLIX

When his opponent had fallen, Hiroshi looked around to see if any of them still remained. As he did so, he heard Whizzie's soft voice, not only thanking him, but calling him honey. His face, which still bore the expression of primal hatred, relaxed almost instantly. That wasn't a part being played by the sake of keeping up a façade to guards anymore, no, it was genuine. Or, at least, that is what he perceived. Through actions and words, the ex-yakuza hoped that he had shown, at least up to that point, how really interested he was in the incubus. And, seeing Whizzie's reddened face and request, he nodded. "Don't worry, honey, I will hold them off. Search what you are after." He gave him a confident smile, being ready to keep the other guards occupied.

However, that didn't seem to be necessary. One by one, the guards fell by the hands of the others, except for one who managed to flee. The group seemed to have worked together perfectly for the second time. The odds appeared to be pretty good so far. However, his attention was drawn to Whizzie once more, as there was a loud, piercing sound coming from the black orb which he held. Hiroshi's eyes narrowed as he withstood the assault on his ears, approaching the incubus and looking at the surface of the sphere, seeing the word which was written over it. "Monster..." He murmured, not knowing exactly what it meant. Still, whatever it was, it had triggered a reaction from their employer. And he could piece together that the sphere was acting the way it did because Whizziemin was holding it. "Would you rather I hold it for you?" Hiroshi offered him, hoping the sound would stop if he were the one holding it. If the incubus were to accept it, he would place the black sphere into the side pocket of his jacket, regardless of how bulgy it would make it.

Turning around, he watched the exchange between Julia and Thaddeus, crossing his arms while he heard it. The ex-yakuza didn't know if it was because of the amounting stress, of seeing the guard attacking the incubus, but Thaddeus was starting to get on his nerves. That man reeked of weakness, trying to assert his morality in a place he clearly didn't belong. The last thing the group needed was that wretch of a man to convince their employer to change her mind. His gaze would then shift to Naori. Maybe, if they were lucky, the kid would end up stabbing Thaddeus when no-one was paying attention. That would be optimal.

"Do you need help getting back to the wagon?" He asked the incubus, with a softer expression on his face, not readily knowing the extent of his injuries. If he accepted Hiroshi's help or not, the human would accompany him to the wagon, ready for the next part of this job. Cracking his fingers, he nodded to Julia's instructions, already expecting the worst from the slaves.

C 1/3
E 0/1
Regeneration to take effect: 4/6

Current situation:
HP: 3/3
Natural Armor: 2/2
Natural Weapons: 2/3

🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Maxxob Maxxob
IMG_0375.png While Thaddeus and Julia was talking about whatever. Naori only caught the few words of ‘Aedrianna’ ‘son is helpless without me’ and ‘wagon’. Wait when did the wagon get fixed? And it seemed to be a different one. Regardless, it saved time of Naori fixing the other one's wheel at least. The scowl on his face as he looked at the panther corpse turned into his usual blank stare. Such a waste of a perfectly good body, if he had been able to he would have perceived their corpses for later use. Surely these beastkin would have made good experiments, right? May have even been perfect for mindless minions at one point. But what could he do without the tools and gear? In addition, time was probably running out. Naori got in the wagon and they went along to the riverbank. The teen stayed silent, at least until Julia started explaining what was next, which he heard and spoke up when she told him not to kill her products.

“What do you take me for? A crazed attack dog? I don’t intend on killing any slaves, I spent too much time here working to get them to smuggle them out. Killing them would make the whole endavor useless. However, I most certainly will give one a nice punch if they misbehave.”

That said, he didn’t bother feigning any emotion. Sounding like an empty robot instead of a human child. Naori took out his blade and went into a daze, examining it as they continued down the road. Paying attention to the bloodstains and tiny details. He all but quit paying attention.

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ E }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

-East Empire-
Zhaojun City

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Hmph." Dayle scoffed as he watched the remaining patrol run off to save their skin. Though it was regrettable they couldn't get everyone, Dayle was content with no casualties. He coiled the chains around his arms once again. "Back to your positions." He commanded, and the Red Star men hastily once again scattered, some even taking a spare wagon (that they have definitely acquired before) and going back to the escorting jobs. He watched as Julia and Thaddeus made a brief discussion together, but the was frankly out of his paycheck. And so he simply helped the others get on with it.

Following Julia's lead, Dayle wordlessly got back into the spare wagon, hanging by the side again. He could hear the faint conversations through the fabric, but he intuited that she is probably telling the others what to do once they arrive on the site. He didn't need to be told anyway, so he kept silent and continued to be on the lookout. Though, he wondered if the monsters of the group would listen to her.

The rocky landscape of dulled greens and jutting earth did little to lift Dayle's mood. Although he was keeping a professional calm, he has been particular about competency. The earlier scuffle left a bitter taste in his mouth, being unable to protect the employer out of all people. Such a mistake would surely cause for punishments later when he gets back. He resolved to get the last part of this entire ordeal perfectly. That would shave the punishment he would get at least.

Abilities Used:​

Grade D​



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Whizziemin the Greatest

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whizzie jumped a little at the sudden blaring sound that came from the orb, fumbling and dropping it in panic having not expected it to do such a thing so suddenly.
"R-right, thanks for the help. It'd help if you could hold it for the time being, I'd like to look at it later when I'm alone and all, it could be interesting to give a look at... " he mumbled, not entirely wanting to pick it up again jsut in case it did continue making such a loud sound as he allowed Hiroshi to take it and pick it up instead. Gently touching his hand to where his wing hurt, looking to the man who asked if he needed assistance.

"N-no, I'll be fine for the time being, thank you though. Hopefully there shouldn't be any more nasty trouble like that again, things should be all better afterwards... " he spoke softly, hoping the pain would go away soon enough as he returned to the wagon. He would wait on to the next part of their trip where they would be continuing the task of and handling the slaves. Supposing that such a thing sounded more fitting for the other people to deal with, he thought that he should likely stay out of the others' way for the next part since his capabilities probably wouldn't prove that much assistance in keeping people in line.​
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Despite tearing the guard to shreds, Dreayth still wasn’t satisfied, he craved more carnage. The monster looked around for his next victim but all that was left was the footprints of the cheetah kin that fled.

“Cowards.” The demon then spat onto the corpse he had mutilated alongside Neramo. He’d turn towards the others who seemed to have handled their own fights well enough. It would be a lie to say that Dreayth was happy that the fighting was over, he barely got his own fill since Neramo had assisted him. The monster would make sure that the beasts were dead by poking and prodding at their corpses while Thaddeus was busy convincing Julia to turn back. Unfortunately it was too late for that, the blood was on all of their hands now.

Dreayth would wipe his spear clean of blood before jumping into the back of the wagon, once again traveling on the road again. The change in scenery reminded him of the voids' coldness, soothing the monsters' craving for destruction a bit with each breeze that filled the wagon. Now with a much cooler head he would look towards Hiroshi, he recalled seeing the man save Whizzie. “Human, you better not be playing around with Whizzie. I’ll kill ya.'' This was Dreayth’s form of approval over whatever their situationship was. If they were to be an item at least this Hiroshi guy wasn’t a pushover. He’d then turn to Whizzie with a warm smile, “how ya feeling big bro?”

Naori’s reaction to Julia’s direction received a scoff from the large monster, “You definitely are a crazed attack dog if I saw one, and that says a lot considering the personnel gathered here. Just make sure you keep that knife in check and don’t let any noises slip out of that mouth this time.”


Rank E cooldowns 1/1
Neramo Omnipotenti Malus
"Worry not Dreayth. I've committed the animals face to memory. I'll know if I ever see him again." He said with an annoyed expression on his face, flicking some of the ash off of his hands from his burning attacks on the beast guard. He didn't really care about the cheetah much at all, but rather the principal of someone escaping him and his brothers. It showed sloppiness. An imperfection. And THAT, was what he could not allow. He overheard the argument between their two employers, rolling his eyes. Not at the man suddenly getting a sense of morals, that was beyond his concern. Rather, that they were wasting his time in the first place.

He could not care a minute amount less about the argument the he did, the mans morals were his own to hold. He reached over as they walked, placing his hand on Whizzie's head and ruffling his younger brothers hair up some, checking him over for injury after a moment.
"Everything alright Whizzie?" He asked, getting up and sitting in the cart himself, sitting in one of the corners and leaning against the exterior. His horns had been smoking some from using his powers, but were easing down already.


The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery sheen over the rugged landscape. The wagons trundled along the rocky path, their wheels clattering against the uneven ground. Julia gripped the reins tightly, her eyes scanning the darkened horizon as the night air grew colder. The silence between her and Thaddeus was thick with tension, their quiet argument simmering just below the surface.

"Look, Thaddeus, I know the plan was for you to split up with us at the border. But you've been wounded, and you just barely broke that fever. If I just let you go alone you might end up dead on the side of the road...And beyond that now your wagon is broken. If the Red Star Men hadn't swiped the other one we'd be stuck with one wagon entirely," Julia said, her voice carrying a mix of concern and frustration.

Thaddeus's eyes flashed with anger. "I don't want to be a witness to this atrocity. There has to be another way. This isn't who you are."

Julia's voice was firm, but a hint of sadness seeped through. "It's who I need to be right now. For him."

The trail led them up a steep hill, the climb arduous and fraught with the sound of straining wood and creaking wheels. As they reached the top, the landscape leveled out, revealing a rundown shack perched precariously on the edge of a clearing. The moonlight illuminated the structure, casting long shadows that danced eerily in the night.

Julia pulled the wagons to a stop, the horses snorting and stamping their hooves in the cool night air. Thaddeus's face was set in a grim expression, his eyes dark with disapproval as he watched Julia step down from the wagon.

A middle-aged woman with brown hair and gray eyes emerged from the shack, her hands wringing nervously. Despite her anxious demeanor, she greeted Julia with a businesslike nod. "Julia. It's been a while."

"Erzra," Julia responded, her tone equally formal. "Let's get this over with."

Erzra hesitated, glancing around. "Are you sure about this, Julia? The risks—"

"I've considered them. We proceed," Julia cut in sharply.
With a resigned nod, Erzra disappeared back into the shack, returning moments later with a rope in her hand. There were twenty beastkin slaves. Each of their hands bound and connected to the rope and being dragged out behind her. There was a mixture of children and women. Even a few males. Erzra yanked the ropes and positioned them into a line. For Julia to inspect. Although there was the sound of sniffling and crying, the beastkin all seemed rather docile. In fact, some of them looked a little dazed.

Julia walked down the line, inspecting each slave with a critical eye. She glanced back at Erzra after leaning in and inspecting the eyes of a young woman with white cat ears and silver hair. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying so much. Her wrists were raw and bleeding from the rope around her wrists. And yet she wasn't fighting and trying to escape. Her eyes were staring off into the distance, a fog filling them. Julia straightened up, humming in thought. "They're drugged? You know I don't like my product drugged Erzra. Half of them die from the withdrawals before I even finish their education. " She sighed and waved her hand when Erzra started to try and explain. She continued down the line, inspecting each of the slaves. Until she came upon a young woman specifically. She seemed a little different. Her eyes weren't foggy, though they stared very pointedly into the distance. When Julia leaned in to study her, she gave a small laugh. "This one either has a high tolerance or they're smart. Must be really hungry though." She smiled to the tanuki woman. And almost in response the Tanukis stomach gave a rather loud gurgle. Julia laughed again and waved her hand. "She'll require some extra education. But she'll be a good one."

Erzra glanced at the girl and sighed. "She's been a troublemaker since day one. Good luck with her." Julia stepped away from the line and moved towards Erzra. The two women stepped off to the side, their voices low as they haggled over the price. The slaves stood in stupefied silence. The reality of their situation pressing heavily on them. After a few minutes, Julia handed Erzra a sack of coins, the weight of the transaction palpable. Then turned and gave the command to the men she'd hired.

"Start loading the product onto the wagon," Julia commanded the hired hands. "And be careful with them." Thaddeus frowned, watching the whole scene from the wagons. Without saying anything, he climbed into one of the wagons. As if trying to avoid seeing the scene.

Mentions: SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Sorry it's late guys. Go ahead and work out between you how to get each of the slaves on the two wagons quickly and quietly. Most of them appear to be dazed and confused and half asleep. Either they all go in one wagon, or you split them up between the wagons. Just explain how you'll all work together to get the product loaded. Each black dot on the map is 2 red star men. Each Green dot is 2 slaves. I won't limit the range of your movement, but I will limit it to three actions. To describe between all of you how you each work together to get the slaves loaded up.

🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Maxxob Maxxob
IMG_0375.png “Someone deal with the Tanuki before I ‘accidentally’ kill her.”

Naori stated whether bluntly, if the Tanuki was trouble…was it worth it? Then again, he could probably just knock her out. He wouldn’t want his pay cut for killing the rodent. Plus, it would be redundant considering all the trouble they had gone through just to do this… and the wasted corpses were unfortunate from such a night. Naori walks over to some of the drugged slaves. What they were drugged with was curious, but not of his concern unless it ruined the job. He looked at Ezra for a brief moment.

“If this drug ruins the job, you might find my dagger in your lung.”

He said simply and bluntly. It was a long enough trip and the last thing the group would want was for withdrawals to deal away with half of what their boss would make a profit off of. He went back to cutting the ropes and pocketed his dagger once more. Naori dragged two over to the wagon. Before returning to drag the last pair of slaves over.

Action 1: until 4 slaves
Action 2: drag two to the wagon
Action 3: drag two to the wagon
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy @Gryphon3707 @DSLIX

Smiling at Whizzie, Hiroshi went ahead and picked up the black orb for him, tuckering the object inside the pocket of the jacket. Maybe, after this job was said and done, he would be able to spend some quality time with the incubus, which he was looking really forward to. He took Dreayth's threat as something normal, if the yakuza had had family, he would have delivered the same threat to be sure no funny business would happen. "Don't you worry, I will take good care of him. Really good care." His tone was confident, his mind already made up to see it happen.

While the martial artist didn't say anything, he kept tabs on both Julia's and Thaddeus' conversation. The man kept trying to dissuade Julia from what she was doing, and now it seemed that a chord was being struck. Now Hiroshi saw that he was mistaken: Julia wasn't the strong woman he thought she was. To show weakness and doubt so openly was unsightly in the criminal world he had lived in for so long. In fact, such a demonstration would earn you some knife in the back sooner than one could expect. Hopefully, if he were ever to engage in business with Nero again, she would remain in her estate while things were carried out.

As they got to the actual rendezvous point, Hiroshi walked over the tied up slaves, looking each of them in turn behind his dark shades. The particular tanuki girl caught his eye, seeing that she wasn't drugged like the rest. In fact, she seemed almost not affected by it. He chuckled slightly at the Naori's comment. "I am pretty sure she wouldn't be stupid enough to try anything funny, would you?" His tone was grave, shifting from the lighthearted tone from before to a threatening one as he stepped closer to her. He would untie 5 slaves from the group, the tanuki girl included. Two slaves were hoisted on top of his left shoulder, while the tanuki girl was carried under his arm.

Walking back to the wagon, he would put the two slaves into it, but still keep holding the girl under his arm. Going back to the group of captives, he would get another to and walk back into the wagon. Only then he would deposit all three slaves in it, keeping a watchful eye on the girl. If she tried anything, she would be sorry.

C 0/3
Regeneration to take effect: 3/6

Current situation:
HP: 3/3
Natural Armor: 2/2
Natural Weapons: 2/3
Whizziemin the Greatest

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

As Dreayth and Neramo both took concern for his safety, Whizzie smiled softly and gave them a little wave off.
"I'm fine, really, it'll get better... " he answered softly about getting hurt a little, though it would feel fine with due time. It was quite amusing how much concern they took over him and the potential bad intentions they considered Hiroshi may hold, likely since they weren't really used to cooperating with non-Monsters after all.

When they had arrived, Whizziemin watched and listened for the plan as he decided it would probably be a job better left and suited for the strong-arms and fighty-types of their group. Admittedly, he was not a very strong individual and likely couldn't even handle confronting one average person if they were to get rowdy. His experience in the fight prior showed well enough he was not yet well-versed and practiced in self defense. His magic would clearly need much more training, but it'd come along with his own research on how to assist his own knowledge and both of his brothers' desired advancements. With Neramo wanting to become a powerful demon king, and Dreayth... well, wanting to help and likely also become powerful. Someone had to be the more logical and witted one after all, and researching rather interesting magical or scientific development seemed most fun.

"I'm sure all you boys should have this one handled well enough right? I must say, this doesn't seem like the thing I should be doing, maybe a little barbaric or uncultured or something, but you've seen these little dainty hands and wrists right? Poor me couldn't do that~... " Whizzie answered with a small smug smile, choosing to hang back and let the others handle the menial labour. He'd already helped stall Thaddeus from dying on the ship as well as gotten plenty enough gain out of the trip already, what with meeting Hiroshi and getting his hands on a Black Orb.​

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ E }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop

-East Empire-
Zhaojun City

Code by: Shatter Shard

As they arrived, Dayle quietly jumped down from the wagon. He waited for a while as Julia checked the slaves, and his gaze sharpened at the tanuki when it was her turn. Nevertheless, he kept his posture relaxed. His eyes was a mix of emotions, particularly more with pity on the sorry sods that were going to be sold off. However, this was a job. "You heard the lady." Dayle looked at his men.

[Move: The Red Star Lackeys]
The Red Star lackeys immediately understood and made two orderly lines between each other, ten men each. He then looked at the slaves. "Stay within the perimeter." He warned them as he crossed his arms. The remaining five lackeys would then go on ahead and assist with whoever in the group needs help.

[Other: Assist]
The five lackeys went ahead and went by the others, ensuring that there'd be enough personnel close enough to respond immediately.

[Other: Prepare Against Escape Attempts]
Dayle stayed just outside the lines, just in case someone does manage to break through.

Abilities Used:​

Grade D​



Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Femboy Femboy

Dreayth could only shake his head at the edge that Naori had been carrying on his shoulders. “Get our pay deducted and you might find my spear in your pelvis” the monster groaned, he was still pissed about the beast that escaped earlier. He would turn to his newly found inlaw and roll his eyes, “There’s always a possibility that the bitch tries to pull something. If she’s a nuisance like we’ve been, she might try to take death over enslavement.”

The monster would then briefly glare at the Tanuki as he tried to gauge her resolve. It was easy to tell that the others were equally on guard as well. It was as though there was an unsettling tension within the air. Nonetheless Dreayth would shake his head and carry on with the job. The monster would then approach a group of six, his hand firmly around the chains that bound them. [Super Strength F] would assist in guiding the group towards the wagon as he tugged for them to go. The Red Star men were helpful when it came to guarding the perimeter, as any of the slaves who may have separated were corrected rather swiftly.

Whizzie had opted to stay to the side which Dreayrh didn’t mind. After all this wasn’t exactly his forte, usually it was Neramo and Dreayrh doing most of the gritty work. “All good big bro, Hiroshi here will take your workload.” The monster chuckled as he poked some fun at the man.

1. Approach the slaves
2. Group 6 slaves together with Super Strength F
3. Guide them towards the wagon

The night stretched on, shadows lengthening as the moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale, eerie glow over the scene. The proceedings continued in hushed tones, the only sounds being the occasional shuffle of feet and the distant hoot of an owl. One by one, the slaves were loaded onto the wagon, their faces etched with a mix of fear and resignation.

Erzra arched a brow at Naori's threat, then responded with a mocking snap of her jaws, producing a series of bark-like noises. "Julia,..." she drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she shot a sidelong glance at Naori. "Might I suggest you get a better grip on the leash you hold your mad dogs on." Her lips curled into a sneer before she turned to gather her belongings. Julia chuckled softly before fixing Naori with a stern glare.

"Do refrain from getting mouthy again, boy. You might be my chosen hired hands. But know your place." She sighed after a moment, touching her head as if she were dizzy, before crossing her arms and watching over the loading of the slaves from a distance. As each of their ropes were cut and they were loaded onto the wagon, Thaddeus took them and gently helped the slaves to a seated position within the depths of the covered wagon. The Red Star men formed a lane for the slaves to be herded into the wagon easily enough. Julia glanced over to the side at Whizzie, who didn't seem to be doing anything. "Are you going to help with anything or am I paying you to flirt with the other hands?" she muttered quietly, watching as the last of the slaves were being herded up.


The air was thick with tension, the stillness of the night amplifying every sound. As the last of the slaves were secured in the wagon, an oppressive silence fell over the scene. Erzra was already a distant silhouette, a shadow against the horizon of the night. Julia scanned the surroundings, her eyes narrowing as she motioned for Whizzie to follow her and get on the wagon. She took a few tentative steps forward when chaos erupted.

From within the wagon, six glass bottles came hurtling out, shattering against the ground and a few of the Red Star men. A pungent liquid spilled forth, igniting into a thick, acrid smoke that rapidly enveloped the area. The alchemical concoction filled the air with a choking haze, reducing visibility to mere inches and throwing the scene into disarray.

In the midst of the turmoil, Thaddeus sprang from the wagon, tackling Hiroshi and freeing the tanuki girl from his grasp. She scrambled to her feet, her eyes wild with fear and determination. With a fierce snarl, she lunged at the nearest Red Star men, her claws slashing across their faces in a frenzied bid for freedom.

"Run! Now!" Thaddeus shouted, his voice cutting through the cacophony. He struggled to keep Hiroshi pinned down as the slaves, driven by a desperate urge to escape, surged from the wagon in a panicked mass, scattering in every direction.

Julia's scream pierced the night. "What's going on?! What happened?! Stop them!" Her voice was a blend of fury and desperation as the slaves vanished into the darkness, the meticulously planned operation unraveling in an instant.

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Last edited:

🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂: Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SixSense SixSense Femboy Femboy Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Maxxob Maxxob
IMG_0375.png “And what benefit is there if they die before getting to their masters.”

It was a quiet, not so snarky response. It made no sense to drug them if they would die before being sold. He didn’t care if they were sold quickly enough that it would look like an accident, but they die before that? It was quite a waste of profit in his mind. And in that time span things had taken a turn for the worse. The Bastard Thaddeus thought he would win so easily, did he? Well, the panthers didn’t even make it. Seeing Thaddeus attack Hiroshi, it wasn’t so much of concern that made Naori lash out.

No, it was a thirst for blood. Specifically, Thaddeus’s blood. In his state? The man was an easy kill. Good for any predator. But first he shouted at Dayle.

“You and your men get the slaves!”

Naori took out his dagger and ran towards Thaddeus, who would be attempting to hold Hiroshi now.

Using [Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D]] Naori attempts to stab the sickly man in the head with all the strength in his body.

Action 1: shout at Dayle
Action 2: run at Thaddeus
Action 3: Attempt to Stab Thaddeus

Skills Used
Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst.

Effectiveness Calculations:
[C] strength + 4 effectiveness [D] dagger/catalyst +3 effectiveness [D] Faux Innocence + 3 Effectiveness
Over all Effectiveness = 10

D - 0/2
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Femboy Femboy @Gryphon3707 @DSLIX

"Of course, I wouldn't want Whizzie to get his hands dirty with these, right? They were made for... other things, I gather."
He answered Dreayth with a sly smile on his lips, seeing not problem at all in doing the incubus share of manual labor. As he was waiting next to the wagon, things took on a different turn than he had expected. With the sound of bottles shattering against the ground and suddenly, there was little that Hiroshi could see in front of him. The yakuza would feel someone tackling him against the ground and, when he looked at who it was, a flash of anger appeared on his face.

Of course, of course it had to be the piece which didn't fit the puzzle. If that I'm uncultured had just been left to die, this wouldn't be happening right now. Thaddeus, the bastard, had evaded his death so many times so far, first against the Nightshade Guild who tried to steal the wagon, then against the poison or whatever ailment which he had been inflicted with. This time around, however, Hiroshi would be damned if he let the man survive.

Seeing Naori already start running towards the man who was pinning Hiroshi to try and stab him, the yakuza also acted. In a sprout of perhaps ingenuity, the martial artist turned his head to the side slightly, before bringing his forehead up squarely against Thaddeus' face, aiming at his nose. His sunglasses would most likely shatter upon impact, but that was a worry for another moment. Hiroshi would then repeat two more times, aiming to smash and break as much of man's face as he could, while getting out of his hold.


1 - Face Breaker - Fighting Style [Whispering Crane Style] C, Penetrating F, Linked F, Blight [Blunt] F, Continuing [Bleed] F - Grade C Cooldown 3 - Forgoing the more technical aspects of his fighting technique, Hiroshi delivers two consecutive headbutts aimed at a target's face
2 - Basic attack
3 - Basic attack

STR B (5) + FS C (4) + WPN D (3) = 12 + 2 basic attacks = 14 + 1 damage from Linked, +1 damage from Blight, +1 damage from Continuing for 1 turn, - 1 from equipment protection against the target. Damages Natural Weapons by 1.

C 3/3
Regeneration to take effect: 2/6

Current situation:
HP: 3/3
Natural Armor: 2/2
Natural Weapons: 1/3
Whizziemin the Greatest

Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

"Ah, thank you for understanding, it's so nice to have such kind-hearted people around~" Whizzie chimed with a smile at Dreayth and Hiroshi's equal kidness to helping do his fill of the work, humming sweetly and twiddling his thumbs as he heard Julia's criticism of his idling. Giving a shrug, he calmly answered.

"Aren't you also just standing around doing nothing right now? At least I'm honest about it. Besides, they're being such kind gentlemen who want to assist me with it, it's simply just not my problem if there aren't any men who'd want to raise a finger for you without being paid. Maybe if you just calm down a little and talk a little nicer tone, I can help teach you on what you're doing wrong about that, and then maybe guys'll listen to you for once" Whizziemin answered with a rather innocent, thoughtless smile not seeing anything inherently wrong with what he said. That, or just hiding his smugness about his response.

"He gets it, imagine what else I could be doing, like healing or inspecting orbs for research and stuff, I don't know what I'll need my hands open for on sudden notice" he also spoke about Hiroshi's added suggestion, his attention being abruptly distracted by Thaddeus' questionable move of tackling Hiroshi. The panic that freed slaves caused made him roll his eyes.
"This is why I shouldn't have been responsible for doing this, my point exactly... " the incubus muttered, hesitantly unsure how he was supposed to help acquire the escaping slaves. Looking to the Red Star member who had just been assaulted, he chose to give him in specific healing attention in order to support him into feeling better.

"Here you go, champ, can't have you looking scratched up like that, can we now?~" he hummed in a playful tone to the crewmember. Looking out to the darkness in order to try and spot a single glance of any of the runaway slaves, Whizzie called out.

"Hey, don't go, we're not doing anything wrong, we're here to help you! I get it might be a little scary right now, but you're making it a lot worse for yourself running out there! Please come back, I promise, I wouldn't lie to you" he called out in hopes that any of the drugged up little friends would listen to his plea and make a return, it'd at the least rub it in Julia's face that standing around and acting flirtatious with people did help a lot more than she would think.
"Tanuki girl, it's okay, you can calm down, there's no need to panic, you can trust me, honest".

1. Dose of Love - Magic (D), Healing (D), Magic Range (F) - Grant magical healing from a safe range to help soothe and heal injury- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown (to the attacked Red Star member)
2 Incubus' Silver Tongue - Seduction (F), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Use wording and charms to win over the attention and affection of others while convincing them to assist in his own matters and what he asks or says to them, even to convince them to believe his lies and tricks - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (to call out to the escapee Slaves)
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Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Dreayth would chuckle at Whizzie giving Julia a word about having men do the heavy lifting. Perhaps she could learn a thing or two, being uptight all the time wasn’t a good look. As Dreayth had been busy leading the slaves onto the wagon, a situation had developed from behind. His eyes would widen at the word that came from Thaddeus. As he turned to see what had happened he saw the blond man toppled over on top of Hiroshi attempting to restrain him. Julia’s sudden screaming would snap him from how Thaddeus jeopardized the mission as he watched the slaves attempt to leap into the night.

“Red star dudes, watch over these slaves” Dreayth would ask them, hopefully, they would listen to him since it pertained to the status of the mission.

Despite his large size, the monster was quick on his feet, utilizing [Fast F] to attempt to close the distance on the nearest escaping slave he laid eyes on. If he managed to get in range he would utilize Domination F to knock the slaves off balance and capture them.

1. Use Fast F to get within range.
2. Use Domination F to knock any escaping slaves within range off balance.

Ability used
Domination (Fighting Style E, Super strength F, Knockback f) Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth uses a wide swing and overwhelming strength to knock back his enemy.

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