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Realistic or Modern Zero Point Military School.

Ken Harvard nodded as well to Ashlynn.

"So you are in as well. Commendable. For many things, it's always taking that first step which is the hardest."


Turning to the man I nodded to him as he nodded to me. I always did it as respect to my dad. If I didn't he would normally force me to so it was a force of habit. As he spoke I tilted my head and gave another slight nod. "Hard decisions normally end up being the best decisions. And I already know this is the best decision." I say my solid expression not changing since I had gotten here.​
Ken Harvard gave a slight smile.

"True, sometimes the hardest decision is the best decision. However, we will always still question if it really was the best decision. We always ask whether there was anything else we could have done. Once a person makes their choice however, nothing can stop them."
Kyle looked around and then shrugged, taking a step forward. This place may seem awful, but it's not like it could be that difficult right? Right?
Ken Harvard nodded to Kyle when he stepped forward.

"This means you're in as well. What about you Thea? Are you in or are you out? There is nothing wrong with quitting at this point of time."
He had been sitting in the car for quite some time now, and had grown bored of the long travel. I trust this academy will be the best. If father himself has approved. Still for him to send me here from Westpoint? He gives a long sigh. "Know thy enemies they say." he says, putting aside a folder of information. The man who said that was a fool. You must know everything. Only then can you win wars. Looking into a small mirror he adjusts himself. We will be there soon and I must look presentable. Suddenly they come to a stop, and his driver speaks. "Mr. Grant we have arrived." Alekzander looks up at the man. "Yes of course. Thank you very much." He steps out of the car in time to see a crowd of people beginning to enter the school. He spots Ken Harvard leading the group and approaches him. In everything you do reflect your authority. He had been taught that ever since he was a child. If he was to lead men then he had to show he could. He walks perfectly up to Ken Harvard. Alekzander is dressed sharply in his military uniform. He salutes him. "My apologies for the tardiness sir. i won't give any excuses, but I am proud not only to be attending this academy but to meet you sir. My father speaks highly of you, and sends his regards."
Ken Harvard saluted Alekzander back before nodding.

"At ease. You are? Ah yes. I did receive information of someone being sent here from quite a ways off. I presume you are Alekzander Grant? You're the son of that man I see. Although I personally have not interacted much with your father, his merits have made him quite prominent in the military. Well, just because the father is an ace doesn't necessarily mean that the son is one. I'll be watching you."
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Adam stole a glance at the new arrival. Dressed sharply, walked perfectly straight. Air of superiority about him. He knew those types. Always the leaders, and always thinking they're too good for actual fighting; wouldn't want to get dirt on their perfect shoes. Granted this one could be different, but they usually weren't so Adam didn't raise any hopes. He resisted the urge to spit at his feet. A real soldier will actually hold a gun, as his father always said. 'Don't ever be one of those pencil pusher types! Should be able to see the man you're killing for your country, not hiding behind some desk being a self entitled "leader", you got that?' was what his father told him once. More like beat into him, but who was keeping track besides the scars from the belt?
He chuckles slightly."Of course sir. A man should be defined by who he is not by his family. I do not plan on disappointing."

Out of the corner of the eye he catches someone looking at him. I've seen that look before. Hmph well best make a good impression after all respect is earned. He walks over and salutes the man and then offers him a handshake. "It is good to see someone else who is in possession of discipline." Pointing to the other recruits. " I am Alekzander Grant. I hope we can at the very least respect each other as allies if nothing else. Considering the look of some of the others. I'm not entirely sure I would entrust my lives to them." @PenguinFox
Adam eyed the young man introducing himself as Alekzander suspicously. He shook his hand firmly. "Stanford. Adam Stanford. I come from a military family, so discipline was..taught to me early." he paused at the word taught. He knew it was more beaten into him, but no one needed to know that. "I'm a damn good shot if I say so myself, so you can trust me have my allies back. I hope that trust can be found with you as well." He looked past the Alekzander's shoulder at the other recruits. He leaned in close and whispered "If I'm being honest, I wouldn't trust the other's either." This one seemed capable enough, assuming he would actually go out in the field. @Alex Zephyr
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Alekzander looks at Adam with a pleased look on his face. A fellow military man. Good to see there's another one here. He doesn't strike me as the type to have gone to the officers camp though. "Glad to meet you Adam. It's good to see someone else from a military family. I'll be honest. I've seen others like you. The separation between us is even apparent in our boot camps. The officers and the enlisted." He gives a heavy sigh. " I always thought the rivalry was idiotic. At the end of the day if CO's and their soldiers don't at least try to get along then what?" He scoffs a little, and gives Adam a grin. " We'll have to have a shooting match then. To be honest you'll probably win." I'm no slouch,but my combat abilities were never exceptional. Alekzander's face darkens a bit. "If it comes down to it I won't hesitate to pull my trigger though. Especially not if it means saving a teammates life. I can only hope the others will do the same." @PenguinFox
Adam nodded. While he agreed the rivalry was silly, he understood why it was there, and the purpose it served. "Word of advice;" he said. "Try not to compare those in the field with those in charge. That's why there's animosity. They're both military, but one group goes to boot camp and the other goes to officer school." He made sure to put emphasis on the programs. They were, after all, completely different. "Many troops believe that officers are weak people who pretend to lead to feel better about themselves. Like a politician, but worse because they call themselves soldiers." Realizing how he might sound he softened his tone. "However, that's just the general feelings. I'm not saying I agree." He sort of did agree, but he wasn't going to let that be known. @Alex Zephyr
Alekzander pauses. Adams words caught him off guard. Is that really how they see us? I guess now that I think about it, it does makes sense. There have been some truly repulsive people in officer camp. " I never realized how deep the divide really was. Thank you for offering a new perspective on things. I won't make the same mistake again." He shrugs. "Ah, let's put this behind us." He forms up next to him. Whispering. " So what are your thoughts on the others?" @PenguinFox
"That ones cocky and disrespectful." he whispered back, nodding his head in Kyle's direction. "That one's isn't serious." he nodded towards Thea. "That one, well as you can see looks as though a breeze could knock him over." nodding towards Kiro. "And I don't know anything about her." he said referring to Ashlynn. "And me? I'm a soldier through and through. Born and raised to be one. Very strict upbringing but it's made me who I am today." @Alex Zephyr
Kota returned the man's nod before looking around at the other new recruits. He found he was good at reading people. Especially when they weren't trying to punch him while he was doing so. Most were from families with obvious military background or something like it, one was a rather arrogant seeming boy that reminded him eerily of his cousin, but skinnier, and a girl that seemed like she was to excited to take it seriously. Only four of them so far had chosen, Kiro included.

I sort of wonder what one would see should they try to read me.
He mused before glancing at his frail looking hands. I probably don't look very intimidating but then again that isn't really the image I'm going for. I don't think I could switch from looking intimidating to being charming as can be like Theo. I think for now I'll stick to this whole frail thing. If I really need to I can always change it. Looking around once more Kiro didn't see anyone he particularly wished to speak to right then, a rarity if you knew him, and settled for staring at the ground as he went through a quick mental catalog of what he was currently studying. He had found stitches to be interesting so far. So running stitches can...
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Alekzander spits on the ground.Continuing to whisper. "Disrespectful huh? And cocky. Damn. Won't last a day then. How disgusting. Not serious, hmm well that can't be as bad as that guy. A weakling? There has to be a reason for him being here. He seems pretty young too.Maybe he has political connections? I'm one to talk though. And a mystery figure. Alright." He pauses. "Hmph. Looks like someone is reading something" Motioning to the frail looking boy with his head. @PenguinFox
Thea zoned out for a few minutes - she was fantasizing over all the possibilities for the lovely toys she might get to play with during her training. The thought of screens racing with numbers and info only one of her position would understand, the ghostly image of typing away commands and tweaking busted mechanisms, it made her want to drool.

In that way, she was a bit of an odd case.

Snapping out of her daydreams when she heard her name, she just grinned and pushed back her glasses again. "Oh, yeah yeah, I'm in. I dunno what made you think I might wanna back out. I know there's nothing wrong with quitting, but I came here for a reason, y'know, Mister Sir." Already, it seemed apparent that the woman was fond of addressing people by stupid names.
What an odd girl. She was the one Adam said wasn't serious. At the very least she has enthusiasm. He walks over to were the girl was standing. Alekzander gives her a small salute. "You seem enthusiastic? I hope that translates well into your performance here." He offers her a handshake. "My name is Alekzander Grant, and you are?" @Kachi
Enthusiastic, huh? Well, she supposed that was one way she could be described.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I guess. Name's Thea, I like computers, and everyone thinks I'm either a real pain in the rear or just really weird. To be honest, I'm both. Nice meeting you, Alekzander Grant. Whew, what a mouthful. Can I just call you 'Al'? You look like an Al." She didn't seem bothered by how proper this male held himself, because she really didn't care about things like that. Appearances said nothing to how a person acted where it mattered, after all. That, and she never really had a good sense of authority anyway. She also seemed like she could ramble about a bunch of nonsensical stuff all day and never grow bored; it was a gift.

@Alex Zephyr
What just happened? The girl had just delivered nothing but rambling incoherent mumblings. He pauses gathering his thoughts." It's good to have a passion. Do you plan on focusing on battlefield logistics and communications? You know radar, radio and computational technologies? More of the headquarter elements? Or perhaps field engineering and repairs? And sorry but you may not call me Al. My friends often called me Alex, if that helps." @Kachi
"Alex? Well, I guess that works too," Thea decided, nodding in satisfaction. Then he set about answering his question. "Oh, I want to handle all of those things. I'm pretty handy with all sorts of machinery. I'll fix the tanks, monitor statistics, and blow out someone's shins all at the same time!" An excited clap followed this explanation. "Nah, actually, that probably isn't safe," she decided a moment later, holding up a finger and shaking her head. "But anyway, I would like to do all of that. It all sounds so entertaining. Though, if I had to pick, I'd probably handle logistics and communications. Nothing gets past these eyes." She pointed at herself, a dark chuckle leaving her body as she once again dreamed about her fingers racing across a keyboard, telling everyone information at the speed of light and working her computer just as fast.

@Alex Zephyr
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Despite her lack of seriousness,she seems passionate about such a role. She could be useful. Alekzander smiles." My family has a long military history. I have received training and top marks in both Combat Operations and Military Analysis. An officers position will be awaiting me upon graduation of the academy. If you are truly as good as you say then I could put in a request to have you transfered from your station as my aide. It would put you into the position you are looking for." He shrugs. " I'm not entirely sure you would be right for the spot however."

God. To have someone like this as part of command. @Kachi
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Thea listened to him. Yeah, boring, whatever. It wasn't any fun to get where she wanted with a recommendation, she wanted to show off and make her way to the top by herself. However, at the comment about her not being right for the position, her brows raised and she adopted an indignant expression. "Oh, I assure you I'm quite fit for this role." Pushing back her glasses, she continued, "I've been commended on multiple occasions for my abilities and potential." Then her grin returned. "Granted, the teachers liked to scold me a lot... Something about behavioural issues? Huh, it was quite bizarre, I tell you."

@Alex Zephyr
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Hahahahahaha. What a lost cause. He frowns. "Listen to me and do so well. I'm not offering you my help as a shortcut. Did I not say the recommendation would depend upon how good you really are? But with your lack of discipline you'll never make it anywhere. If you think you can make it with talent alone then you're mistaken. You'll be the IT guy with your disregard of how serious this actually is. There is no way you would ever be let near anything other than a broken computer." He turns around. "I thought you shared the same passion for the job as I did. I guess I was wrong. And it's not wise to make enemies. Just how I could hasten your promotion, I could hamper it. Think rationally." He walks off towards the other candidates. @Kachi
What a buzz kill, Thea thought, ready to doze off on the spot. The guy seemed so serious and sharp she thought she might prick herself if she touched him. No fun. Ah well, she didn't care about proving herself to someone like him, let alone befriending someone like him. Didn't anyone know you were supposed to be classy when talking to a woman, and not act like a brick? A frozen brick even. She looked off, not bothering to reply to him as he turned and walked off. Example number two of a complete lack of decency. She wondered then if anyone would actually be decent enough to make a proper acquaintance out of.

She didn't bother to fathom who would want to make a friend with someone who drooled at the thought of a perfectly crafted motherboard, fit with high-grade fibreglass, perfectly refined copper wiring, components shaped from the finest of gold and nickel...

Ah. There she went again. She wiped her mouth dry and set her mind back on track.

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