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Realistic or Modern Zero Point Military School.

"I would but unless she's hiding a secret in those pants she won't interest me for long. " Cracking a kink in his neck Kiro fell back onto the bottom bunk and began swinging his legs idly as he turned his head toward the other's. "Hey girl. Think you can fight while daydreaming? That would be a real talent."
Thea sat up, giving Alex a playful grin. "Heya, Al," she stated, recalling the fact that he didn't much like the nickname. "How are things, hmm?" Then, hearing Ashlynn's comment, her brows lifted. "What's this now? Hey, it isn't very fair to just thrust me in the middle of things without an explanation." She crossed her arms, tapping a faintly calloused index finger on her arm, looking at them all through the empty frames of her glasses with an amused light in her eyes. Hearing Alex, she sighed at him, shaking her head. "That's just gross; ladies don't have wet dreams. But, if you insist, I'll certainly introduce myself. I'm Thea, I like tech stuff and making people look at me funny. Pleasure." She bowed, winking. @Alex Zephyr @AshleyBergie @ everyone else


I looked down at my hand when he grabbed it and laughed. "Feisty" I say with a smirk and looked at Kiro. "I understand why you don't want him swinging your way." I say with a smirk and looked up at Alex with a clear flirty look as I pulled my hand away since it was close to him having it brush against him with a laugh and spun around to the girl. "Im pretty sure girls are allowed wet dreams." I say with a laugh knowing it would make the guys uncomfortable.

@Alex Zephyr
Alekzander looks at Ashlynn and blushes a little at her actions. "Just don't forget what I told you." He then scoffs at Thea. "Yes. Not to mention literally drooling at the thought of technology as well as having a childish indifference to our situation. I tried to get you to acknowledge the seriousness of what we are in for and you blew me off." He softens a little. "Look. I'm not trying to antagonize you and If you really are as skilled with tech as you say you are then that's amazing. But please your life and ours are on the line. Try and be a little more serious at least about the..." He stops having been caught off guard by Ashlynns comment. "Yes. Well. Thank you for your honesty." He says flustered. @AshleyBergie

"Ah, see, I said ladies, not girls. You can admit to waking up with soaked garments all you like; I happen to have some level of dignity." Thea said to Ashlynn in response. She seemed to be joking around but with her, it was hard to tell. Either way, she was enjoying the conversation. One activity she happened to enjoy quite a bit was being openly and carelessly obscene, but it could be argued that was because she didn't quite know what fell on the vulgar side of the spectrum and what didn't. Then she looked over at Alex again, cocking a brow. "Gee, no need to get all soft 'n sweet or whatever. I didn't sign up to this school so I could bound into the arms of the enemy's and let them blow my head off. Like I said; I have dignity." She smiled, holding a look to her that wasn't quite readable but was caught somewhere between determination and reassurance, before she adopted her typical careless expression once more. "I think I preferred talking about wet dreams!"
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As I heard Alex get cut off I laughed and padded him on the chest. "There there. It's ok. Figured you would be uncomfortable" I say with a smirk and looked at the girl. If she was big into tech she sadly lost that ability since I'm sure Sir would take it away. Then I heard the girl get smart with me and I cocked my head and looked at her. "Sweetheart you might wanna rethink or watch what you say before you end up kinda like Adam" I say shifting my weight to one side.​
Kiro barked a laugh as he rolled over onto his side. "I think we need to get past all the bad first impression's and get a clean slate. They don't seem to be helping us much. Though they are providing an awful lot of entertainment."
Alex nods at Thea. "Alright. Good to see you're actually serious. Sorta." He laughs. "Ashlynn. Don't let Theas nun like behavior get to you. If she wants to pretend she's not human let her." Smirking. "She's probably working for skynet anyways." Alekzander looks over at Kiro. "Ah you're probably right. Lets start clean. You should probably go tell Adam. I might even forgive him." Looking at the group. " So anyone want to have storytime?"
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Waving her hand around, Thea shook her head. "Honestly, you folk are so touchy, I can't get a single joke out without being lashed for it!" Then, holding her hands at her sides with her palms directed towards the ceiling, she added, "And I don't even know who Adam is!" She laughed, wondering if she'd blanked on meeting one of her new schoolmates or if she'd missed out on some weird story revolving around some guy named Adam. Interesting, she was curious now, but she didn't ask. If the poor kid was in the room with them, he could speak up for himself. "Maybe I'll just stick out of your conversations, since no one likes my humour and that's all I'm good for." Laughing some more, she laid down, removing her glasses and puffing at the hair that fell onto her face in result. "Oh, and by the way, I'm definitely working for Skynet!"


I turned and looked at Alex and laughed at him. "I'd be shocked if you forgave eachother to be honest." I say with a smile and shaking my head. "Even though I would love to see it" I say leaning against Kiro's beds leg that kept the bed up.​
He shrugs. "I could forgive him. He'd have to apologize first. I don't think that's going to happen." He leans against the bunk across from Ashlynn. "So. Have you thought about my offer? I think you'd enjoy being my aide."

He gives her a glance. "I could do worse certainly. But the question is are you capable enough?" @AshleyBergie


"Ya I thought about it." I say pushing myself off the bed leg and infront of him. Keeping about a foot or 2 infront of us. "The real question is if you can handle trying to teach me your ways." I say tilting my head. "I was raised by a wanna be leader so I don't know. You think you got it in you solider boy?" I say with a smirk as I winked at him and went and climbed back up into my bed and looked down at them.​
Alekzander laughs." I was born a leader. I was trained by leaders, and within my blood flows the blood of leaders past." He shakes his head. "It's not an easy job but it's one I'm ready for. It takes dedication,skill, and natural prowess. However, I don't see any other way you could make your father prouder. I'm up to guide you there." He steps on the bed beneath her bringing his face close to hers. " We'll see how good you are." @AshleyBergie


When he lifted himself up and infront of my face and smirked and tilted my head. "I don't think you can handle what I have to give" I say with a slide smile as I ruffled his hair. "Now get down before you start something you don't know how to finish." I say with a smirk running my finger across his cheek as I nudged him down back at the ground raising an eyebrow at him and smiled.​
He climbs down. "Ha two can play that game." He gives her a smirk. "I don't think you'll be able to handle what I have to give." He walks over to his bunk and grabs a file. Alekzander then gives it to Ashlynn. Giving her a grin."Sadly for you I mean literally. This is a file on China's military buildup as well as an analysis on their military spending and resource allocation. Interesting stuff I assure you." He gives her a wink and then returns to his bunk. "Have fun." @AshleyBergie


I looked at the paper and then over at him. "What. You want me to read you a bed time story?" I say with a laugh as I looked down at the paper. "Plus I thought these were classified. For curtain people's eyes only. Not just some random girls eyes"​
"I ship it!" Kiro chirped watching Ashlynn and Alex interact. Giggling he roll's of the bottom bunk and climbs back onto the top bunk. "You guy's would make such an adorable couple. "
He had taken out a file to start reading. He turns to face Ashlynn. "Listen. If you are going to be my aide then get used to having access to important documents. I'm planning on climbing my way up to general.

If you're by my side that means you're not a random person." He sighs putting up the file and then laughs. "Alright then. Read me a bedtime story. It has to be more interesting than my files." He then smirks over at Kiro. "Not as hard as I ship you and Adam. Best bromance ever, right Ashlynn?" @AshleyBergie @Crimson smile


I looked from Alex to Kiro and laughed. "Oh my god YAS! The most romantic bromance ever!" I say with a laugh and look back at Alex and shook my head falling back into my pillow and turned my head so I was still able to look at the boys. "You guys can cuddle and gossip and all that. Oh it would be great." I say laughing to myself.​
Alekzander looks over at Ashlynn and laughs. He decides to add to her joke. "Yeah Kiro. You're even planning on being a medic. That means that when you and Adam are on leave, you can patch him up if you guys go to the bar. You know he'll pick a fight with everything from the bartender to the barstool." @Crimson smile @AshleyBergie


"Oh god I would love to see that. Hell even I would pay for it. Even though I would think the barstool would beat him. But still it would be nice to see him try and fight it." I say as I rolled over onto my face and resting my head in my hand again just smiling at the jokes that were going around.​
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Alekzander chuckles. "Adam seems like the kind of guy who shouts at doors to get them open." He looks over at the others. " I'm getting a little worried though. He's not back yet. And even though he's a bit of an ass. Well he's still part of the team."
"Oh, the barstool will," Kiro grinned playing along. "Since I'll be smashing it into his teeth." When Alex mentioned Addam's absence he frown. "He might just be doing a little exploring. I guess we should make sure though. Plus, it isn't good to let this bad blood continue for long."


"Ya I guess you guys have a point. But I'm sure if one of us goes out" I say looking at Alex "They might try killing eachother" I say as I have Alex a look. "So it's probably best if we all go out there incase one of us does try to kill Adam." I then fake cough and mumble "Alex" then gave him a devilish smile Alittle.​
Alekzander smashes his hand into his face. "I was planning on using nose goes." He lowers himself down and looks at the others. Sighing "Alright then. Let's go." He looks over at Ashlynn and matches her expression. "I doubt I could beat you to it."

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