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Realistic or Modern Zeattle (Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay)




Welcome to Seattle! Now becareful the Zombies do bite...

Check the Overview to see what's going on, and go to the Character Sign-up thread to create characters! The RP is open to everyone!​
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Infinite Totalus As the sun rose on a Tuesday morning in Seattle, Washington, It seemed like nothing was wrong with the world. The clouds were blue, and the sky was pink to the east. A small breeze would jumble the pine trees, and slowly growing leaves on the trees left an absolutely silent forest. Spring was on the way, and with that brought beautiful mornings of soft snow on the ground, and green leaves forming. The world looked seemingly normal, like nothing has ever happened before.

Up in one tree, a hunter sat stealth-like on a branch high into the tree where a wide range of the ground could be seen. He wore a brown trench coat, with a light blue shirt with black jeans. His hair wasn't too long, but it was long enough that it needed to be combed in some spots if he woke up in bed from a long night of sleep. He usually kept it longer at the top so he could spike it, but with his hair growing fast, he couldn't do that. He had bright Green eyes, that almost seemed piercing to those who looked at it.

For a hunter, he was quite hard, and stubborn. He liked it better when things went his way instead of the opposite of what he wanted. It's especially harder if that thing is mother nature it's self. His girlfriend recently died, not more than two weeks ago, and the images kept flooding his mind as he kept his bow on his lap. He closed his eyes and looked away trying to get the images off of his mind, a bloody scene as Zombies surrounded his girlfriend and began to eat her alive, her scream piercing his ears as she screamed her name... He shook his head again and picked up the bow, and pulled an arrow out of the Quiver and looked around, scanning for food to eat... Something simple like a hare would do..

A small hare bouncing around on the lightly snow covered ground. The hunter aimed his bow towards it and breathed lightly before holding his breath in and he shot the arrow right down at it. He nailed the hare right in the head, straight between the ears. The hunter hopped down the branches, and quietly landed on the ground. As he came down a twig snapped from the tree and fell onto the ground. He moved across the trees to get to the hare about 50 yards away from the original tree, and grabbed the hare, pulling the bow out, and cleaned it on the snow that was on the ground.

He turned his head around as he heard a twig that fell from the tree he was in when he hopped down snap. He quickly turned around and saw 2 people walking towards him. They looked like they were going to get what he grabbed, and he dropped it quickly, and loaded the bow up. the hunter backed away slowly holding the bow near them. They were snarling at him, and looked like they were bleeding from their arm and leg. One of them started to speed up their pace towards the hunter. To which the hunter backed up backwards and then fell over on a downed branch. He lost the arrow and the bow when he fell, and he scrambled to get the arrow back into the bow. Once he finally managed it, he fired it into the chest of that person coming towards him... but it kept coming at him! He started to freak out, and scrambled to his feet, and back away more loading another arrow and fired it, this time at the head of the same one he fired the first arrow into and it fell dead. "headshots only..." he spoke softly, almost like a gamer. As he watched the one he shot, he completely forgot about the second one, and looked up right as he did and it jumped at him knocking him to the ground.

He was surprised, and scrambled to get something to push the other one off of him. He pushed it off, but it tried to scratch him on his arm, and succeeded. He covered his arm, and then got up. He took his hand off the scratch and loaded the bow with another arrow and shot it right into the head of the other one. He panted softly as he watched it stop moving and knelt down on the snow panting softly. He just killed two 'people' and he didn't like that idea... Guess that's what happens when people turn crazy and try to attack you. He quickly looked at his scratch and covered it again, pulling his bag off of him, and tended to the wound putting a bandage around it, and tied it off with a knot. He grabbed the three arrows and recounted to make sure he had all 20 arrows in his quill and then set off again after cleaning the three arrows of the blood.

The hunter picked up the hare, and put it into his bag and began to walk again. This entire time he believed he was going north. Away from the cities, but he actually walked towards the city. The hunter, who's name is Infinite, came from Vancouver Canada just two days before the entire city was wiped out from this virus that has taken control of the planet. Currently, he is right outside of Fallen City, Washington. An outskirt city of Seattle. He looked though some pine tree, and saw the smallish sub-city. He was a bit worried about seeing the city, this was not where he wanted to be but he really should get supplies, he's running out of basic things like water. The snow will melt soon. So he had to look for other means of getting water, and small medical supplies in case an emergency occurs.
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Katelle had arrived into the city merely days before the outbreak of whatever the hell this was happened. She had planned on taking a much-needed break from everything that had happened at home.

She had just lost her fiancé. He had been killed by a serial killer that had been loose in their neighborhood in the middle of the night. Every major vein in his body was split open, causing him to bleed out. She was sleeping at the time; oblivious to what was happening. She remembered waking up the next morning to feel something sticky on her body. Thinking she must have fallen asleep with food in the bed, she turned to greet her fiancé good morning, only to find him lifeless, dried blood all over her body. How had she not known? He must not have screamed. He was always tough. Or, it could have been that he was killed too fast. Not enough time to scream. Soon it had hit her. It could have been her too laying there dead.

That was why she hates her home in France. So many people were killed each week, it was honestly too hard to keep track of. She always wanted to leave, but Eren made her stay.

Now, after the world around her had gone to hell, she moved to this new place. Less murders, better area. Great place for her to live

But then she was attacked. She had no idea what the hell that thing was, but it was definitely not human.

Today, she was in the woods, a while outside the city. She needed something to eat, and she wasn't going to trust food that was exposed to this virus. She was going to hunt.

Currently, she was hiding out in a camp she'd made in the woods. There were traps everywhere, so the beasts would be caught if they walked into them.

She heard footsteps approaching, and they were getting closer. No snarling, so it wasn't a biter, but it's steps were too heavy for an animal's. It had to be a human.

As the steps got near her camp, she loaded her bow with an arrow and drew the string back. They were so close now. She jumped out from behind a tree at the person, her bow pointed at them.

It was a man. He was pretty attractive, but she didn't care. She began to speak at him in French, rapidly. "Who are you?" She spoke in her native language, her eyes flicking up to her arrow. It was right between his eyes.
Infinite Totalus Infinite walked quietly with the hare in his bag that was around his left side. He remained pretty quiet, but the snow crunched under his feet as he walked on. He looked towards the sky as it slowly became a Blueish green hue instead of the Pink and Orange of the morning hours. He looked straight ahead and quickly stopped when he saw a snare right where he was about to step next. He slowly stepped over the wire and looked down at it. "Quite a iffy little snare there... should've made it more invisible to capture any animals." He spoke to himself as he gripped his bow a little tighter and looked around. He continued in the direction he was going, and as he was about to walk past a tree, he was greeted by a bow and arrow pointing at him, with a girl behind that, to which he quickly loaded his own bow and pointed it towards the girl in front of him. The blue and white feathers on the top and bottom of the tan wooden bow swayed back and forth from his quick motion.

She spoke French towards him. It was a good thing he was Canadian, where you learned both French and English. He spoke back to her in French "The better question is, who are you?" He spoke, almost in a darker tone, but he kept it semi-light, at least for him. He can't pass-up a good looking girl... but why was he like that so quickly? He doesn't even want to think of a relationship... his damn Canadian side making him nicer than most people...

This girl was obviously not a Zombie, so he lowered his bow and set the arrow back into his Quiver.
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"I asked you first" she practically growled. "It's only polite you answer." She tightened her grip on her bow, as her steel grey eyes locked on to his green ones, silently daring him to attack her.

"Let me guess. Canadian?" She lowered her bow as she spoke, but she didn't dare let go of the arrow. "You have a faint trace of a Canadian accent, and yes you do have one, and you reacted quite differently to having an arrow literally right in your face." She raised an eyebrow. "Somewhere around Vancouver, no?" She asked.

Not relieving an immediate answer, she lowered her bow and removed the arrow. "Okay, now you're starting to freak me out. Not talking to me, oddly showing up. You could be planning to kill me for all I know."

She picked at her nails. "But, unlike you, if I have a weapon stuck in my face by anyone, human of not, I will not hesitate to knock them on their ass. I wouldn't give them a chance to kill me. One of the perks of being trained as a soldier for our country's reinforcements."

As she spoke, she reached back, and pulled her hand through her long brown locks, pulling it up into a high ponytail.

"The name's Katelle." She said. "Lately Ackerman." Then she fell silent.
Infinite Totalus

He was confused for a bit on why she was talking a bit to him. Especially with her idea of him killing her... He spoke up after she said her name "If I was planning to kill you. I wouldn't of lower my weapon, and if you think I was planning to kill you... why did you lower yours?" He asked and then he said his name "Infinite... Infinite Totalus." He spoke.

A weird name, Infinite. It obviously wasn't his true name, He kept it for purposes he didn't want to speak of. His Winchester on his back wasn't loaded, but he pulled it out from behind him and looked at it for a moment and then looked up at her. He placed the weapon back over his back and then said "So you're from France then?"
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InfiniteChaos said:
Infinite Totalus
He was confused for a bit on why she was talking a bit to him. Especially with her idea of him killing her... He spoke up after she said her name "If I was planning to kill you. I wouldn't of lower my weapon, and if you think I was planning to kill you... why did you lower yours?" He asked and then he said his name "Infinite... Infinite Totalus." He spoke.

A weird name, Infinite. It obviously wasn't his true name, He kept it for purposes he didn't want to speak of. His Winchester on his back wasn't loaded, but he pulled it out from behind him and looked at it for a moment and then looked up at her. He placed the weapon back over his back and then said "So you're from France then?"
She nodded. "Yes" she said as she nodded.

"And as for your other question, I've had many people trick me into a false sense of security, and then try to kill me. One almost got lucky." She had a rather large scar on her side from where she had been stabbed before, with a rather large blade. Like she said, they made her believe they were good, then attacked.

"You'll notice I didn't put down my weapon right away. I still held it, until I got tired of it. Yet; I still have many weapons stored everywhere on my body." She walked back over to her spot, stripping off her jacket and tossing it onto the ground before walking back.

Her arms were visible in the tank top she was wearing, allowing every muscle in them to be seen. As a teenager, she was always athletic, as she was now, and she kept up her strength. A tattoo of two crossed arrows was also on her arm. In the middle, was a Dragon. It was her family's crest. "With a heart of a dragon, and wits as sharp as arrows, we will survive." She said to herself as she looked at it, reciting their motto.

She looked back up at Infinite. "Infinite? Hm. Okay. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand. "And you're from Canada?"
Infinite Totalus

Infinite listened as she talked, and then nodded when she finished "I don't see how someone would try kill you.." He spoke as she took off her jacket and toss it onto the ground. He noticed her tattoo more than the cloths she was wearing. He didn't know what the tattoo was about, but he didn't ask either. He also wondered about her story, but he decided that it was best to ask another time down the road.

He nodded when she said his name, and he responded "To you as well. And yes." he looked at her hand and then shook it and let go after maybe a second and a half. He looked at her bow and then spoke up "Lovely bow you have there."

InfiniteChaos said:
Infinite Totalus
Infinite listened as she talked, and then nodded when she finished "I don't see how someone would try kill you.." He spoke as she took off her jacket and toss it onto the ground. He noticed her tattoo more than the cloths she was wearing. He didn't know what the tattoo was about, but he didn't ask either. He also wondered about her story, but he decided that it was best to ask another time down the road.

He nodded when she said his name, and he responded "To you as well. And yes." he looked at her hand and then shook it and let go after maybe a second and a half. He looked at her bow and then spoke up "Lovely bow you have there."

"Thank you. My father made it for me when I was only thirteen. He said I should learn, just in case I needed to defend myself." Her voice lowered. "And I guess he was right." She looked at the bow as she stopped talking, looking at the patterns carved into it. Flames and arrows, like her tattoo.

She finally got around to responding to his first comment, about him not seeing why anyone would want to kill her. "Neither did I, but it happens" she said. "But what's done is done. Nobody can change the past. I wish we did have that ability. Because if I could, I'd go straight back to the day my fiancé, Eren, was murdered, and kill that ass that did it myself."

She closed her eyes and looked away, as tears filled her eyes. This happened every time she talked about her family. She would remember the fact that the only one she loved was dead, and she had abandoned her family when they needed each other the most. She blinked her tears away. She couldn't let a stranger see her cry. No. She would not be seen as weak.
Infinite Totalus

Infinite watch how she looked away after she talked about her fiance. He placed the bow around him with the main bow part on his back, and the string in front of him. He spoke a bit softly, by saying. "Let's get away from that kind of Topic..." He seemed sincere with his statement.

He looked at his bag and then looked up at her "Are you hungry? I have a hare from earlier." He spoke up as he opened his bag and pulled the dead hare out from it. "Only killed it about... say 20 minutes ago or something." He finally finished talking and looked at her Grey eyes.

"Yes" she agreed. "Let's definitely get away from this topic. Before I have an emotional breakdown." She sighed, looking back up since her tears were now gone. She slung her bow into her hands.

"No, but thank you" she said. "I just ate a while ago. Plus, I've been tracking a deer that usually comes out here right about...." she paused and stopped talking. Incredibly swiftly, she had drawn an arrow from her quiver, notched it, spun around, and fired the projectile.

There was a thump as something hit the ground, and she walked towards it. A minute later, she was pulling a rather large, eight point buck out of the trees. "This should keep us over for a few days" she said, straining her voice, as she pulled the large animal.

Rose woke up in a bush and stretched her arms out. Her long brown hair was in knots, a brush was the last thing she thought of bringing when she had to leave. She slowly poked her head and, her blue eyes scanning the area. She saw no sign of danger. Quickly she grabbed her baseball bat and left the bush.

"Time to check the traps before those...monsters get ahold of them." Rose whispered to herself and headed deeper into woods.

After an hour of checking her traps she managed to snag a couple of fish. She smiled with her catch and was excited to cook them and eat them later. She put them in her small brown bag which also had some berries, and a plastic water which was now filled with some water. As she walked back the cool breeze caused her to shiver. She loved her light purple dress, but it was getting cold, and she was going to need some warmer clothes. She decided she would head into the city, get some more supplies and then continue her search for her brother, James.

As she neared the pine trees she saw two figures standing next to each other. Quickly she hid behind a tree, thinking it was zombies. Her adrenaline ran through her veins and her heart was racing. After a minute she realized that nothing was happening. She peered from the tree to see that they were people and not zombies. She grinned, happy to see other people were alive but nervous because she knew not everyone was so kind. Her father and brother told her to be weary of people now since chaos broke out.

Her palms had been sweating, and her baseball bat fell out of her hands and hit the ground with a soft thud. Rose grimaced and grabbed the bat. She got back behind the tree, holding her breathe, scared of what was going to happen next.
Infinite Totalus

Infinite was listening, but then held the string of the bow that was on his chest and froze when she did. He saw her load the arrow, but then quickly spin around and take down a deer with a thud.

He was impressed and also nodded with her when she stated that it could feed them for a few days "Probably a week if we keep it lasting." Infinite spoke. He listened around and then looked around for a moment trying to see if he can spot anyone in the day time.

He used the shadows, and saw something behind a tree and he pulled his bow out, and loaded an arrow. The top feather of the bow hit his hair a little bit as it dangled back and forth, along with the bottom bow. He kept it aimed as he looked at the tree with the shadow.

"Probably. Luckily it's a rather large deer. I'm sure we'll be able to make it last, especially when we know that it may be a while until we see another."

She saw him raise his bow, and wondered what he was doing. When he motioned to a tree, she understood. She looked at him and nodded.

She made a hand gesture that instructed him to go around one side of the tree, while she went around the other. In case whoever was there tried to run.

She yanked the arrow from the fallen deer, and notched it again. She walked slowly towards the tree, using her stealth to be undetected.

Her black clothes and dark hair helped her blend in with the shadows, undetected.

She came to the tree and pointed her bow at the person behind it. She was surprised to see another girl.

"Who are you?" She demanded, looking at the girl.
Rose Vincent Rose's eyes widened when she saw the bow pointed at her.

"My name is Rose. I don't want to fight, I'm just trying to get into the city to get some more supplies. I swear I wasn't eavesdropping. I'm sorry I startled you but please don't hurt me!" Rose replied rather quickly, she squeezed her eyes shut and hugged her baseball bat close to her chest. Her body began to shake, fearing for her life.

Rose inhaled and then exhaled, calming herself down. She opened her eyes and looked at the girl and that the tip of the arrow was bloody.

"Assuming you're not going to kill me, what's your name?" Rose asked and gave her a small smile. Her body was now tense but no longer shacking. There was another person with her but decided not to bring it up, at least not yet.
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Infinite Totalus

Infinite followed to the other side of the tree, aiming his bow at the girl as she came into his view. He kept the arrow tight in his grip as he slowly loosened it when the girl responded. He watched very closely as the girl asked her name and he then spoke up, in English. "You first."

He lowered his bow now but still kept his guard up for the girl. He didn't want anything bad to happen, at least note to Katelle.

(Use the Fieldset commands please. :3)
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Katelle Ackerman

Katelle said nothing to the girl. However, she lowered the bow, and relaxed her hand a bit.

She looked up at Infinite. She raised an eyebrow, before beginning to speak in French to him, so that the girl could not understand.

"Should we lie about our names? At least until we know we can trust her?" She asked, still in the language.

Infinite Totalus

Infinite looked at her and shrugged. "She seems like a nice girl. She doesn't even have a weapon on her... other than that bat.. and an Arrow is faster than a Bat." He spoke and finished up and then looked back to the girl again.

(Use Italicized to mark French and English now.)
Katelle Ackerman

She sighed and nodded. "Fine. But I'm still not going to let my guard down around her. No matter if she's probably around my age, she can do anything."

She sighed and relaxed her hand, plucking the arrow from the bow and sliding it back into her quiver.

Rose Vincent Rose jumped when she saw the man approach her from the side and her body tensed up again.

"My name is Rose. I'm just trying to get into the city to grab some supplies. I don't mean any harm." Rose repeated and looked at the man. As he lowered his bow she felt herself relax a little more.

"Thank you." she said with a small smile and lowered her baseball bat. She watched as the girl and man began to talk in a different language.

"Here to really prove I'm no harm, have some water." Rose offered. She dug through her bag and showed them the plastic bottle filled with water.
Infinite Totalus

Infinite nodded and looked back towards the girl he shook his head towards the water offered. "No thanks. I have my own, and she does too. Somewhere I think." He spoke as he pulled out his water flask and put it back into his bag. He soon completely let his guard down, and put the arrow in his quiver and he lifted the bow and catched it by the string slinging it around his body again and watched Rose.

Rose Vincent Rose smiled and nodded as she put the water away in her bag. She relaxed as the two put their weapons down.

"Thanks for not killing me. I appreciate it. Since you two aren't killing me, did you two want to come to the city with me and get some supplies?" Rose asked.

"I mean you two don't have to, I just thought I'd offer. I know we just met so I understand if you don't want to. I just heard that being part of a group is a good idea when heading into the city." Rose explained. Feeling like she was rambling on she looked down at the ground and clammed up.

As she looked down she made a mental list of the supplies she would need and realized she would need a bigger bag. She glanced up and admired their bows. A real weapon would be nice to have too. The bat was the nearest weapon she could find when the zombies broke into her dorm. She looked up and waited for them to respond.
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Katelle Ackerman

Lately held her hand up. "No thank you. He's right. I have my own in a by I have over by the tree."

She looked at the girl. "Get some rest. We'll all go to the city tomorrow. I'll take first watch."

With that, she walked off, and over to her bag. She brought out a handful of daggers, each with a different engraving on it. She faced a tree and took one of the daggers in her other hand. Reeling back, she threw the dagger forward. It hit the center of the tree. A succession of more daggers followed soon after, each hitting their mark.

She looked up at the oncoming moon, trying to tell the time. She knew the date, and now the time.

Thinking as she looked up, her eyes widened. "Oh yeah. We're definitely going to town tomorrow. I need to get something."


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