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Fandom Yugioh Creature War (open)

Blade Scorpion

ill sting you! WATCH IT!
The World was a troubled place ruled by The First Of Dragons and his devious minions. There was disaster and chaos. Destruction and mayhem. But one day, One man Named: King Exodia stopped this evil and splited the world in two. Creating 1 world named: Yami (Evil world) and 1 world named: Hikari (Good World). And this event is known as Bunkatsu no sekai. Many years later they made strict laws such as stay away from Yami, Don't bother/visit the king without an appointment, etc. more coming soon....

  • No godmoding
  • No one liners
  • we are dueling in dueling book
  • PM me if you have ideas for the rp
  • have fun
  • dont be too op

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