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One x One You're Not Supposed to Be Home Yet! (Distorted x A S H E R)


Professionally Curious


[Character Creation Center]
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Rachael + Robinson

b a s i c s


Gender: Female

Age: 24

Occupation: Forensic Scientist

Birthday: 06/13/1992

Rachael is a rather 'rough around the edges' type of individual. She is hard-headed and independent, but also clever and imaginative. She is very outgoing around friends, but when stuck around strangers she tends to become quiet and nervous. She has a pretty good head on her shoulders, whenever she remembers to screw it on, but often gets lost in her thoughts. This being said- she is definitely not dense or naive. She can read situations and people well, and this often makes her overly conscious about everyone around her and how she presents herself. She loves anything that has to do with detectives, mystery, and horror movies- not your average girl- but embraces her feminine side when the time calls for it.

d e t a i l s


Rachael has deep forest green eyes and curly brown hair that stops at her shoulders. And though the pictures I've provided don't have this trait, I'm saying that she has freckles anyways because I find them to be cute. Anyways, she stands at about 5'3" (something she gets teased about often), and is a bit on the curvier side (sweets are her kryptonite, so she's not going to be stick thin) with a few defined muscles here and there from playing soccer her whole high school career.

p i c t u r e s



(Face Claim: Felicity Jones)



"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints because

the sinners are much more



Elliot Walker











[basics only]

The thing is, you don't actually need to be the good guy. You just have to make them think that you are one. People have nothing on good guys. But the bad ones? They don't have it easy do they?"

Elliot has always been the kid who walks on train tracks and runs on slippery pavements; the kind of kid that makes his mother's hair turn white, and cause her forehead to collect lines, well before her sixtieth birthday. His acquaintances often describes him as a firecracker; thrilling, exhilarating, and full of boundless energy, but ultimately dangerous and surprisingly loud and obnoxious at times.

In the earlier stages of his life, Elliot learned to value the rush of adrenaline and the joy 'freedom' much more than friendship oaths and sad-eyed puppies. Even though he may look like the type of person who loves to make new friends, and is easy to warm up to (which is partially true), in truth he is actually attracted to danger, and is somewhat of a sociopath. He tries to appear charming and optimistic in public (something that he can do rather flawlessly), in order to appear as a harmless, typical guy. He frequently hashes out jokes and hides behind a bright smile, to mask his true intentions (more info and personality development will be shown throughout the RP).




Elliot is a young man with a constant small smile plastered on his face as he peers down on most with his 6'0" stature. He has a somewhat tanned skin, and dark brown eyes that looks golden when the light hits it at a certain angle. Elliot has a strong nose complete with a lean jaw, directly inherited from his father. His hair is a dirty blonde, though it's kept short and almost entirely covered by his favorite grey beanie that he rarely takes off. Weighing at 175 lbs, he isn't a terribly muscular man though he isn't quite a twig either. He'd say it himself that he was of average size for a man of his height. Elliot's wardrobe consists mostly of plain shirts, a grey sweater (which he is usually seen wearing), his favorite grey beanie, and dark jeans paired with red Converse sneakers.

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