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You're leaving? (A 1x1 with Lexxy)

Gaven looked at Clay and worried about his friend. He knew he missed her more then ever today after what just happened. "Who knows Clay. Maybe Ashley will visit you in your sleep." Gaven said with a smile knowing she appeared in Rylans. If Ashley really wanted to, Gaven knew she would want to see her husband again eventually. Of course not in person but just to see his face.

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Clay just shook his head at his friend, it wasn't the same. If she came to him it would just make his longing for her worse. When they arrived back to the hospital Clay carried the food into the room with a smile and passed it out to everyone as Gaven trailed behind him.

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Gaven passed out the drinks and everyone began to eat and if fell silent. Rylan looked at his dad as if saying they needed to talk but he could wait. He would wait until they were alone for the night. He smiled as Reagan took a piece of his food. The two began to talk to break the silence.

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After eating everyone retired from the room, Clay left the twins with Emma so he could stay to watch over Rylan. Once everyone was gone Clay cleaned up the mess from the food and smiled to his son. "What's up?" He asks him friendly.

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"Mom." Rylan told Clay softly as he sighed and clenched his blanket in his hands. "You can call me crazy but she keeps coming in my dreams. Last night after we talked, she asked me to ask you if she could visit you because after awhile longer, she wouldn't be able to come trough dreams anymore." Rylan said as he looked at his dad with sad eyes. He liked seeing his mom at night in his dreams. "I know I know I sound crazy but.... Nevermind. You don't have to believe anything I've just said."

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"No, no you don't sound crazy." Clay says stopping what he was doing and crouching down nest to his son. "If you have something to tell me, you can say it." He says softly taking his hand again and looking at him with soft eyes. Something was bothering him.

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"Mom said it was urgent. I don't know what something so urgent could be but.... Mom never lies when she says it urgent." Rylan told his dad as he looked him the eye. He needed to know what was so urgent. What did Ashley know that Clay or even Rylan didn't?

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In honestly, what his son just told him sent a chill down his spine. He was at the very least afraid. Usually when his wife said it was urgent it was never a good thing. He sighed and swallowed his sorrow of her for his son's sake. He closed his eyes when he spoke. "You can to her it's alright," he says before he changed his mom. He leaned over and kissed his son on the forehead before tucking him in and handing him his mother's blanket. "Now go back to sleep, you need your rest."

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Rylan nodded and wrapped himself in his mothers blanket and slowly began to fall asleep. His mom once again there in his dream. Rylan smiled when he saw her but continued sleeping as they talked. He made sure to tell her his dad had said yes to her visiting him. That made her smile which made Rylan smile again. He wanted to know what was so urgent.

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When Rylan fell asleep Clay watched him for the longest time. He purposely fought his own sleep for as long as he could dreading what his wife, an angel flying into people's dreams had to tell him that was so urgent. Eventually however he laid his head on Rylan's bed and succumb to his sleep.

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When Ashley knew Clay was asleep, she kissed her baby boys forehead in his dream then went into Clays. She made the scene at the pier and she was sitting next to him at the end but she had made sure space was there between them. She didn't know how he really felt about this. She sighed and said, "I'm sorry I had to do this....I know you didn't want me to actually come in your dream." She apologized just like she had been before her death, in the recordings, in her letter, in everything. She apologized.

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Clay had been asleep but his subconscious was experiencing the dream. When he saw her he had to blink, she looked more beautiful than ever before. It almost made him want to giggle like an idiot but he didn't. This was surreal. He took the space nest to her, "I really wish you would quit saying that." He says honestly, it wasn't the best greeting but he didn't know how many words he would get across to her in this deal and she needed to know he didn't like her saying that.

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Ashley smiled and then sighed. "Why? It's true. I'm sorry for everything Clay Waters and I'm really sorry for what I'm about to tell you." She said as she looked at the water and had tears stream down her cheeks. "He has it..... My baby boy.... He has the one thing I wish he would never get.... I'm so sorry." She told him referring to asthma. She hated having to tell him this but this was the urgent news. "It's minor but still... He has it." She said and let out a shuddered sigh.

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Clay looked at her and shakes his head. "No, no he doesn't." He says getting up and backing away from her. He couldn't, not any of their kids, they were all tested as babies. He couldn't lose his son, not like he lost her. No. No. Mo. He shook his head again. This was just a dream, she wasn't real. She was gone, this was him imagining her.

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Ashley sighed and stood up and grabbed her husbands hands. "Clay listen to me. Do something I never did. It's minor do you hear me? When the doctor diagnoses him with him make sure he is always taking his inhaler. Clay he will be okay. I'll make sure. Our baby boy won't die young. Just have Faith in me. That's why I told him I wouldn't be able to come to him in his dreams anymore." Ashley said knowing her husband didn't want to hear this. "Clay please. I'm begging you. Keep him on his inhaler and I'll do the rest." She said with a smile as tears continued to fall. "I love you. This isn't how I wanted to come in your dreams but I had to let you know. I'm sorry..." She whispered. Her time with him was almost up.

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At this point he just wanted her to go. He wanted to say harsh words to her in his moment of anger but that isn't how he wanted to remember their last moments together. He wanted to say "remember when you promised me forever? How did that work?" Instead he just nodded and whispered an "I love you."Before her grip on his hands loosened and she vanished. He woke up and felt the tears already streaming down his face in the dark. (Like mine right now.) and he looked over to his son and shook his head. This isn't how things were going to go, he wasn't going to let this control his son's life. When daylight hit he ran our of the room and to the doctor where he did tell him it was true. "Please, there's got to be something, anything, it's only minor. Please,"

Money at this point was no object. He would out him through whatever treatment or anything that would make it so the asthma was virtually gone, he didn't want his son to live like that, he didn't care it was minor, he was what it did to Ashley and he wasn't going to send his son through any part of that.

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The doctor looked at him then the tests results. "There is a way to treat it. It was one way we wanted to try with Ashley but she was far to into the sickness. Since his is merely minor, a month or so of treatments will do. This consists if the face masks treatments and lung building. That alone should help but we will have to give him am inhaler. Not one to used daily but only if ever needed and hopefully with this treatment, it won't be needed." He told Clay and awaited a yes or no. Rylan saw his mom for the last and final time in his dream and he woke up with tears in his eyes. He knew about the asthma but what his mother said she would do to stop it and take it away broke his heart. He loved the moments with her. "We want to keep him her one more night. We should take another test for asthma just to make sure it's right." The doctor added.

(I'm crying to because what Ashley will do breaks my heart [emoji174])

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Clay listened intently and nodded. "Do whatever you have to do, I'll sign whatever." Clay says, he was at a desperate point. If that was the only option then that's what they would do. When he walked back in the room he saw Rylan was awake he took him in his arms and held him like he used to when he was little.

(Nooooo [emoji20][emoji24])

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Rylan cried when he felt his dad's arm wrap around him. "Mom visited me after you. She told me about it but said not to worry. She would make it go away. She said an inhaler would never be needed. Before she said her final goodbyes she said she knew you were angry with her and she told me to tell you she's sorry she couldn't give you forever. She said if she wasn't sick she would have given you the forever you deserved and that you have every right to be upset with her." He told his dad and cried. "I won't get to see my mom anymore dad." He whispered and cried more.

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Clay felt his whole body go numb for a minute, "I'm not angry with her," he whispers running his fingers through his hair to calm him down. "I'm sure you'll see her again, maybe not for a while but you'll see her again." Something told him Ashley wouldn't leave their son in the dark forever. "Don't worry about what they tell you okay? I already am fixing it."

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"You don't have to. Mom said she would do it. I believe her dad." Rylan said as he smiled at his dad and that's when the doctor came in to run an asthmatic test again. "We will be back shortly with the results okay?" He said and Rylan stared at his lap. He felt like his mom would never come back to see him. After hours passed, the doctor walked in with utter shock. "It's gone. I don't know how but it's gone." He told them showing them the results. "You must have one heck of an angel watching over you Rylan." The doctor said and smiled at Clay. "We can run another test if you don't believe me." He said.

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Clay smiled. "No, I believe you." He says holding his son tighter in his arms. He didn't know what his wife did and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. "Thank you, for your time and effort." Clay says to the doctor before he felt. "What did she do Ry?"

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"She gave me the last bit of life and energy she had left." Rylan said as he looked at his dad and smiled softly. "That's why I know she won't be able to see me in my dreams anymore." He added and felt tears falling from his eyes. "She didn't have to do that you know dad. I would have been okay with living with asthma if I knew that meant I could still see her." He added and tries to compose himself but couldn't.

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"Oh Ry," he says holding him close to his chest. "No one asked your mother to do that, she did it on her own, it was her choice. I know you would have been okay but to your mother it was always important to her none of you had to go through what she did. To her it was the most awful thing in the world and there were nights she prayed for all of you to be as healthy as you could. I know your sad because you won't be able to visit her in your dreams but no matter where she is, she'll always watch over you, consider it her last, most precious gift she could ever give anyone." After a long silence he spoke again. "She could have given that to whoever she wanted to and she chose you, what does that tell you?"

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Rylan laughed at his fathers last statement and sighed. He knew his mother hated asthma with a passion and always prayed her kids never got it. It made him feel special that she gave him the last of what she had left to keep him healthy. "I just wish she didn't leave feeling like you were angry with her." Rylan said with a sigh and then looked at his dad with a smile. "Maybe she'll try her hardest to visit you one last and final time." He said.

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