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You're leaving? (A 1x1 with Lexxy)

"If you want to then I suppose I could get y'all crazy bunch help." Clay laughed as Mallory came rushing in the took to make sure her nephew was okay. "He's fine Mal." Clay says hugging her in greeting before moving so she could get to his son. It was nice to see just how many people cared for his kids when they didn't have too.

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Mallory ran over and smiled softly as she kissed Rylans head. "You're okay. That's good." She whispered and smiled then said, "I was worried when I saw a folder with the name Waters on it." She then laughed as did her husband. He smiled and then looked at Clay. "So food? You and I go get it Clay and Mallory can stay with the kids? Cause you know, we are all hungry." Gaven said with a smile.

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"Food? I could've sworn I just fed you like not even two hours ago." He says looking at his watch with a laugh. "I suppose well leave it up to Rylan." He says turning to him.

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Rylan laughed and nodded. "I could go for food." He said and everyone began to laugh. It was amazing at how hungry Rylan actually was. His stomach began to growl. Reagan laughed at Rylan and the two smiled then blushed and Mallory laughed at them.

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"Okay, what kind of food?" Clay asks holding back his laugh from Reagan and Rylan. He would get him whatever he wanted after what he had been through today.

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"Um, moms fav?" Rylan said with a smile and Allie rolled her eyes. "Of course." She said and Rylan looked at her. "What?" Rylan asked and Allie just shook her head. "Nothing I mean I've never met someone so stupid like you. Going back into a fire just to save a bear." She said and Rylan became angry. "It wasn't just any bear! It was the one mom gave me! My bad for wanting to save it! At least I actually care about her and what she gave us instead of not even giving it a second glance and treating it like it's nothing!" He exclaimed and Mallory sighed. "You two stop it." She told them and Allie scoffed. "Whatever." She said and Rylan scoffed. "Yeah. Whatever just like when mom died it was whatever to you." Rylan said and that's when Allie became mad. "You take that back! Mom dying was not whatever! You know moms world didn't revolve around just you!" "Well it didn't revolve around just you either Allie!" "Just shut up Rylan!" "You started it!" Gaven looked at Clay and waited to see what he would do.

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"You two stop it." Clay says over the both of them and they silenced. "Allie, you apologize to your brother, it wasn't stupid and Rylan, you know better we all cared about your mother and her dying hit us all hard. So you apologize too."

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The two became very quiet at their fathers voice and looked at each other. "I'm sorry." Allie said under her breath and looked away from Rylan. "Sorry." Rylan said simply before turning on the tv and watching it. Allie sighed and looked at her older brother. She was just scared when he went back for those things. He could have died and she didn't want that.

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"Allie," Clay says aggressively. "Apologize like you mean it." He say there and tapped his foot waiting for her to do as he asked. She always got away with not meaning it and he wasn't going to let it fly this time. "and just so I know you mean it you hug him too."

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Allie looked at her father and pouted. "I don't like you right now." She told him and looked at her brother and walked over and hugged her brother tight. Rylan smiled and hugged her too. They didn't have to say sorry because the hug alone meant they were sorry. Gaven looked at Clay impressed. "Wow, Clay actually got mad at Allie." He said and laughed and Mallory hit his arm. "Oh shut up." Mallory told him.

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Clay delivered a glare to his friend before turning back to his daughter. "You don't have to like me, I'm your dad not your friend." He says watching the two hug. He had gotten this discipline thing down even though sometimes it hurt him to do it.

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Gaven just laughed at his friend and then Allie sighed. "I know." She told her dad and then smiled softly and sat over on the couch next to Cory. The two were talking and then Rylan looked over at his dad and smiled. "Okay so food." Gaven said just because he was hungry.

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"I feel bad for whoever has to feed you, oh wait, that would be me half the time." Clay says standing up and kissing all three of the kids heads before heading out the door with his friend to go to the Chinese place.

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Gaven laughed and followed Clay out then when at the Chinese place said, "Let me pay this time." He told him then told him what to order for his family then saw a text from Jenna. "Jenna's there too so sesame chicken with white rice and a tea for her." He said and laughed softly. They really were feeding a clan.

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Clay smiled as ordered all the food but whipped out his card before Gaven could get to his. He stuck out his tongue and laughed at his friend having him the bag. When they were walking out he saw a dog running down the street and heard a woman calling after it so he grabbed it's leash and held it. "Hey buddy, why are you running?" He asks petting him as he waited for the woman and when he saw her he nearly choked when he saw her. He had to blink, he thought it was his wife, she looked almost exactly like her.

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Gaven looked at Clay as he bent down wondering what the hell his friend was doing. He looked over and saw the dog then the women and Gaven himself had to blink. Was that Ashley? Was it really? No she was dead. He walked over to Clay and looked as the woman walked closer and smiled. "Thank ya for catching her." She said and Gaven blinked. This couldn't be Ash. It couldn't be.

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"You're welcome." Clay says handing the leash back to her and standing up. He didn't have to look at Gaven to know he was thinking the same thing. It killed Clay when he heard her southern accent. He looked up at the woman with a smile not meaning to stare. "What's her name?"

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"Lilly." The woman said as she smiled softly at Clay and at Gaven. "Thank ya so much again. I was afraid I was gunna lose her." She said and Gaven blinked. This was crazy. How I'm the world? "Um, what's your name, if you don't mind me asking." Gaven said and the female smiled. "Marie." She said proudly in her southern accent.

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"You're welcome Clay says again putting his hands in his pockets. He hadn't seen her around town before and everyone knew who the Waters were. "Well, it was nice meeting you Marie," Clay says with a smile "and you too

Lilly." He says bending down a petting her again.

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"It was nice to meet ya too um, I didn't catch your name." Marie told them as she smiled softly and te Lilly barked happily. She thought this guy was a nice guy but she smiled even more when she saw his wedding band. Whoever had his heart was a lucky one.

(Omg crying. This song came on pandora and it describes Clay so much with Ashley gone.

[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqvwJU7hxPs[/media] )
"Clay, Clay Waters." He says with a nod and a friendly smile before turning to his friend. "This is Gaven." He says pointing to him. He really couldn't help his stare, he hoped she didn't take it the wrong way, he was just in disbelief.

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"Well it was nice to meet ya Clay Waters and Gaven." Marie said as she smiled and waved before walking off with her dog. Gaven blinked and looked at Clay. "You saw what I saw right?" He asked wondering how the hell she could resemble Ashley so much.

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(It's not nice to make me cry. [emoji16][emoji24])

"Gaven the only way any of us couldn't see that is if we were blind." Clay says with a sigh running his face with his hand. Seeing someone who looked so much like her, alive and well almost made him want to cry, it wasn't fair. He felt his stomach twist into a knot and his read begin to pound. "Let's go," he says walking back to the truck.

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(I'm sorry. I heard the who you'd be today part and looked it up then cried [emoji24])

Gaven sighed at his friend and walked to the truck and got in the passenger seat and looked at him. "Not everyone's lucky like Marie Clay. Ashley grew up feeling unwanted until she met you. Member that day? At my party?" Gaven said as he laughed and shook his head. After that day, Clay and Ashley were glued to the hip.

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"If course I remember." Clay insisted but it still wasn't fair, some says like today, he just wanted her back so bad it was unbearable. It wasn't Marie's fault she just sparked something in him that was left untouched for so long, for a moment he thought his wife was in front of him and he just wanted to kiss her long, and passionately and tell her e loved her and to never pull something like that again but he knew it wasn't her. She was gone.

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