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Your Worst Nightmares {Verdi & FaithWynters}


{vair-dee} ღ
Daniel sat on his bed cross-legged and opened up his laptop. His skin was pale and his eyes had bags under them. He hadn't slept or ate anything in two days. He wore a black jacket, the hood of it over his head, and he was shirtless underneath. He typed in the name of his website, yourworstnightmares.com, and logged in under a fake name. There was a lot of activity tonight, so he clicked on one of the messages he received and began a conversation with them, grinning in the process. "Good evening, I am Dr. Reichter. What can I help you with this evening?"



It’ll help you in the long run. No really, I’ve heard that its actually helped people get over their fears! At least give it a try.

“Ugh” A quiet groan escaped from the young woman’s lips. As the sun descended below the horizon and cast shadows over the city, she looked out of the front window in her small home. She lived alone, and often say in this window seat to think and scroll through the web.

Just as any other normal person, her fears spread through her and drove her through life; that’s why she was here now. It was abnormal to be so taken by a fear. She couldn’t go on any sort of boat—no matter what the size, she couldn’t step foot in the same room as a swimming pool, hell—she didn’t even like taking baths; she had to take showers. It was quite ridiculous, and oftentimes, it made living all the more difficult. That is why her friends had pushed her to do this. She had gone missing one swimming trip to the Women’s health center too many, and now she looked at the website quietly, and waited for a response.

Taking in a slow sip from her wine glass, she perked up at the sound of a notification. She had only been waiting a few minutes, but she was ready to get this show on the road.

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- Re: In need of help

Good evening, I am Dr. Reichter. What can I help you with this evening?

Slowly, she took in a deep breath. This is what she was waiting for, but now, as she sat there, looking at the words that were scrawled across the screen, she had a slight twinge of fear. What if this was just a joke? Or what if she couldn’t be helped? Still, she took in all the courage she could from her red wine, and began typing.

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- Re: In need of help

I was told to come here if I needed help with my fears.

She paused a moment, looking over the message. There was a time where she wouldn’t have thought about doing this, but now wasn’t the time. With that thought, she clicked the send button and waited.

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Daniel waited patiently for a reply, sipping on a mug of hot apple cider that he had made in the meantime. He perked up when he heard a ding! in his inbox, and clicked on it quickly.

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Re: In need of help

I was told to come here if I needed help with my fears.

His face remained neutral as he read it, no emotion whatsoever. There were a lot of people who were told to come there for his fears, but he wondered who had informed her of the place. After all, not many who came here lived. Not the ones who he chose, anyway. Some people had stupid fears, unexciting fears, so he would ignore them, telling them he was too bust with his current clients, or he would help them anyway simply so they would tell people how amazing the place was. He rubbed his hands together, then replied.

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Re: In need of help

You were right in coming here. Taking the first step is always the hardest. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your fears. If you start to get uncomfortable, feel free to take a break or simply stop talking altogether.


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