Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!

Web Swinger

Aliases: Spider-Man, Man-Spider, Angsty One, Webhead

Secret Identity: Peter Parker

Ethnicity: Caucasian; White

Age: Currently About 28; appears to be a teenager

Height: 5'10

Weight: 167lbs

Born In: Queens, New York City

Lives In: Queens, New York

Backstory: Peter was a 15 year old in high school when he took a field trip to see the public handling of radioactive materials, while he watched the deadly substance be handled, he was bit on the hand by a spider that came in contact with the radioactive substance. A few hours after the field trip, Peter began noticing strange things happening to his body, several superhuman abilities showed themselves to the teenager, such as, super strength, enhanced agility, enhanced reflexes, and the ability to cling to walls. After discovering these strange abilities, Peter entered a wrestling match with a feared wrestler, however, Peter quickly dispatched his foe, earning a large amount of cash as a prize. Now that Peter had become aware of his powers, he designed a costume, and two fluid shooters that attached to his arm, quickly taking on the name of Spider-Man. However, after failing to catch an escaping thief, Peter made his way home to realize that same thief murdered his Uncle Ben. Blaming himself over this tragedy, Peter began his career as a hero, defeating villains as the infamous Spider-Man!

Personality: Peter is a humorous hero, often cracking jokes in the face of danger. He often breaks the third wall, talking to his fans in many tv series, also making real-world references at times. Since his Uncle Ben's death, Peter has taken on the motto "with great power comes great responsibility" which is responsible for his now careful and protective self.


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