Your First Ever RP Character?


King of Prehistory
I remember when I first started this hobby, I just thought it looked fun and tried creating my own RP for the first time. Naturally, I also had my first ever Character, I really liked him, he was quite fun to play, and I think he was reasonably good for a first try. Oh yeah and guess what?

He was a freaking dinosaur. Yeah, I know, big surprise right? Anyway, his name was Dapple, he was a meat eater, coloured black with green bands and a green feather mohawk, the RP didn't last for long, but I did manage to give him a little bit of a personality, he was sort of peaceful, not liking to fight with others unless desperate, or defending his home. His last post was him about to fight a really huge, powerful enemy, but that was when it died..... :(

So basically, what was your first ever RP character? What were they like? How good do you think s/he was, were you attached to them? Stuff like that.
I can't remember my very first character but since all my early characters were cringe inducing self inserts I can tell you what she was like :

Probably French.

Either a mutant, a vampire, or a witch.

Had social anxiety

And basically painfully timid and unsure.

Which in fairness described me in alot of social situations back in high school.

Her twin / other half was

Again Probably French ( I thought French people were cool as a kid what can I say )

Either a mutant, vampire, or witch

Had ADD or crazy amounts of energy

Basically a hyper active sugar bowl

In actuality I still play a more sophisticated version of this.

Was I super attached to my first character - well it was me basically and I played me in everything so I guess so.

Were they good characters - Oh God No. They were Mary Sue drivel. But I had fun playing them and that's the important part.
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My very first "written" character was one that I still use from time to time. Of course she has come along way since then, but when I first created her she was a cold, heartless psychopath that was half witch and demon and accidentally murdered her mother and father.

Now she has reasons and is a lot more realistic and emotional, but still a baddass. Her name is Brook. She is a woman of Spanish heritage with vibrant green eyes and black hair. She will always be my very first actual roleplay character
My first RP character is my D&D character who is, actually, still alive. Her name's Mialee. She's a half-elf bard and has grown a lot together with me, both in style and behavior. Funny thing is that she aged only some months in game while I grew 7 years older, haha. Mialee is a nice girl, cheerful, kind, happy-go-lucky, a huge blurt-out, and sometimes too curious for her own good. She has put herself and her friends in many funny situations, though her friends couldn't always laugh as much about it. Her essentials have been used over and over again in lots of my RP characters. I am familiar with her, so I feel comfortable playing and writing her. By now she has many variations running around the world of roleplay, and they are so varied they barely look like her anymore. The only thing that keeps coming back is the (half) elf, and being a bard.

My first LARP character, however, is much different. Her name is Freyja Lynxborn. She's a merchant and has lived in her tribe for almost her entire life. About two years ago a flood washed away her village and lots of people died, including her little sister, as far as she knows. She has plenty of reason to hate her mother to the point of being willing to kill her (she almost did. 4 people had to stop her/me, and the "chatting" had to happen with guards xD )

Freyja is a bit of a big sister towards everyone, being protective, not wanting anyone to be upset, cheeing everyone up when they are down, always being there for everyone... But she's a pretty big coward (scaredy cat) and would prefer to run away from danger as fast and as far as she could. Unless someone she cares (a lot) about is in danger/being hurt. Then she goes full "f*ck it" and charges into battle disregarding her own safety.

Generally speaking, she's always happy, cheerful, sharing her stories... But pray for those who piss her off, for you wouldn't like her angry.
My first online RP character was a demon hunter at a bakery full of demons that are disguised as humans to prevent the destruction of them. I forgot his name, but vaugely remember that the character had red hair and an obnoxiously big sword.

My first table top RP character was on pathfinder 3.5 (I believe) and he was a dual wielding human ninja named Chinky-Winky. Obviously this wasn't a super serious RP. He had dual personalities, that gave him the sound of Batman when he was asking for quests etc, and while talking to his friends had an Asian accent.
My first Rp character with someone else was for Pokemon. Her name was Zena. She was Ash's long lost older sister who left when her father did. Zena is a motherly figure with a Infernape, Arcanine, Ninetails, Houndoom, Crobat, and Umbreon (All who have changed throughout the years).

My first character I made ever was Coyote (hence my name). She was my animal fursona and still is. Coyote's blunt, sweet, and adorable.

As for my first character when I was writing by myself, she was a half demon. She was the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome Higurashi. She was in a way my first LARP character because my friend and I also talked out what happened (she was the daughter of Sesshomaru and Kagura. So her character and mine were cousins.) She was the spitting image of her father but had her mother's heart. She was precious and also a hoe. If I remember correctly, she was married four times with alot of children (they all had different dads). Her name was Sora. She was pretty cool though. I also combined so many fandoms into it xD I had her married to Bankotsu, KogaxAyame's son, Lelouch Lamprogue, and even RanmaxAkane's son. Also, I didn't know what else to do with her so I tatted her up, pierced her up, and gave her a two tailed demon cat named Paruru. I just remembered her kids names. Shashe (I remember my friend coming up with it because I didn't know if I wanted a boy or girl), Brooke, Reese, Inuyasha Jr, Bridgette, Shane, Lulu and more I can't remember. I was so dedicated to the show that I wanted to name my first baby girl Kagome Ann. Safe to say that her first name will be Safia Marie-Tess.

So those are my "firsts". Hope y'all enjoyed.
This was back in 2009 and is one of my earliest RPing experiences. I had an ice dragon named April, who had a few ice-centered powers, hence her being an ice dragon. She originated on an RP about how mythical creatures lurked the Earth and them attacking humans. The RP was successful, spawning four sequels and a reboot which died after a bit. I recycled April for more RPs on the site that I was on and still on today, but I don't really use her anymore.
So this is embarrassing, but my first RP character was this scene kid cheerleader named Tori Cyrus (yes, like Miley Cyrus) who was super badass and loved her Sidekick phone (this was back in 2007). Anyways, she was a total Mary Sue with amazing hair, piercings, and great taste in music. She was also super witty and got invited to all the best parties. Everyone wanted to be her best friend.

Really, she was just everything my middle school self wanted to be while I participated in cheesy Gossip Girlish roleplays. My characters have become a lot more complex since, LOL.
Julien Hunter.

Survivor turned yakuza assassin turned british SAS. All he did was be an asshole to other people.

No one liked him.
My first character was a neko, because I was such a weeb when I was in middle school. Her name was Skyhunter. I still write her to this day, but I completely reconstructed her. I renamed her 'Skye' and she's now a weretiger.
I honestly can't remember if it was a top-secret government assassin based on ghosts from Starcraft in a zombie apocalypse Rp, or if it was the Scottish werewolf in a paranormal Rp. Those were the first two i ever did, and they were pretty much at the same time a few years back so i can't really remember.

i do remember that the werewolf was named Foalan Craig, and i thought he was awesome, but everyone else was god modding demons and stuff like that so i kinda got curb stomped a lot before i could outsmart them (he wasn't that smart, but i was, and i attributed a certain base cunning to the character. Yes i could be accused of meta-gaming i suppose, but like i said god modding gits, so i felt justified.).

Well received....sort of. Honestly the assassin was a mistake, on so many levels, worst mary sue character i ever came up with. Like i said i was kinda meta-gaming just a little with the werewolf, but if i'd had the opportunity to play it straight i bet it could have been good. The character himself wasn't all that bad. I didn't give him a ridiculous backstory, he was pretty well balanced without anything intended to break the game and "win", and he had a decent (if somewhat cliched) mix of personality traits. Pretty much rough around the edges but undyingly loyal when you get past the shell to the gooey interior, allowing for some tense early interactions with the party to keep things interesting, but eventual bonding and good relations.

Of course since this was around the end of junior high and i was an insecure teenager they were both so incredibly "masculine" that you'd swear up and down they sweat pure testosterone. I laugh a little looking back at that.
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My very first roleplay character was a stark white wolf with sapphire blue eyes, he was the alpha and was a filthy scoundrel at best. I named him "Kai" for some reason and treated him like an oc/ fursona. Every roleplay I joined at the time was about wolves and I always used Kai, for some reason people thought I was a great roleplayer until some time ago when I was disowned from the site as a whole.

This wolf was the most overpowered piece of garbage, yikes.

Absolute rubbish.


My writing was terrible as well, oopsie poopsie.
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Oh man, my first character...

Her name was Luna, she was meek, and I made her for a .hack:// inspired topic between two friends and myself.

I saved all of her character information to an orange
floppy disk and worked on her in the library at school.

Good times. (/wipes tear)
Ohhhh, my god. My first character was a wolf. How original, I know... Her name was Vuela, because I was learning Spanish and I thought that made me cool. She could jump really high, and that's about all I remember about her.
My first rp character was made years and years ago. I was, at the most, 11 when I joined an rp. And years younger when I made the character up.

So of course she totally sucked. I hadn't been exposed to rping at all before that beside watching my older brother occasionally, so I don't think I fell into some traps/character traits/generally mary suey things that new rpers might fall into but I was very into being edgy. At least, I think she was original. To me, at the time. I don't think it is as original now, but back then I hadn't been exposed to nearly as much fiction as now, and only a small percentage of that was alieoons.

In a massive X-Men rp where someone's character was just a straight-up turtle, I assumed it would be acceptable and made my character a fictional one I'd had in my head in awhile. Bcuz I loved making up stories and shit like all the time when I was teeny and didn't have a life (what a loser, get a job). She was an alien from a planet with a name I can't remember because it was gibberish and have no idea how i even attempted to spell it, sent to study Earth. Can't remember if it was for war purposes or "we need a new planet" purposes. There are some concepts from her I'd re-use though, like one of her "powers" (obvi it was normal for her very humanoid species) was acidic saliva. I think whatever their bones were made of was way harder than whatever humans had (like Wolverine, but... natural) and they had bone pieces sticking out for... it was probably mostly aesthetic, but I also tried to think of practical things like defense and offense.

I think her name was Zeena or something, but it was 100% unrelated to Xena Warrior Princess because it was a long time before I heard of her.
Wow. First ever roleplay character. Well that would be Father Nathan (Last Name lost to time) about 14 years ago I'd wager. He was a World of Darkness Vampire, Malkavian Clan who had two mental disorders one was where his senses were backwards. Which lead to a fun moment when I wanted the character of a friend to cut the blue wire and I kept telling him to cut the one that tastes like strawberries. He also thought the virgin Mary spoke to him and wanted him to build a church in her honor, so I put max points in followers and Gouls, Turned out she was a Methuselah and I ended up getting killed because I wanted to sacrifice myself to her (I ran out of Willpower points and failed the check) I remember him fondly. He was fun to play and lasted almost the entire game. I replaced him with a Torador Martial Artist but it wasn't the same. Your first is always magical. Even if he did have 4 points in Animal Control and we spent the damn game in the city. An Army of rats and cats sounds cool but I was a Malkavian, not a dang Gangrel.
Ah this takes me back. My first character was a wolf pup named Blue, who was a toned down sparkle wolf. She was too happy and perfect to make me like her now (as well as having an unnecessarily tragic back story ). But the RP was enjoyable in itself, so it was definitely worth it. Everyone has to start somewhere!
My first proper character was Aaron Brookes, vivomancer (controls light and heals the living) who was stuck in an institution for containment and experimentation of extraordinary individuals.

The first character I got attached to though, was James Wilson. A Brit, living in America, who got mixed up in Supernatural goings-down in and around his school in Brookfield.

He was essentially a con artist - a master card game player and trickster, as his father had taught him. He'd usually act like someone's friend but only if it gained him something.
He was a timid 16 year old boy with big ambitions about becoming popular and banging all the bitches.

He was actually a werewolf and not even he knew it, until he changed and fought a demon-possessed vampire. A GANGSTER demon-possessed vampire, who was associated with a mage who studied at a college in an underwater city.

*SPOILER* The werewolf boy and the mage were brothers!*
TheAdept said:
He was a timid 16 year old boy with big ambitions about becoming popular and banging all the bitches.
He was actually a werewolf and not even he knew it, until he changed and fought a demon-possessed vampire. A GANGSTER demon-possessed vampire, who was associated with a mage who studied at a college in an underwater city.

*SPOILER* The werewolf boy and the mage were brothers!*
Was it a werewolf Mikkish?
Mine was a 3rd edition D&D Monk. The GM allowed me to pay a wizard in town to permanently enlarge me. Hilarity ensued and I've been hooked ever since.
Ooh, this sounds interesting! Fun to see where people start.

My first ever character, if I am remembering correctly, was a chick named Ria. I don't remember much about her, only that she had red hair and younger sister named Lotta. I'm pretty sure I played her really, really inconsistently. She was supposed to be a stone cold badass with a dry sense of humour, but I didn't manage the role very well at the time, and had her be sweet and kind one minute and then randomly yelling at people the next. That roleplay didn't go very far, and it hurts me to think about it now. I like to think I've gone a long way.
Oooohhhh! Tis seems fun.

First off, I'd like to say I was a very, VERY, cringey child. I forget some details, but I have the meat of the burger in my head. So, what this... thing was? A guy. An overly muscular guy with the chin of a god. He never did wrong, could effortlessly destroy a master martial artist, despite having no training or even working out. It just... hurts to think about. His name was Ben. Because I just liked the name I guess.

All in all, a Gary Stu, who I wanted to grow up to be like. Now I'm going to cry in a corner.
Man, I'm not sure if i even remember my old characters... Most of my early online roleplay characters were shy girls. That's it, that was all their personality. As for table top, I had a lot of Druids in D&D when I was younger, not that I really knew how to play them that well. I was mostly just interested in the animals (we're thinking like, 12 year old me).
My first RP character, OTHER than a rather shameless self-insert involving the Legend of Zelda series, I believe would be a Slime Girl I named Emily. She lives in a Slime village in a forest, where she's basically the joke of the town. Everybody hates her, thinks she's too wimpy and too nice, even her own brother. At first it was just a 'What if this happened?' scenario where she was inherently much different from everyone around her, but over time and as I began to grow the world around her, I created a reason for her to be different from the other Slimes, involving a magical pendant that she carries around with her all the time.

Before her were a few characters that I had created to use in a Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan fiction I was writing, but I didn't actually use them until after I'd created Emily, and they're not from my own universe so I wouldn't count them as such anyway.

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