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Fandom Young Justice: Secerts and Lies occ

Technically I am the only member of the team at the moment. As most are unrelated to the justice league members.
What sort of time frame is this?
Technically I am the only member of the team at the moment. As most are unrelated to the justice league members.
Ah, gotchya.

So, what time period is this? Seeing as the young justice initiative is being re-activated, this is post original young justice right?
I think there's been a bit of confusion here. The team hasn't been formed yet so Cindy and Ashlyn are 100% strangers. If Ash were to recognize Cindy from anywhere it would probably be teenage fashion magazines.
Also there's no "base" to go back to (unless Ash has one of her own).
Worst thing about bb codes is how bad they are on phones I can't read any of the new sheet
Mine I am shit at describing personalities but yeah she has tried and failed quite a few times
Yeah she will be fun mostly because she will be snarky rude and sarcastic to just about everyone
now we wait hopefully you get in with full powers because I mean what villain dosent have some kryptonite these days

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