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Realistic or Modern °*~Young Forever~*°


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Youth. What does that word even mean?

For some, it has to do with age. For others, it has to do with mindset. But all who have been young associate it with the joys and sorrows, pains and pleasures of growing up and coming into your own as a person.

Losing and finding, playing and fighting, breaking and fixing, crying and laughing- all of these chaotic opposites come together in the whirlwind that is our youth. But as we get older, will we really let all of this go? Will we forget the beauty and warmth from our youth and replace it with a dreamless, boring, average life? Or will we decide to be young forever?


The characters for this RP will be (preferably) from ages 14-25. It will all take place in the same city, a fictional one in Oregon named Woodside (whether the character grew up there, moved there, etc.). Characters from all walks of life are welcome. 



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*Note: Italicized words = Puerto Rican slang


Mateo Jones


"Hey, man, you good?" Mateo asked, leaning against the stand that held the punching bag J.R. had been wailing on a couple seconds before.

He nodded, panting as he began removing one of his gloves. His body shone with sweat, but even the moisture on his face couldn't hide the fact that he'd shed tears while fighting his imaginary opponent. Teo's brow furrowed as he handed his good friend a bottle of Powerade and a rag to wipe his face with.

He watched closely as J.R. rested and removed his other glove. Opening another Powerade bottle for himself, he watched as his friend began removing the tape from his hands, revealing scarred knuckles underneath.

"So the bag's not the only thing you've been punching?" Mateo asked, taking a sip of his bright blue beverage.

J.R. touched his knuckles. "Just mind your own business, Teo," he muttered, sitting on a nearby bench and stretching his ravaged muscles.

"You know I can't do that, chacho," Mateo replied, beginning to pack their things into their duffel bags. "Just tell me what's up. Is it something with your family, school...?"

J.R. hesitated, looking at his hands. Finally, he let out a sigh. "I saw him with someone else," he admitted softly.

Mateo cocked his head, zipping up their bags. "Alexis?" Then, he chuckled. "How'd that fool find another guy? He's ugly as hell," he teased.

J.R. didn't even smile. "He was with a girl."

The atmosphere went cold and dark. Mateo scowled, confused and angry over the pain of his friend. He grabbed their bags, slinging them over his shoulders. "Let's get out of here, dawg," he said, watching the gym begin to fill up as evening drew on. This was a busier time of the day, and he didn't want to talk about something like this where his friend might feel uncomfortable.

J.R. nodded, grabbing his things and following Teo to the lockers.


J.R.'s brown-green eyes blinked back tears as he choked out the story. "He said he doesn't want people to know he has a boyfriend. He pretends to date her instead. I guess his family and most of his friends don't even know he likes guys."

They sat in a fast food joint downtown, eating fries and discussing J.R.'s issue. They were both counting macros, but Teo figured they could cheat if it meant Jay would feel better.

They had both showered and changed into street clothes back at the gym. Mateo wore a white hoodie with a paint splatter design and some skinny jeans while J.R. wore a t-shirt and joggers.

Mateo scowled as he listened to his friend, infuriated. "He could've told you that before you two started talking. Fucking pussy ass bitch is still in the closet and he tries to hit on you?"

His friend cleared his throat, breathing deep and getting a grip on himself. "Yeah, basically. So I guess if I want to be with him, I have to deal with him having a girlfriend at the same time."

Teo bit into a fry, chewing thoughtfully. Gesturing with it, he said, "Look, man, when you finally came out, you told me something you made me promise I'd never let you forget. You know what that was?"

J.R. sighed, nodding and running a hand over his face. "That I never wanted to go back into the closet for anything."

"Right," he nodded. "If this guy was serious about you, would he do something like this?"

Jay ran a hand through his hair. "No..."

"Exactly. So you know what has to happen, right?"

J.R. leaned back, examining the table as if it held the answer. "But it still hurts..." He said softly.

Mateo sighed, looking at his friend with a caring expression. Then, he stood. "Here, I'ma go order a take-out bag. Let's take the fries and go Under. We'll play some games, listen to some music, you can have a drink or two if you want. It's Friday, so we can stay as late as we want. Alright?"

J.R. rubbed the back of his neck, still looking at the table. Finally, he met Teo's gaze, smiling slightly. "I'll play you ping-pong."

Mateo shrugged. "Well, playing with balls is what you do best, so..."

Jay looked at him in disbelief while Teo cracked up. "Bitch, at least I can get some!" He shot back, socking him in the arm.

MJ flipped him off, still laughing, and walked to the counter to get a bag.

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Millie Rae Hidy 

The sun shone down in brilliant rays that Millie simply couldn't ignore. Her one room apartment was practically filled with the beautiful light, and Millie could tell it was a perfect day outside. She stood up from the couch where she, Clementine, and her current pet sit client, Bojangles the Beagle were cuddling and napping.

"Seems like the perfect day to go to the park, don't you think?" Millie questioned the animals still asleep on the couch. Clementine opened one amber eye, silentl judging her owner with a flick of her tail. Millie rolled her eyes at the tortoiseshell cat and immediately picked her up, cuddling her close until Clem emitted a happy purr. Millie kissed the top of the cat's head and sat her back down in a sunny patch of the couch. She turned to Bojangles and attached his leash to his collar. 

"I'll see you later tonight, my darling Clementine!" Millie told her cat. Then she grabbed her black guitar case, slung it across her back and exited the apartment. Her apartment was fairly far from the park, and she honestly didnt feel like walking. So Millie put Bojangles and her guitar into the cab of her pick up truck and drove the 4 miles to the park.

Once there, Millie barely found a parking spot since it was so full. She jumped from the cab, Bojangles following suit, and grabbed the guitar case. "How about we go to the dog park today, Bo?" The dog seemed excited by the idea, so she took him over to the smaller fenced in portion of the park where dogs were allowed off leash to play. Millie unhooked his leash and watch Bo sprint across the grass to play with a Maltese.

Millie sat on a nearby bench and picked up her guitar on the ground and opened it. She stared in awe slightly at the beautiful instrument, happy to have it. Picking it up, Millie sttummed a few chords before ascending into her rendition of "Better Together" by Jack Johnson. Her lovely voice rang out around the area as she sang and played. A few people stopped to listen, throwing a bit of money in her case. Millie smiled at them as she sang, feeling really content in who and where she was.
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If it was one thing Leila hated, it was her brother's music taste. 

She loved Malik, she really did. She could withstand a lot of shit from him, like his inability to eat like a civilized human being, to the Great Laughing Gas Incident. But his music, merciful Lord above, his music. Sometimes she felt he played such terrible songs just to spite her.

She was in the kitchen, making pancakes: covered in Nutella for Mirah, maple syrup and bananas for Malik, and drowned in maple syrup for her. It was Saturday, and for once, she had no homework. She was planning on spending the whole day in West Side, drawing; perhaps the only damper on the day would be her inevitable Weekly Awkward Skype Call with her father. Nevertheless, she felt uncharacteristically happy; she had just started humming, when Malik decided to start his work and put on music to accompany it.

She could hear Mirah complaining; her older sister hated all music created after the Romantic era, because she was a pretentious snob. Malik turned up the music, a positively spiteful act. The neighbors would complain. 

Leila focused on the pancakes; she was nearly done. Since the kitchen was an open one, all her siblings had to do was sit on the opposite chairs. She joined them as they sat down next to each other, bickering. 

"Thank you, gremlin," they said simultaneously as they tucked in. Leila was not offended at being called a gremlin, as she knew she was one. She focused on her own pancakes and listened to her siblings' chatter, occasionally adding in her own comments. As usual, there was a debate about which Hogwarts house to place her siblings' professors in. One of them in particular, Professor Blacktree, was causing a schism. Mirah was insistent on Slytherin, but Malik was adamant on Hufflepuff.

"A definite Slytherin," Mirah said as she stabbed Leila's handiwork.

"He's an obvious Hufflepuff," said Malik. "That dedication, that determination he has in ruining his students' lives, can only be found in Hufflepuffs.

"Leila, what do you think?" Mirah demanded. Her hair, gathered in a messy bun, had gotten thinner since she'd donned the hijab two years ago, but it still remained better-looking than Leila's would ever be.

"Slytherin," said Leila unflinchingly.

"Bah," Malik said, with the contempt of losing. "She's only biased to Slytherin because it's her Hogwarts house."

"Shut up, Leila's a Hufflepuff."

"No, she's a Slytherin! Leila, tell her you're a Slytherin."

"I'm actually a Gryffindor," Leila said bracingly.

An uproar ensued. The argument over Leila's Hogwarts house was still going strong when Leila herself left the house an hour later; but she was used to these types of disputes. Perhaps in West Side she would find some peace.
[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Beatrix "Bibi" Kim[/COLOR]

Bibi stood hunched over a small table on the floor, pen in hand as it hovered over the blank paper. She had been in that position a good ten minutes or so, racking her head for something to write. Her hair was tied up into a loose bun as strands of blonde hair fell around her face. Squinting her eyes to make the page blurry before opening them back up to make her vision clearer. The rumble of electric fans in the background, moving the warm air in her tiny room around but never seeming to be doing its job in cooling her. *Beep Beep Beep Beep* Bibi's phone's light flashed a couple of times as it buzzed on the ground beside her. She groaned knowing it had to be her mother calling from work to make sure she was practicing. [COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Without looking at the ID Bibi answered the phone and immediately started talking. "Mom for the last time I need to finish this paper.  [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]No[/COLOR], I'm not practicing. No[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)], I'm not going to start now. Just leave me alone." With this Bibi hung up on her mother and groaned as she pushed herself up off the floor to assess herself in the mirror. [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Her hair looked decent, perhaps a bit on the oily side. Shrugging on a jacket before going downstairs to get her a quick breakfast before going to she decided to  head out to the community college. Normally the head of the music department would unlock the music room for her to practice in. Grabbing a breakfast bar and her keys she headed out. Getting in her car she drove off. It was about a [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Thirty-minute[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] ride from her house, give or take.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Arriving she walked to the music building, making her way up to the offices. The keys were already left out for her, grabbing them as she walked down to the basement level and unlocked the doors. Going inside she grabbed her cello [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]from the corner as she dragged her chair to the middle of the room. There she began to play, her body moving with each stroke, closing her eyes she could almost see the notes. The cello was her favorite instrument, something about it made her calm, the pressure seeming to rise off her shoulders. For [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]now[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)], it was just her and her music.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]Carmen Carson[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]"Carmen! You're but better be downstairs in thirty minutes or I swear..." Carmen listened to the yelling from downstairs and groaned into her pillow before getting up and shuffling over to her vanity. Sitting down she  put her cap on before situating her wig on her head before checking herself in the mirror. She swore she was a different person when she put her wig and piercings in. Rubbing her face before getting dressed, stumbling downstairs to see her aunt rushing around the kitchen. "Whoa...Aunt Cass where's the fire?" She joked, poking her head into the refrigerator before coming back out with a leftover piece of pizza from the night before.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]"Well if you care, Carmen, then I'll have ou know that the middle school picked me to head our bake sale. I know none of those brats are gonna make anything so it's up to me." Her aunt said matter of factly. Carmen chuckled as she leaned against the counter to listen to her aunt. "May your food have mercy on their stomachs." She joked before finishing her pizza and going towards the door. "Hey, Aunt Cass I'm gonna head down to the cafe on the south side to get some work done for school." She assumed her Aunt was okay with this from the muffled sounds coming from the kitchen. Grabbing some change from the counter by the door for the bus before heading out.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)]The bus stop from her house was about a ten-minute walk, and from then the bus ride was about twenty minutes to get to the southside. Carmen tended to not be messed with when she was on the bus, mainly due to her appearance. Getting off the bus she kept her head down as she walked towards the cafe. Arriving she took her normal spot by the window as she watched the people passing by. Her favorite thing to do since she came to this town, people watching. People here were nothing like the people from her old town, they were a lot more open with their personal lives. As of now, she was watching a young girl be dragged by her mother, it was rather humorous, reminding her of when she was a kid.[/COLOR]
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Kayla brought in the last box of her things from the moving truck and into her new room. With a *huff*, then sets the box down onto the floor, and then lays on her bed. Today is her first day at her new house, and so far the move was okay, though she missed her friends terribly. But, she knew that she had to keep an open mind about the move. She had to make the best of it, which was pretty easy for her. Maybe today she could even go out and make some friends! But first, she wanted to set up her room. So, with that, she got back up and opened all of her belongings up and out of the cardboard boxes that were all labeled "The Geeky Daughter of Yours" in thick black Sharpie. She hung up her clothes, set up her bed, and even put her books, video games, and plushies away onto shelves and closet spaces.

She then put the last of her stuff up, which included posters and college letters and pamphlets onto her wall and a corkboard. With a satisfied sigh, she checked the time and found that it was only about four in the afternoon.

"Awesomeness!" she said to herself excitedly, as she ran down the stairs and out of the house, going towards the town's public library. If she was going to live in a new town with none of her friends around anymore, she at least needed a good book to read; one that she hasn't read a thousand times, like her books at home. 

As she walked to the library, she went past what seemed like a dog park. A girl, about Kayla's age, was performing with her guitar while singing. Kayla's eyes widened at the realization that she saw someone that loves music, possibly even as much as she did. Kayla went up to the girl, fished out a five dollar bill, and placed it into her opened case, which already held a bunch of loose change and small bills.

"Wow, your really good! I love your voice, it's gorgeous!!!" Kayla said as she continued to listen to the girl play.


Robert Valentin O'Brian


Throwing up the bedroom door, Robby almost fell into the back of one of his sofas. Three heads turned towards him. One blond girl Robby had called Eveline the whole night. Her eyes were empty. Halfway over Eveline, another girl was somewhere between awoke and asleep with her head resting on Eveline's shoulder. Laying down on the sofa against the wall Finnick had his feet up the wall, his socks showing holes. Robby put one hand on the sofa's back, and with his legs high in the air he jumped over it and landed neatly, facing towards Finnick.

"Man, don't you own a home?" Robby smiled towards his friend, and as for an answer he only got a loud laugh. The second girl started moving, her head lifted slightly from Eveline and a light laugh left her lips.

"Oh, Rob..ert? Right? Yeah", she shook her head against Robby. He looked down as if inspecting his floor. He did not like his name, he never truly had. "Thanks for letting us sleep here, want help cleaning?" Her voice was honest, soft. Robby slowly lifted his eyes towards her, he was not used to this kindness, so his reaction was fast. He shook his head.

"Nah gal, just fuck off", he winked at her, "come back tonight, yeah?" He smiled at the girls as they left his apartment. As the door slammed shut behind Eveline Finnick took his first words for the evening:

"Man, did you see her ass?" Voice high, hands against the sides of his forehead and eyes wide and full of wildness. "She is a fucking beauty, she is fucking smexy! Can't fucking believe you taped that last night!" A pillow was thrown at Finnick, as he had just been about to change position to one more vertical with the world, he fell out of his sofa.

"Yeah, she's fucking nice man. Did not tap her, though. Now let's get out, gonna get us some breakfast yeah?" A grin from Finnick was everything Robby got, though as they had known each other for a long time Robby understood it completely. It was an accepting grin, an understanding grin, but mostly it told Robby that Finnick would be investing in what was the truth.

Two guys walked into McDonald's a Friday afternoon. One of them had this green punk hair, his leather pants looked hot in the sun and his jeans vest clashed with the t-shirt he had chosen for the day. Beside him walked a shorter boy, though who would not look short beside a 193cm tall boy, with a little bit more style than his friend. Rocking a pair of oversized jeans and a hoodie in black, Robby hit his friend on his shoulder. Finnick screamed out, hitting the boy back.

"What'ya did that for?" Finnick's voice was still high, but a few heads had turned away from them as they stood in the cue to order.

"'Cause you're stupid", Robby smiled back. The boys both leaned over the counter as they ordered their usual, nuggets, and sat down in a corner discussing the party last night.

Millie Rae Hidy 

Millie had just finished the Jack Johnson as a girl approached her. She put a five dollar bill in the case, which made Millie smile. This girl seemed about the same age as her, and Millie had no idea if the two were in similar financial situations. But she absolutely adored people who took time out of their day to appreciate good music and encourage creativity in the communities. Millie looked up at the girl and smiled, her blue eyes glinting. "Thank you, that means a lot to me," Millie replied to the girl, her voice light and happy. She was always so content sharing her music with the world. While she played mostly guitar covers when she was out in the parks or on the streets (people seemed to put more money in her case if she played a song they knew), Millie was an amazing songwriter and pianist as well. She was actually hoping to save up some money to buy an actual piano for her apartment. Her keyboard was amazing, and she loved it. But electronics couldn't beat the sound of real hammers on real strings. 

Millie strummed a few chords, trying to decide what song to play next. Getting an idea, she looked up at the girl with a sweet smile, "Do you have any requests?"


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