• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Young Deities (original deity RP)



Cuddly Red Panda
This will be the Starting page of the roleplay. Please Wait till we begin.

The three rules:

- be active: any roleplayer that disappears for a week without notice will have their spot reopened (if the roleplayer returns, they can easily reclaim their spot, but on the third time that you are removed from the group you will not be able to rejoin). If you know in advance that you are going to be inactive, just give some warning and this rule won't apply for the estimated length of time that you will be gone. (ex. If you say that you will be gone for two weeks, then you will not be removed unless you are gone for three weeks).
* I will be fairly lenient on inactivity removals, as I understand what it's like to be busy

- be advanced: I would like people to post at two paragraphs or more per post minimum. If you absolutely can't stretch a reply into two paragraphs, then one detailed paragraph is acceptable. However, the premise of this roleplay is meant to be interesting enough that two or more paragraphs per post should be highly manageable.

- when naming your character, please be original; keep in mind that these are original deities. They won't have the same names as gods from religions IRL, and they won't be named stuff like "Jessica," or "Star." I used this name generator to help come up with ideas, though using it is not required.​
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