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Fandom Young avengers CS



literally a child
Post character sheets here and I will accept them or critique them for acceptance. :)

Character sheet:
Superhero name:
Age: (my character will be the youngest as she is a child prodigy, lets say 11 and up for all other characters, 19 max unless they are asgardian or something)
Appearance: (any fc is available, discription also ok)
Non-super abilities: (like basic martial arts knowledge rather then magical martial arts or whatever your character is good at in an average human way.)
Extra: (theme song or something not present in the cs)
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Name- Samuel Guthrie
Age- 17
Bio- Samuel Zachery Guthrie was the eldest son of a large farming Kentucky family on the 17th of October.[10] Sam attempted to help out his family by working in a coal mine after his father had died there inhaling coal dust. Right on his first day, Sam and his father's friend, Lewis, were trapped in a cave-in. In his panic, Sam manifested his mutant blasting powers which allowed him and Lewis to escape the collapse. He decided to join the young avengers after a visit from Daisy Johnson who was in the area saw his stunt and suggested it to him.


power- Thermo-Chemical Energy Field Propulsion: Cannonball possesses the ability to bodily generate thermo-chemical energy and release it from his skin. This energy is used as thrust to cause his body to be propelled through the air, like his namesake, at great heights and speeds with considerable maneuverability. He can control his speed and direction through sheer act of will. At first he could only release this energy from his feet, but now he can fire it from almost any part of his body, to a wide variety of effects, such as channeling it into bio-kinetic blasts from his hands. His power levels have varied over the years - but at his peak, he has been able to defeat the Shi'ar Imperial Guard leader, Gladiator, and devastate several city blocks by plummeting to the ground from high altitude
Non abilities- Making friends
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Name: alexikov vanko
Superhero name:whiplash
Age: 9
Appearance: CFE72B10-BC29-4BC9-A4C5-2FA03B9FB6B0.jpeg
Her heroic appearance she has an Ironman helmet on, a cybernetically enhanced eye where her left eye used to be, iron gauntlets that use whiplash-like arc whips and allow her to fly. Her iron suit is opts for a lighter design, using arclight armor on exposed chest legs and arms rather then iron armor. She has iron boots that allow her to fly and kick with a hard impact.
Bio:alexikov was born and bred by hydra to be used against tony stark. Taking one of the smartest, if not insane minds to breed a perfect child prodigy, she was raised from birth being trained by hydras greatest minds and surpassed them all. At the age of 5 she was tasked with breaking down tony starks firewalls for avengers tower and deleting his security, but she was able to get a message to him in codes data left behind by her hack. It was the coordinates of her hydra safe house. She was rescued and has since been taken care of by stark industries, and mentored by tony stark, who wants to keep a close eye on her for personal reasons.
Power/tech: her power would be super genius intellect, her tech is a mix of iron and elegant and efficient arc-tech, and her fathers powerful and effective whiplash suit.
Non-super abilities: in her captivity she was given some hydra basic training and since her rescue she has been training to be put in the young avengers initiative.
Character sheet:
Name: Benjamin "Ben" Edward Parker
Superhero Name: Arachnid
Age: 15
Bio: Ben was born the oldest child of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, with his little sister May being born five years later. It was clear from an early age that Ben had inherited his father's powers, with a few...differences. Due to his fathers passtime, Ben never really spent much time with his father, which eventually led to them having a strained relationship. Ben was desperate for his father's attention, leading to him using his powers to act out and cause general mischief. Usually just petty crimes like shoplifting and vandalism. But things, as they usually do, got out of hand, and a failed break in led to a fire that consumed half a city block. Several people died, and even more lost their livelihoods. After that, the famous Parker guilt kicked in, and Ben knew he had to use his powers responsibly. So, he created a makeshift costume, and took to the streets as Arachnids.
Non-super abilities:
-Genius level intellect, almost on par with his father
-Basic knowledge of martial arts, though most of his fighting style is self-taught
-Incredibly strong will, to the point of stubborness.
Extra: Ben is actually not as strong as his father, but is more agile. This is due to the fact he and his sister take more traits from actual spiders, specifically jumping spiders. This means his sister is actually stronger than him, due to female spiders being larger and stronger.
Name:Astrid Thordottir
Superhero name: shield maiden
Age: physically she is about 13, but she has lived for 31 human years.
Appearance: C5CAFE8B-8851-4B31-9F98-F926A29E8F84.jpeg
Bio: Astridis the rightful heir to the throne of Asgard on the venir side of asgardian culture. The venir where defeated thousands of years ago by Odin and the aesir. After odins death kiki convinced her to start a rebellion which she fought alongside her fellow venir, but it was ended fairly quickly by Thor who noted her power and saw in her what he imagines Odin once saw in him. He offered a truce and a retribution for the venir because he did not agree with Asgard being split so decisively and adopted her on the spot, making her officially the true rightful heir to the throne. He now sends her to earth to take on a quest of becoming trurly worthy.
Power/tech: she has the strength and abilities of an asgardian. She has andlacnei, a shield that was imbued with metals from Hellas realmwhich make it immune to magic and makes it extremely sturdy, as well as a mace that was crafted from a single shard of the broken mjilnor, it does not hold the same powers but it is a powerfully hard mace. Her mother’s gift was godhood over the wind.
Non-super abilities:she likes singing.
Extra: (theme song or something not present in the cs)
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Hero Name:Hell spawn
Alter ego: Jack Ryder (Fake name ), Lara Aldred (real name)
Age:18 (10 at death)
Race: demon fusion
Gender: female
Height: varies sticks to about 5 foot 7
Weight: carried average is 170 lbs
Personality: Lara tends to be cynical, sarcastic, rude, sadistic, and over all a cruel person twisted by their time with the demon and with the lowest of society. That is only half the story as she can be rather selfless and kind on a whim normally helping as much as hurting others. She also has some trust issues given the demon tells her peoples sins and dark secrets.
Origin: there are many ways to becoming a hero most take a life time of work and training, others a single moment crystallized everything. Lara was neither her origin lies in one bad day, you would be surprised what one bad day can cause.
Lara was a normal person her family lived in the suburbs away from the monsters and villains of the city. Still not all villains are in the city and not all monsters are giant. What could have been a normal life was cut short. One day while the attention of the city was on one of the big hero brawls a few thieves took advantage of the situation. If the cops and heroes were all busy then anywhere outside the city was easy pickings.
This group went from house to house time they got to Lara's, but here was not the loot they had thus far found. Her father one to defend his home fought back killing one of the attackers with a hand gun. Still he was a normal man against several thugs and they were mad.
It is surprising how quickly people will give into their worst impulses when given any excuse and some anger. With her father beaten to death it was just Lara and her mother and these men became monsters when they decided to have some fun as vengeance before killing them out of pure spite.
It was while this all happened that in the depths of hell the demon Xaragarth was punished for trying to gain power by waging one of hells endless number of wars and losing. His punishment was to be banished, his connect to hell severed and doomed to fade on earth. It might have been fate that all this happened for a demon now needing and actor could feel the suffering of the two girls and was drawn to it.
Lara was nearly dead as she lay bleeding and broken, she would die if help didn't come; but the heroes and police were all busy there was no help coming, or so she thought. Lara heard a voice in her head that promised if she became his anchor she would live and get revenge. Lara accepted just before she blacked out actually dying there.
The demon Xaragarth had found his anchor and while he couldn't save her body he did save her soul from moving on and used it to anchor himself in reality. Still not everything would go to plan even now as he would find out soon.
Lara woke up still seemingly alive and surrounded by the torn apart remains of the thrives along with the bodies of her parents and herself. Soon the heard the demons voice trying to command her yet it didn't work somehow he had become subordinate to her forced into the form of her suit cape and chains while she got control of their body confused and scared Lara fled her home and started wandering soon ending up in the ally ways of Detroit with the homeless and hopeless. There she has lived fending off gangs, agents if heaven and hell, and the occasional super hero wannabe.
Hell chains: Laura can summon, control, and alter hell forged chains often appearing from her cloak or shadows.
Dark secrets: The demon being well a demon can tell what sins one as committed and things that will hurt someone mentally and tell them to laura.
Super human physiology: Laura is stronger faster and extremely more durable than baseline humans.
Demon suit: The costume Laura wears is actually a demon fused to her very soul providing her a physical form She can control its size shape and make up as she wills it.
Shape shifting: As her suit is the only thing giving her physical form Laura can control her looks and mimic others or make up her own appearance.
Dark magic: Laura has a decent understanding of the magics of hell and can use them.
Dark energy: This is the energy that keeps laura and her demon alive harvested from the pain and suffering of others unless beheaded by a heaven made blade Laura can regenrate if she can gather energy.
Skills: lara has learned basic combat from fights
Tech: none
Alignment: Anti-hero
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Character sheet:
Name: Allisson Vunderland Mordo
Superhero name: Baroness Vunderland
Age: 11
images - 2020-08-25T094215.490.jpeg
Bio: The adopted child of Baron Mordo, she had an amazing and natural gift for the magic arts, Mordo was glad to have such a prodigy for a daughter. As she grew up that magic started to grow wildly out of control even the most simple of spells had their power boosted several times over. So as a precaution the Amulet of Lunacy was bound to her to seal away all her magic except the magic that the Amulet granted. When she was about 9 she and her father fought against a person her father called Dr. Strange unsurprisingly they lost big time to him however as her father was taking away Strange was quite fascinated with her magic and the relic. She was sent off to the young avengers initiative so that she could be around kids her age as well be able to keep an eye on her, her magic and the relic stuck around her neck.

Power/tech: Allisson has the ability to summon fantastical creatures from her mind and the minds of others. It is currently limited to those two things due to a relic Baron Mordo had given her to limit her magic as well as grant her this fantasy based magic. Unknown to anyone however is that the more she uses this as both a stopper on her other magic the more the fantasy magic will grow and evolve to become something much more powerful and dangerous if she is put into the wrong hands

Non-super abilities:
Due to being around Magic a majority of her life she has an immense knowledge on mythical tales and magical relics. She learned a little of basic martial arts from her father
The relic that is always around her neck
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Isabelle Blade
blood bending and Possession
Super name: Marionette
Age: 18
Has brown hair and eyes, Latina, black leather jacket and black dress, and black pointe ballet shoes. Snake tattoo with flowers on the snake.

Gun Skills, Martial artist, espionage, Gang leader.

Straight and Single
Name: Kenshin Natsume

Superhero name: Guren

Age: 17(Almost 18)


Bio: Kenshin was raised and trained by the Hand to be one of the new Five Fingers of the Hand. He was raised alongside four other children each meant to inherit the place of the finger they descended from. The Five Fingers are Silver Samurai, Tomoe, Gorgon, Mandarin, and Ogun. They were trained by the Beast himself, the Beast even personally assigned and gifted their blades to them. He kept their parentage a secret, they only knew that one of their parents is a Finger.

Kenshin was sent out on a covert field assignment with his fellow four candidates. This was before any of them manifested any traits that would indicate who their parents are. The mission went wrong and Kenshin ended up being defeated, apprehended, and left behind. This happened when he was 14, he fell into SHIELD. Rather then charge or execute him they chose to keep him in custody and rehabilitate him directly under their watch. He had a unique set of skills at such a young age that would be a waste to abandon him to the system. For Three years SHIELD work to turn Kenshin Natsume into a person. When they succeeded they put him in the Young Avengers where they always intended him to be.

Red Muramasa, a Muramasa blade forged with a piece of Wolverine’s soul in it. It can cut through virtually anything with the right amount of force. However it’s most important property is that it nullifies regenerative healing.

Ninja Magic

Non-super abilities: Ninjutsu

Extra: He has an X Gene that is dormant and one of his parents in a Finger. Both traits may or may not be from the same person however.
Harley Dreadson

Superhero name:



For as long as the young lad was able to remember, there was always one thing he knew how to do well. And that was how to punch someone. Raised in Baltimore, where violence often erupted several times throughout the long days. The conflict throughout the city was something Harley saw often. Becoming the normality of how he saw the world. Harley was slightly average in height, but his body became an unnatural phenomenon that his doctors couldn't possibly fathom. His muscles and strength were impossible to achieve at his age. With this strength, Harley often assisted his mother and father in whatever heavy lifting they couldn't do on their own. Harley was a relatively passive boy as his parents often lectured him about not using his strength on others, and other students usually avoided him because of his overwhelming power. Even a high five could lead to an accidental injury.

Harley's place in life would be discovered after a couple of thugs attempted to rob his mother of her jewelry. Slugging the two grown men to protect her, and hospitalizing the two thugs as their jaws were shattered. The thrill of those hits sparked something in Harley's body. He was terrified of what would have happened, but at the same time, the racing of his heart had made him feel so alive. Harley would go on to learn all he could about fighting. More specifically, in this case, boxing. Harley was allowed to participate in classes but sadly was forbidden in competing due to how dangerous he was. Harley regularly practiced allowing his technique and skill to flourish. Finding a passion he could enjoy in his free time, but with no one to share it with, it felt empty. Harley would go on to discover why he was so much stronger than most people. When his latent mutant abilities finally manifested in his body, Harley felt practically unstoppable. And with crime rising only higher in his city, the boy couldn't help but take advantage of those that were seeking conflict. The young man took the streets not as a hero nor as a vigilante. Just a boy that sought the thrill of the challenge against those that would fight against him. One fight after another allowed the young lad to truly experience what he had loved—the taste of conflict. As his powers grew alongside his win streak, Baltimore's citizens eventually praised the young boy for his "heroic" acts and thus gave him a name behind his strength. K.O. A legendary upcoming "hero" that sought to protect the weak. Or that's at least what the news articles said.

As a solid year of his new passion passed, Harley grew more and more out of control with his thrill-seeking adventure. Often seeking violence and provoking those into fighting him. When he began fighting those with superpowers, the collateral damage of the city skyrocket as the youngster didn't understand self-control. Destroying builds and streets were all fair game in the boy's rampage. They were never innocent people, but Harley's constant joy for brawling turned the citizen's eyes to see him as a loose cannon, and naturally, someone had to step in and handle the situation. He couldn't truly help himself. There was just something so alluring when it came to adrenaline—the heat of the battle, and the everlasting refreshment that came with winning. However, it wouldn't be along until a true hero stepped in his way. Simon Williams. Known as the might, Wonderman interfered in the boy's spree of conflict. Simon saw potential in the boy's ability and had offered him a spot on a program the Avengers were creating. Naturally, to be met with someone so renown in the hero world, Harley would only agree to join if the hero could defeat him in battle.

That faithful day Harley would know his first humiliating defeat against a veteran. While he hated that he lost, it only served to fuel his fire to become the strongest. It showed him that there was still so much room for him to grow. And grow he would until he could challenge the hero once more. Packing his things before being escorted to his new home, Harley couldn't help but smile. Wondering how strong his new teammates would be and all the villains he'd hopefully be able to punch. It seemed like a life explicitly made for him, and that thought caused the boy to become more than eager to join.

Muscle Fiber Manipulation:
Harley can modify the muscle fibers in his body to heavily increase his overall physical capabilities. His control over his latent abilities allows him to obtain massive strength, incredible speed, and a tough exterior making him a relatively dangerous fighter in close combat. Harley is also able to sacrifice certain fibers in his body to power up different ones. Basically trading strength for speed and vice versa. While Harley does possess incredible power, Harley can overexert himself to the point of serious injury. When Harley reaches his limit, his body's fibers will begin to tear themselves apart and his body will slowly fall apart. Leaving him vulnerable should he be in battle.

Non-super abilities:
-A passionate boxer Harley has studied the three main styles of boxing and has learned to utilize his fibers correctly to compliment them. Outboxing, slugging, and swarming have become his main usage of combat and, while still not a true master, has come a long way with his training.
-Harley's stubbornness for victory makes him to never surrender in a fight. He will always go down swinging in every fight he's in.

Character sheet:
Name: Amelia Astraea (Astra)
Superhero name: Fade
Age: 16
Appearance: going to draw it give me a week
Bio: she is is one of the unlucky mutants with both a physical mutation and powers. She has cat like ears and eyes. Similar to what people call a Niko. Her parents gave her up because they did not want to be associated with mutants. She use to hate her appearance often hiding what she looked like. She was made fun of and often physically attack. When she reached her teenage years she join a group of mutants Call the marlocks,that were like her that physical mutation. She learned to take pride in her physical appearance. She lived underground with them Until she decided to leave them too protect others like her out in the open.
Power/tech: The ability to phase Into and out of solid matter. Turn invisible by phasing light around her
Non-super abilities: She is a halfway decent thief from her years living on the street and with the morlocks
Extra: (theme song or something not present in the cs) She loves to draw people and mutans alike.
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Name: Keethan Joglo
Superhero name: GL17CH
Age: 18
Appearance: tall, extremely skinny, Brown skin,
Bio: Family died from one of tony starks bombs. All of his family died except him. 6 months after the explosion his molecules were able to finally reform. Finding out everyone he knew was dead, he picked up an anonymous mask, some throwing knives, and a pair of katanas, and set out to find who had detonated the weapon

Power/tech:Self density manipulation
-Can teleport
-Can demanifest and remanifest(basically turn into a cloud of molecules
-The farther he teleports, the longer it takes to reappear
-Cannot move while demanifested
Non-super abilities: one of the best lockpickers, probably best in the world
Phobia of cockroaches, and loves cooking


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Character sheet:
Name: Einar Lauefyson
Superhero name:Wolfboy
Age: 11 in human years. Nobody knows how old he is Asgardain years
Appearance: 1499cb1823500ff0584877150765.jpg
Bio:Son to Loki the trickster god. Lived hidden away in Earth because his father feared Thor would take him away because of what he he done. He was born half wolf half Asgardain/Human whatever you want to call it. He been to Asgard with his father while his father went to visit his uncle he went off to.explore. His father is a nice person who is pretty much a fun parent. At the age of 11 his father disappeared one morning so he went out to find him. He's weaker than your average Asgradain
Power/tech:Shift shaping into anything

Non-super abilities: (like basic martial arts knowledge rather then magical martial arts or whatever your character is good at in an average human way.)
The picture is his necklace his father gave him which he wears all the time in a green chain
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Name:Carl Regan
Superhero name:Kick start

Personality:nerdy,awkward,shy,stubborn at times,and easily flustered

Powers:electricity manipulation and contro

Bio:He was skating one day and stumbled upon a rift he entered it and Zeus was laying down bleeding out other gods were severely hurt too he gave his powers to Carl in a desperate attempt to make sure that the protection of the realms would be kept
None super abilities: plays guitar,draws,boxing
Name: Mac Andrews
Hero Name: Mr. Shotgun
Age: 16
Bio: he was born in Australia and raised in a poor family. But his family were ancient warriors who had Hercules strength in their blood. And he obtained his power later on. And one day his dad bought him a Shotgun and says "use this to help others only shoot someone if necessary". He then adopted the name Mr. Shotgun.
Powers: Hercules Strength
Non powers: skilled with Shotgunning. Fast when reloading the gun.
Extra: also has a knife

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