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You can be King again


Wishful bard
I'm looking for someone, or a bunch, who wishes to role-play this little plot of mine.

The setting is Modern Fantasy. Between great mountain ranges there's beautiful cities and souring in the sky there's dragons. It's a world unknown with its own religions and its own cultures. I'm not going to force any roles upon anyone and I am not going to force a religion upon you either. Your character can be whatever character you wish to create as long as you focus on the characters flaws and not perfection. A characters flaw is so much more interesting to read than its perfection. You may come up with your own humanoid race as well, I don't mind if you copy Legend of Zelda and creats a Deku Scurb or a Zora, or if you make something classic like an elf. You can do whatever you like.

The world is large but it's all controlled by one Ruler and that ruler is what keeps the world safe. Without the rightly born king/queen upon the ebony throne the world will fall into pieces and evil beings will crawl out of the dirt, fall from the sky and split the ocean. The ruler is missing and the world is looking everywhere for him/her.

Ten years has passed since the ruler vanished from his/her castle. The world is being plagued by evil with shapes so horrid no one can describe them. They're destroying cities and lives trying to take the world they were born upon back.

Of course, as evil and battle rise so does the resistance but the war seems endless and the only way to stop it is to find the rightful Ruler of the world.

When creating a character I want you to think hard not on what makes your character the best and the strongest but what makes him/her the most colourful. Try not to make drama queens, or typical stereotypes but something you put love and care into, something to be truly proud of!

I don't want large character sheets, if you need them to remember your character by all means write one but don't show me it. If you feel a character is incomplete without a sheet just give me a line or two but I wish to get to know your character through the role-play and discover their fears, likes and dislikes as well as what makes them the way they are.

What I want you to think about when making your character:






Anyone interested?
Great, why don't you both PM and we'll discuss it 1x1 for now, I might slam us together later on!
I just made this account, and apparently you can't PM somebody until 24 hours after you made it, so don't think I've forgotten about this, I'm just waiting!
That's flattering and a half. Perhaps I should set up a thread so you all can create character sheets and what not, if that sort of stuff interests you. I know this started as a 1x1 roleplay search, so if you're more interested in a 1x1 roleplay that's still alright, just PM me
I don't knooowww.... (.__. ) I don't function well in group rps. I always get confused and left out because I never know how to go about interacting with so many characters by so many people. 1-1 for me please.
Heeey! I just signed up to this website just so I could post my interest in RPing with you! This world you've built sounds amazing and with a wonderful plot to go with it! :)

Now, this might be a silly question, but where exactly you'd like do this RP?
I mean do you want the RP to on this website, another forum, Skype, Google Docs, E-mail, ect.?

I ask because at the moment the best way for me to RP is either through Skype or Google Docs and I don't want to inconvenience anyone!
My skype is messed up after the update and I have never used Google Docs before. I could attempt it, but I'm worried I'll forget to check it for updates!
If I knew what update you meant, maybe I could help? As for Google Docs I totally understand. I don't do E-mail because I know I'll forget about those. I wish I could say GD had a notification system, but I have doubts. :P
Is there a problem with the site? :) I find it quite easy to keep track of, especially since I started using bookmaks.
No, there's nothing wrong with the site. I just try not to join new ones since I know I have a tendency to forget about websites completely. I am really interested in this plot, though, so maybe I could give it a try if I bookmarked the thread we use (or PM box) and try to make use of the sites e-mail notification system. Maybe that'll work?
That worked for me when I first started out! I'll send you a PM and we can discuss the roleplay further and if there's something else you want to roleplay aswell/instead do tell and we can do that!
I'm interested! I'd love to be part of your RP! Anything that is fantasy and the right amount of detail sounds good to me *O*
Are you still looking for people for a group rp based on this? I initially came for the 1x1 but since there are a couple others into the group idea, I'm down for that.
We only have two people up for the group idea, so I am not certain when such a thing will start of how many people we'd like to have. If you prefer to start this roleplay sooner then send me a PM and we can discuss it further.
I'm up for a group thing if anyone wants to join what me and Syrrus have already kind of talked about. However, due to my schedule I might not be able to post every day like some people may like, so a group thing with me might not be preferred.

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