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[Yonsisac and Gilmore] Forever Alone


Omen of Death
Roleplay Availability
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Angels, Demons, and the supernatural walk among us. Yeah they are hard to distinguish and by hard to distinguish I mean they look like you and me. The Guy who hits on you, the woman at the train station with the kid.Trust me they are every where.

However there are those unnamed like the fallen and Fae who use magic or Glamour to blend in. This story however starts in a small town in Massachusetts. This town was out in the country it was where neighbors new each other and were friendly. Or so they thought for every neighbor had secrets. Some had deadly ones especially the new kid who moved in next door.Something was off about him he was dark charming, Charismatic, poised and well around a mysterious guy.

When He showed up things started change.the weather got colder and dark things that normally didn't happen in town started happening. Even a strange group of people had moved into town.odd things are happening all around. Will the next door become his weekness or will he not care for such a human. When she disappears and he is the ransom. Whose blood will be shed?

Irish Ice Queen
The weather had become colder and more chilly. A soft breeze drifted through Lexis open window. She sighed as she heard her alram go off. It would yell at her and would slam her hand on it. Then 10 mins later it would start to yell at her."fine I am going. "She muttered. Lexi slowly got up and went to shower and dress. She finished and changed into fall like clothes. She brushed her hair out and gave a small fron in the mirror. She shook her head and grabbed her bag. She was late for school again.


Irish Ice Queen
Yuri would have bin exploring the town as he has bin here for a wille and has bin geting use too the Human life and aswell discoverd other things like "Shop" as they trade thing there but still dosent know what else they do there,as he would be wandering around the town as he walks,he would reach a odd place as it had lot of people there,as he tilt his head wondering why they were carring bags on there backs as it made him curius
Lexi sighed as she put her hair behind her ear. She was taking pictures as she walked to class. She had a bit of photography streak.she liked to take pictures of cool backgrounds. Even though Lexi was late. She still took her time. She finally made it to campus and saw a man staring perplexed at the school. She gave him an odd look then walked over."Hi, you seem a bit confused. Can I help you. "She asked

Irish Ice Queen
Yuri would chake his head as he would stop Daydreaming and looks around and would look at a girl and would say "Um no its ok......But...yes....What is that place?...what do they do here?"he says as he points at the school curius as she had a bag as the others on her back and wonders why the use those
Lexi gave him a look."Your joking right?"She asked she could tell he wasn't Joking. "That's called a school we all got to go to it sadly, and you learn things."She says."man are you home schooled?I thought homes schooled people were supposed to be smart.Come on I will show you around. "She said and turned for the school.

Irish Ice Queen
Yuri would tilt his head as she says Home Schooled as he would look around first and kinda wonder why she think he was joking...he never jokes,as he would see her turn for the So calld School and he would follow slowli as he look at the kids that pass by and seeing there bags and odd flat rectangles that open and can Write things in it,as h follows he ask "What is Home Schooled?"

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