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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jason goes to the courtyard quickly looking like a little kid on his way to get a new toy."I've been waiting for this" he says to himself
"Don't get your hopes to high kid me and Tsuki have been trying to bring him down for years...even together we haven't been able to scratch him"Taiyo says this full of contempt as he tilts his head towards the school "now get outta here,it's time for you to go"
Micky rises with the announcements and sprints power placement awsome I can see everyone's powers

As he makes it to the courtyard he sees the tatted girl from last night with the moving bag

He walks up to her his lanky talk form casting a shadow over her book

"Hey how's your first night's sleep"he says with a devilish grin

The courtyard has been transformed it now holds several training equipments and

Jin sits at a long table with six other student council members their aura able to be felt by even the least gifted it was downright terrifying each sat with a clipboard in front of them looking serious

She furrows her brow at the shadow blocking her light then turns around stepping back with a fist ready to punch the guy as a reflix. She relaxes and sighs. Jacey peers at him. "Don't sneak up on me like that kid. You could have gotten hurt." She grunts. "And thank you for escorting me. I thought I was going to pass out on the steps of the school or something." She sighs holding her right eye which is covered with her bangs. She mutters that last part under her breath. "It was...okay O guess?" She shrugs and returns to her book. She felt awkward around the man mostly because he had balls to approach her with what kind of powers she has. Then again everyone here probably have way better powers than her.

Jin stands up and gestures to a massive digital clock all the numbers read zero

"For our first test you will manifest your abilities and the stop watch will time you

Once your control slips that means the test is over for you maintaining you abilities for longer than a minute is an automatic pass"he gives the students a second to absorb this information before continuing

"Begin" as he says this the stop watch begins counting

(Post your times with whatever brief posts this isn't a contest its a deeper look into your powers)

Micky smirks and goes to say something witty but is cut off by Jin's announcement

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Nathan looks bored as he summons his guitar, he starts a deadly solo that causes lightning to crackle around him and flames to spout into the air.

He shreds for exactly one minute and stops.

Desummoning the guitar. @Alphaius
Micky shrugs and simply pumps his fist into the air

It sounds like thunder the pressure wave from it knocks several students around him off balance and the kinetic energy fires up into the air as a visible warp in the air before disapating about fourty five feet up

Micky smirks he hadn't even tried

(He failed only maintaining the power for less than a second)

Jacey watches everyone wearing their game faces. They all look like a bunch of blood lust creatures showing off but only for initiation. She takes a deep breath.Her eyes close and before she knew it her eyes glow and her shadow surrounds her body making a small vortex around. Her healing powers help her sustain her pain. She did that for as much time as she did to pass. To be honest once she finished the passing time limit she felt a bit dizzy and weak.
The student council pens their results on their papers

Just then several flexible rods pop up out of the ground each with a ballon filled with black paint attached to it

"For the next test we will see your restraint you are to use your power on this at least once without breaking it"

Mickys smirk vanishes and he groans

Slowly he brings his hand towards the orb


*Pop* Micky is painted black from head to toe.

Nathan looks confused.

"Restraint..?" He growls..

Attempting a blues solo he accidentally shreds out a DEATHMETAL solo and the balloon is zapped by purple Lightning, popping.

"I can't not play fast, like, physically.."

Amadaeus frowned. "Maintain for a minute?" He sighed. "Yikes." That's it. I'm taking control. Amadaeus tried to refuse but it was too late. He closed his eyes and opened it again, revealing that they turned a deep purple. "Finally." He smiled and cracked his neck. A purple orb appeared in his hand, resembling a volleyball. He threw it up and spiked it at a wall. He repeated this every time it bounced for exactly 59 seconds. "Fuck the rules." He chuckled.
Jacey stares at the baloon odd poking it. 'Uhh....okay?' She watches everyone doing whatever to pop the balloon. He watches Nathan use his guitar thinking that's an awesome power like a rock God. She then turns to Mickey whom did his best only for the balloon to pop. She stifles a giggle seeing the black substance on the blonde. She turns to her balloon and concentrates. She punches the balloon but in doing so grimances at the pain her gauntlet is reacting. In her attached cuff on her gauntlet were thick needles piercing into her skin, muscle and into the bones the farther she went. She was in pain at the same time as to restrain her punches.

@Alphaius (you can choose weather it pops or not plz)
Jin eyes the students with no emotion in his eyes

"The next test is defensive capabilities,

Fourth years!!!"as he says this several well trained students land in front of the first years one for each of them

They each bow at the students before walking exactly twenty yards away form their target

"Stop them from attacking you and you pass if you are hit without blocking three times you fail"

As he says this the fourth years in perfect unison begin hurling blue balls of fiery ki


@the courtyard
Micky blocks the first and takes a step towards the fourth year but is hit by the second one in his stomach as he drops his hands to hold his gut the third collided with his face

Then he got pisses

Fourth,fifth,and sixth he punches into nothingness as he gets to the fourth year the fourth year shoots to and Micky breaks one taking the next to his face


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