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Fantasy Yin Yang academy

Should the dorms allow roommates

  • Yes but only same gender

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  • Yes coed please

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I like having my own room

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but DM picks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jason stares at her beauty like she's a inspiring painting." I'm um Jason and it's nice to meet you. Are you like a queen or something because that throne is nice."
Nathan, feeling less brutal from tsukis presence, hated her as much as possible. (The aura makes it hard really hard to hate)

"How dare she be so f$*#ing polite." He thought to himself.

"Names don't matter, we're all gonna be eaten by maggots in a few short years."

"Let's fight you punk." He growls @Alphaius
(Sorry guys at school won't be able to reply for a while so I'm just going to stick him on his dorm.)

Hiroshi noticing what time it was knew he had to perform his daily ritual to the Kami and ran to his room to get it done quickly
"Care to join me my tables a bit empty"he gestures to an empty table and he has a remarkably high stack of food on his tray so much that it looks as though there is no hope for him to finish it all

(If Qi has the ability to read Ki she would see that he has absolutely none which should be impossible)

Taiyo smirks as he eyes Nathan

"I like your style,shame I'm gonna have to break you"

As he says this he hurls a huge rolling ball of fire that seemed to just appear in his hand in an instant its big enough to engulf the both of them and it's white hot (don't let it hit you!)

@akumashioni @Aaron775
(Whelp. R.I.P interaction)

Amadaeus frowned when the boy ran off without saying a word. "Yikes." Follow him and kill him. He's rude. What? No. That's crazy. Yeah? We're crazy so it fits. I'm not crazy. You are. I'm technically more sane than anyone here. I can see through the wall of concealment. Is that some kind of defensive mechanism around the school. I mean.....I guess you could say that. "Where is everyone?"
"May I? Thank you." She beamed, grateful to the offer and also in awe at the pile of food. Though Micky was taller and seemed to be much older than her, he seemed like someone she could be friends with. "If I come earlier next time, I'll get food for you," she offered, having being brought up that it was always right to treat the others in the same way back.

(Got it! Her instincts might kick in a bit later. For now, she's all focused on food and talking with her new friend).

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Nathan avoids the ball with a great leap sideways. Staring at taiyo with a look of hatred in his eyes. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.739c7a4ee4cfdcd9bf72e30a89f295d3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.739c7a4ee4cfdcd9bf72e30a89f295d3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A badass axe guitar appears from purple flames in his hands and he slams a heavy power chord causing a big force push in all directions. @Alphaius @Aaron775



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Jason dodges the fireball jumps behind a boulder and absorbs now being made of rock just incase something else happens."now you can call me the rock...wait nevermind that's already taken,then how about rocky...no nevermind"
Amadaeus sighed, giving up on the search for the dorms. "I need a map." You need a life bro. He decided to ignore Primal and just go back to the cafeteria. "Man this place is clearing fast." Amadaeus decided to grab an orange and began to peel it, throwing the peels in the trash can. Throw the peel on the ground. What? Why? Because it's funny. "Why was I cursed?" He asked aloud.
Taiyo becomes the fire the the pulse scattering him in the air then the embers reform in an instant

From behind Jason he says

"Stones too slow big guy"aiming a 5000degree fist right at the base of his spine while simultaneously unleashing a screaming cone of atomic flames at Nathan

@akumashioni @Aaron775
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Nathan sees the cone of flames coming at him and leaps high into the air. In midair he starts playing a badass solo and the neck of his guitar glows red, then purple, firing a plasma bolt at taiyo. @Alphaius
Jason turns normal and quickly just barely dodges and runs to the blue crystal throne to absorb it and does. He now lunges at taiyo relentless with sharp crystals as hands."how's this for too slow".
Taiyo catches the plasma bolt in his hand crushing it

Allowing the crystals to shatter on his skin "that would've worked in the nighttime buddy,not in the morning"

As he says that he leaps into the air sunlight gathering into him he begins to glow as a miniature sun begins to grow in his hands

He shouts "NOVA FLA-"

"TAIYO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"Tsuki interupts him

"Oh right... He says as he floats back down.you pass I suppose.i was about to cheat a little my bad"

(The divine Ki from this battle permeates the air the very atmosphere here is flooded with Tsuki and Tayio energy which will empower those who train here that's the secret)

@akumashioni @Aaron775
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"That's it..?" "You're f@#*in lame.."

His guitar deanimates into flames and Nathan hulk jumps back to school.

"F@#*in wasted my time.." @Alphaius

Nathan is angry now, anyone he runs into will most likely get punched. @whoeversgotballs
Jacey follows the man and stops at the dorms listening to him. "Thank you." Shut mutters under her breath as Mickey leaves. He was the first to welcome her and she didn't know how to feel. As she finds her room and opens the door she looks down scoffing with a small smile. She places her bag down on the bed and releases the rabbit while she takes a look at her surroundings. She huffs and lays on the bed exhausted. Without meaning to, Jacey drifts to sleep.

(Present time)

The next day she stirs and moans waking up. She sits up yawning and stretching and sees her rabbit in her bag resting. She scoffs then stands up. "Damn what an exhausting day." She scratches her bed head before preparing for a day. Once finished she grabs the book and her bag. She walks around while reading searching for the cafeteria, luckily it was not hard to find thanks to the scent of fresh food. Jacey opens the door to the cafeteria and sees a while bunch of people talking and showing off and such. She stiffens a bit that all of these people have powers and she could possibly kill with one punch? She shivers at the thought of injuring or killing. Right then she grabs her right arm tightly trying to relax with an exhale. Her brother's gauntlets helped her hold back when she needed to. Jacey walks into the cafeteria and gets in line receiving her food. She was amazed at how much food there is. Nonetheless less she took a small portion of some waffles and some salad for her pet. The girl sits down at a table which she thought was empty, she slides to the dark side or shade of the table and plucks a lettuce stuffing it in her bag to feed her rabbit. She opens her book and starts to read while eating.

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The mastery of ones self is a process,this ground is sacred and will make you stronger as you train here

As for your powers that's for you to master we simply brought you here to train you may not have noticed but neither of you have expended any power since setting foot here"Tsuki is the one speaking as Tayio looks sheepishly at the ground embarrassed at almost having destroyed their sacred ground

Jason nods." Ok I'll do whatever you two want if it'll make me stronger because Jin needs to go and I'd like to be the one to do it or atleast try."
Jacey was startled at the noise before hearing an announcement. She gets up quickly eating half of her plate and stuffing the rest of the pile of salad in her bag for the rabbit later. The Raven haired girl walks back to the dorms to leave bag and her pet behind before heading to the courtyard. She stood in the corner reading as she waits.

(@Alphaius I also updated my cs she has a new power also)
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