Yasue Johnathan Saburo


Gentlemenly Gentlemen

Name:  Yasue Johnathan Saburo

Nickname: Johnny


Age: 23


Height: 6'


Weight: 200 pounds


Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor 


Why did you have to move?

There were two reason. Yasue's farther received a job offer in America while Yasue himslef had an offer to go to a high profile martial arts school and since his mother originally was from the US so they decide it would be best. While it did mean leaving everyone behind it ended up being for the best.

Was there a secret you never told your friends? If so what was it?

One time when he was younger he let his anger get the better of him, serious hurting another kid. Immediately after he considered giving up fighting forever. Yet his passion called and he went on to continue his craft. He always kept in the back of his mind when fighting, and overall made him worried about what he could. 

What was your personality like in the past:?

He was what you might call a straight man of the group and a bit like the dad of the group always worrying over the others and what might happen. He was always had courage to spare with he being rather quick to action and usually the first one to throw the first punch if something happened, especially if someone hurt his friends. Yasue  was always striving to achieve and a great motivator, pushing himself  further and further. He didn't often think about his actions which could lead to some issues. He could be seen as being a bit too pushy and maybe even a bit controlling, he seemed to think  he knew best and didn't really take kindly to be proven wrong or being shown up. 


How did you use to look at 14?




What's changed about you since then?:

He was mellowed out a bit. He no longer has such a desire to control things and is more whiling to let people to take charge and to listen to them. The only time he lets that old nature come back is when he trains his students. He also learned about his anger, though  he wouldn't say he controls it, more like he is afraid of it. He isn't really as reckless as he once was becoming a lot more relaxed, unless his friends are hurt that hasn't changed. 

What do you look like now?:




Before the move Yasue lived a fairly normal life. He was born to a native farther and an American mother, hence how he got his middle name. He wasn't really much of a student as even at a young age he found his passion. Fighting. More specifically martial arts, as even at the age of five, Johnathan loved training, fighting and then repeating the whole process again. He loved to show his friends what he could do. The person he asked to test on probably didn't like it as much. Still besides that he got along well with his friends, always standing up for them if someone wanted to pick on them. Always ended up hurt those guys something fierce. Still besides that he tended to be the straight man of the group, almost like the dad, always making sure everyone was alright and always helping them if they needed it. Still one week changed everything. First a job offer to Yasue's farther who had been given a job offer in the USA and second was Yasue got a offer to go to a prestigious martial arts school. Both in the same state as well. The same state his mother was from. Coincidences and such. Saying goodbye to all they knew he goes off to a new world. For a month everything was great. Then during a training session, Yasue beats his opponent. Brutally. Letting his anger get the better of him, as this kid had been picking on some of the other kids, he throws his opponent in such a way in which landed on his arm, breaking it. The kids parents got called, there were meeting and by some miracle, Yasue didn't get thrown. Then again it didn't matter. He wanted to quit himself. For about a fortnight we wouldn't, couldn't throw a punch and for about a month he could the scream the kid gave. Even to this day he isn't entirely over it. Still some good did come of it. It taught Yasue to be a lot less hothead and to be more patient. It also helped him become more mellow, and a lot less controlling.  Eventually Yasue graduated and became a teacher. Today he mentor those in martial arts as well as still participating in tournaments and the like.

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