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Yaoi roleplay anyone?


New Member
Hi guys! I just joined RPnation, and I was hoping to start a 1x1 yaoi roleplay with anyone who is interested. Would anyone like to give it a try? I'm usually a pretty detailed roleplayer, and I make sure to reply back in a timely manner.
can I do this role-play with you.
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KawaiiAriaSama said:
Hi guys! I just joined RPnation, and I was hoping to start a 1x1 yaoi roleplay with anyone who is interested. Would anyone like to give it a try? I'm usually a pretty detailed roleplayer, and I make sure to reply back in a timely manner.
I'd like to role play.
KawaiiAriaSama said:
Hi guys! I just joined RPnation, and I was hoping to start a 1x1 yaoi roleplay with anyone who is interested. Would anyone like to give it a try? I'm usually a pretty detailed roleplayer, and I make sure to reply back in a timely manner.
I would love to Roleplay with you, if you're still interested~! ^^

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