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Fandom Yandere Simulator! (Need Yanderes!Always accepting!)

Would you rather be a yandere or a victim? (Meaning the one being loved by the yandere)

  • Yandere all the way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Victim seems interesting!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Arubion would arrive at the school and starts to walk around the campus hoping to figure out where things were. He would walk around and check in almost every unlocked door. He'd continue to wander around the school looking a bit sad that no one was around, it was a new school for him so of course he wouldn't have any friends here and its not like he had many at his previous school. He'd walk around hoping deep down he would have a normal conversation with someone.

@Anyone at the School
"Oh." Erina said with a small chuckle. She was surprised that he could be held back for something so little. Erina pushed her hair behind ehr ear since it was annoying her whenever the wind blew on her. "My name is Erina Odison and you are?" She asked him as she introduced herself to him. @Lighthouse8477
"Oh." Erina said with a small chuckle. She was surprised that he could be held back for something so little. Erina pushed her hair behind ehr ear since it was annoying her whenever the wind blew on her. "My name is Erina Odison and you are?" She asked him as she introduced herself to him.
Softly Storm smiled as he stated, "Nice to meet you Erina I am Storm Ice. I am glad I met you. Normally I am standoffish towards girls I am not very confident around them and I feel uncomfortable." He closed his eyes then he stated, "Forgive me If I am to blunt."
@Anyone[/URL] at the School
First off, Elliot had no idea where to go first. it wasn't made clear whether or not he had to go to the classroom or not. in fact, he can't seem to find anyone else. maybe he should find the faculty first. . .

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where the faculty room is?" he asked a boy with grey-ish hair.
Thepotatogod said:
First off, Elliot had no idea where to go first. it wasn't made clear whether or not he had to go to the classroom or not. in fact, he can't seem to find anyone else. maybe he should find the faculty first. . .
"Excuse me, do you happen to know where the faculty room is?" he asked a boy with grey-ish hair.
Arubion would laugh a bit quite embarrassed by the fact he had no idea to that question also. "I have no clue... aha.... I just transferred here and I am learning the campus before I start coming tomorrow..." He would laugh a bit at the fact he was unsure of where the most important part of the school is.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Softly Storm smiled as he stated, "Nice to meet you Erina I am Storm Ice. I am glad I met you. Normally I am standoffish towards girls I am not very confident around them and I feel uncomfortable." He closed his eyes then he stated, "Forgive me If I am to blunt."
"Maybe you should have kept that to yourself, Storm." Erina said to him as she reopened her bottle to take another sip, she was halfway done but the juice was so good and she couldn't stop getting more of it. "So where do you think everyone is?" She asked him.
"Maybe you should have kept that to yourself, Storm." Erina said to him as she reopened her bottle to take another sip, she was halfway done but the juice was so good and she couldn't stop getting more of it. "So where do you think everyone is?" She asked him.
Chuckling Storm nodded his head as he stated, "Thanks for the advice." He smiled at her then he shrugged as he stated, "I don't know where everyone is I can guess their avoiding me." He smiled and chuckled.
"Same here!" Erina spoke up as she ran her hand through her hair. Erina looked at her phone to check the time and she saw that it was almost four,"Hey, I promised I would be home early today. I'll catch you later," She told him as she gave off a smile and began walking away. Erina felt bad that she had to leave early from the conversation but she'll make it up to him tomorrow during school. @Lighthouse8477
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Arubion would laugh a bit quite embarrassed by the fact he had no idea to that question also. "I have no clue... aha.... I just transferred here and I am learning the campus before I start coming tomorrow..." He would laugh a bit at the fact he was unsure of where the most important part of the school is.

"I guess we're on the same boat then!" Elliot chuckled, "Just in case, why don't we find it?" He offered.
Thepotatogod said:
"I guess we're on the same boat then!" Elliot chuckled, "Just in case, why don't we find it?" He offered.
Arubion would back up a bit unsure how to respond as he was despite wanting company not used to interacting greatly with people, "I..i'm alright.. I have to.. head home I need to get some things ready for school.." He'd back up slowly not wanting to come off as rude.
"Same here!" Erina spoke up as she ran her hand through her hair. Erina looked at her phone to check the time and she saw that it was almost four,"Hey, I promised I would be home early today. I'll catch you later," She told him as she gave off a smile and began walking away. Erina felt bad that she had to leave early from the conversation but she'll make it up to him tomorrow during school.
Looking at her Storm sighed and stated, "See you tomorrow." He then closed his eyes. He had archery lessons in a few minuets. He quickly walked towards home to grab his bow. He walked to school for two reasons. One he hated people who made fun of him and two he liked walking.
Erina waved a goodbye to him as she walked away. Erina thought he seemed like a nice guy but he really shouldn't tell people that he isn't experienced with talking to girls, it just makes the conversation a bit awkward. Erina walked home today since she told her mother she didn't need a ride, plus the walking would be good for her. When she got home she thought it'd be good to stop by Antonio's house and see if he's home and plus she was going to anyways since his adoptive mother was sick so she thought it'd be nice to come by and see how shes doing. The two families had a strong connection between each other, given the fact that both of the parents went to grade school together. @child of satan
Antonio fumbled with the keys to his front door, the boy was tired and glad to be home. He didn't expect his trip to take so long, sure Spain is an interesting place, but he expected to be home sooner. He expected to see Erina sooner. Antonio missed her every second he was away from her, and it was practically killing him now. He unlocked his door, making his way inside. "Mama! Papa! I'm home!" he made his way upstairs, he knew his mother was sick, and his father wouldn't leave him alone about it. Of course, he loved his mother, but he loved his country even more.

"Antonio! My baby!" he smiled at his mother, walking over to her and hugging her. " How was your trip darling?"

" It was a marvelous trip! I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner." he turned to his father, giving him a sweet smile " Papa, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to speak to my mother alone." His father just nodded, keeping his head down and making his way out. " Have you spoken to Erina recently?"

[ @sprouhtt ]
Erina rang the doorbell and she waited for an answer. Moments later after two more rings Antonio's father came to the door and when he opened it he gave Erina a big welcome by giving her a side hug. He let her in and Erina began talking to him,"How is everything? Is she any better?" Erina asked him. "Yeah, she's fine. The doctor said she'll be all better in a few days, it was just a flu." Antonio's father. Erina's eyes wandered and saw a few bags on the floor, she knew Antonio was back. She ran up the stairs and checked every room until she saw a door cracked up just a bit and when she peaked through she saw Antonio and his mother. She thought it was rude to eavesdrop so she backed away and went back downstairs to wait for him. @child of satan
Antonio's heart fluttered when the doorbell rang, it could've been anyone. But he always knew, " It's her isn't it? You can feel, it can't you? " he smiled at his mother with red cheeks, she laughed in response. " I was the same way with your father," she looked away from him for dramatic effect " I always knew if it was him, now go, you don't wanna keep her waiting forever." She winked at him as he left the room.

"E-Erina!" Antonio shouted, running down the stairs, his smile grew, revealing his teeth. She made his heart skip beats, and having not seen her for weeks it made him the happiest man alive.

[ @sprouhtt ]
"Hey Antonio!" Erina said to him as she turned around when she heard his voice and footstep increasing from behind her. Erina had missed Antonio and it's been quiet without him since she always talks to him about her problems, which are usually pointless but he seems patient and caring enough to listen to them since her sister isn't such the great listener. Erina gave him a huge hug and wrapped her arms around him, Erina really did miss her best friend Antonio and plus she was glad he was back. "How was your trip?" She asked him when she let go of him and she ran her hand through her hair. @child of satan
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Erina smelled so nice, made him happy to be greeted with that scent once again. He was almost disappointed when she pulled away but despite his disappointment, he continued to smile " It was wonderful! You should've seen how beautiful everything was!" Antonio made large movements with his hands as if doing so would make the country more grand than it actually was. " But forget about that, how have you been? All these weeks away from you! I'm so sorry that I didn't call, I lost my phone soon after landing." He honestly felt awful about that, mainly for himself though, he wasn't able to hear Erina's pretty voice for so long. He had a hard time focusing on all the sites and scenes when he was worried about her.

[ @sprouhtt ]
Yaze continued to walk down the other path, leaving the band behind. "They seemed pretty talented..." He though as he came up to his empty house. Yaze unlocked the door and walked in, setting his stuff right inside the door which he forgot to lock. After grabbing a snack, he then went up to his room, closed the door and listened to some music and closed his eyes.
@sprouhtt[/URL] ]
Erina giggled and she put both of her hands on her wide hips and looked at Antonio,"My my Antonio how can you lose your phone on the trip without even starting it." Erina said as she shook her head. Erina took a step back and she sat down on the couch that she was sitting on when Antonio found her,"School has been so tiring," She told him and leaned back into a sigh.
(Sorry for the late response, I didn't get the notification DX)

Kyoto's heart skipped a few beats when she finally came to the library. She could feel her face heating up when she entered. Glancing up at Aaron every so often, she pretended to browse the books. She wondered if she liked cats as much as she did, reaching up to a book labeled The Cat's Mind.

Inside her head, a scene played out. A larger hand brushed her own. "Oh, I'm sorry," she instantly apologized. Looking back, she saw it was no other than Aaron. He smiled down at her smaller form, a kind smile than made her body warn and her legs turn to jelly.

"It's no trouble..."

She giggled to herself, animated hearts surrounding her.

Antonio shrugged, " I must've left it on the plane or something," he followed her actions, plopping on the couch, " Is that so? Well if it helps, it'll probably be hell for me while I'm trying to catch up," he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. " What about your family? How have they been?" Not that he cared, but he knew how to appear normal to Erina, after all, he couldn't loose her.

[ @sprouhtt ]
"Well they're doing alright, you know with all the work that they are doing they're pretty busy." She told him. Erina's mother does chariatable work for kids who are sick and she takes a bit of the money from their company to give back to the community. Erina let out a sigh as she leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs,"Are you coming back to school tomorrow?" Erina asked.

@child of satan
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