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Fandom Yandere Simulator! (Need Yanderes!Always accepting!)

Would you rather be a yandere or a victim? (Meaning the one being loved by the yandere)

  • Yandere all the way!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Victim seems interesting!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Oh, don't say that. You're supposed to puff your chest and start calling out on my faults..." Noel replies as he shifts his weight from one feet to another. Leaning on a dry spot on the car's surface, he stares at his friend with a faint smirk. "...Uh uh, I'm sure that reply was very clear." Fine, have her keep it to herself. He is simply looking for her. If it comes to it, he will know. "Do you need help or something? I have time." You always have time. For her, anyways.

Akisha laughs, "I already maxed out my finding peoples faults meter a bit ago. Best you'll get is me flipping you off." She says and sighs a bit. "Eh not really, I can handle it." She reassures him, though her behavior was off.

"Please don't, I rather not be known for encouraging profanity." He chuckles ever so slightly with his lips closed before saying so. A sigh takes off once the off feeling of this conversation becomes even more palpable. It's awkward, really. "....So, are you going to spit out what's going on or should I just...walk away...?" Even his smile loses meaning once such blunt words are spoken.

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Akisha just makes a face. She was debating whether to tell him or not. She just sighs and decides nothing could really come of it. He is the closest person she has thats alive and she did just tell her life story to a complete stranger... So why the hell not?! "Eh some dickheads keep spray painting the word murderer on my car... As you can see... Though I guess some of it is karma.. And fricken texting me calling me murderer, so.. I may or may not of chucked my phone onto the ground then stomped on it..." She says with a sigh while looking at her car.

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The Unamed Beast]Celia and her band finish setting up their stage and are ready to start their song. She looks at Yaze and sighs. She hoped this worked . She looked down at the circular stage. It was amazing that they could set it up so everyone could see it. She sighed again as she started playing with the speakers on full volume. She was interrupting school with this and she did not care. They could not take away their instruments.... [MEDIA=soundcloudembed]soundcloud.com/hollywoodrecords/demi-lovato-really-dont-care[/MEDIA] [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20613-grimmlock/ said:
Yaze heard the pop of the amps getting plugged in and made his way over as the music started playing. He laughed at the irony of the song choice and the fact of how loud the band was playing in front of the school building. "This is awesome," he remarked, as he stood there, in front of the stage where others started gathering. He gave a thought to what the staff might have been thinking about this, and the punishment the whole band would get, but instead of worrying, spent his time enjoying the music with the rest of the crowd and the band.

@The Unamed Beast
Celia's band finishes the song and looks at everyone around. She saw an administrator coming down the stairs. "Thank you everyone!!!! We would play another..... but we may get suspended..." She said with a yell into the Mic. "See Ya!!!" With that the band members started running
Yaze smiled at the outro and ran away as well, remembering that he had ditched. After a little bit of running, he was on the same path as the band. This wasn't on purpose. Yaze just knew some places to hide out in the area. This led him to think about if somebody in the band ditched school often too.

@The Unamed Beast
throughout all this no one noticed the figure hunched over a book with his back to a tree at the edge of the grounds. he was simply there reading a book at the moment although what he was doing earlier was anyone's guess. it was a surprise that he was so easy to miss but everyone's eyes seemed to go right past him without acknowledging his existence
Akisha just awkwardly stands there trying to be confident. She really didnt want to show her friend that she wasnt ok at all but she wasnt sure if she'd managed That. Akisha doubted she did but she continued to keep a brave face on. She shifted her weight from her left foot to her right foot and crossed her arms over her chest.

Her words hit him enough to leave him stunned for brief seconds, his eyes widened as he stares at the one person he treasures above all else. His heart begins to pound incessantly, his hands tremble ever so slightly as he grabs Akisha's shoulders firmly yet never hurting her. "What...!" A voice filled with anger, concern comes out of his mouth before he can stop it. "Why? How...? When did this started?!" Something like this had happened behind his back? An intent to beat whoever left Akisha like this by spreading vicious lies about her, whoever could possibly put her safety at risk to a bloody pulp builds inside him...


(I apologize, I had writer's block after that last one.)
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Her heart rate increased while Kyoto peered out the window at her beloved senpai. As always, he looked so stoic, so cool. She blushed at the very thought, pressing the phone connected to the large headphone set on her ears. It wasn't playing music at the moment. She didn't want to be distracted.

If only she could find the courage to face him...

Erina walked through the hallways of the school, it was her first day back. She had seen a few familiar faces from middle school but it's still been a while since she had talked to anybody. Erina was a bit nervous to go to class and she felt as if she was going to throw up, maybe it was because she ate her breakfast a bit too quickly this morning. She quickly walked to the bathroom holding her hand on her stomach. When she got to the bathroom she opened the door and walked in. Erina headed over to one of the sinks and looked down, she opened the forced and washed her face. Luckily she had a towelette in her bag and took it out to dry her face. Erina was glad that she never wore any makeup and she was naturally gifted. When she was done she took out a small zip lock bag and put her towelette in it so that it wouldn't wet her bag. "I guess it's just that first day of school jitters," She said to herself and let out a sigh.

(Oh its fine!) Akisha just sighs a bit, "for a pretty long time.. Hm maybe for about four years... Could be longer but I didnt count.." She replies while shifting her weight to her left leg again. She did that when she got nervous or anxious. ... Maybe I should of told him?... Thats just like me.. Wanting to do it myself when I really should of asked for help..

if the boy had heard her thoughts about him being stoic or cool he would've had one long laugh. there was no way he was cool with spending most of his time reading, playing videogames or watching anime he couldn't be part of the cool kids... his face might've made up for it except no matter how old he got it never seemed to lose the childish aspect. so eh continued to sit there reading for a while before getting tired of the storytelling rut he was in at the moment. it took ages to get out of them and they were just so bad compared to the rest of the book so he got up and headed back into school to his class
Kyoko jumped up from her seat at the windowsill once her beloved senpai rose from his spot on the grass. "W-wait for me," she cried under her breath.
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Grimmlock said:
Yaze smiled at the outro and ran away as well, remembering that he had ditched. After a little bit of running, he was on the same path as the band. This wasn't on purpose. Yaze just knew some places to hide out in the area. This led him to think about if somebody in the band ditched school often too.
@The Unamed Beast
The band members knew they were going to be in trouble, but since it was after school they would not be suspended for disturbing school. They started walking. They knew their gang would pick their stuff up for them so they could go for some ice cream
Erina finished talking to the teacher and she headed out towards the cafeteria to see if they had anything left to eat. She saw that they were all sold out so she went over to the vending machine and put in A3 for a bottle of cold refreshing juice. Erina took the juice out from the bottom opening when she had put her money in. She opened the drink and took a sip of it before putting the cap back on, she looked around to see if anyone was near her but she saw nobody so she decided to walk out to the school field. Erina took the quickest way there which was to go through the gym, she did so and when she got outside she made way to the bench and took a seat.

[QUOTE="The Unamed Beast]The band members knew they were going to be in trouble, but since it was after school they would not be suspended for disturbing school. They started walking. They knew their gang would pick their stuff up for them so they could go for some ice cream

Yaze saw the band walk a different way than he was planning to go. When they turned the other way, Yaze looked over and smiled. "Thanks for the good time!" He called as he started down the other path.
Arubion would walk around and heads to the school as to locate it as he had just transferred there a few days ago. His first day of school would be the next day but wanted to get his bearings for where it was before he started his new life at this school. He had switched school because of excessive bullying students had done to him after his parents died. Between the bullying and pity he was miserable at that other school and transferred to a new one hoping he could have a easier life.
Elliot approached the school from a distance, a grin covering up his face. it would seem that this is his first day at the new school.

"This is it. My last trial." Elliot whispered as he entered the school gates. wondering what might happen soon afterwards. . .
To say that Storm was odd would be a drastic understatement. Although he wasn't ugly he was very pale almost pallid in fact with how white his skin was. Although he attended school he was what you would label as an introvert or a ghost. Someone who avoided contact with anyone normally. Today the sky looked blue through his green eyes. He had white hair that although seemed odd for 20. He was the kind of kid always behind in classes and he hadn't exactly graduated from high school even though he should have done that 2 years ago. Today he was walking out in the fields and noticed a girl sit down on a bench she probably didn't see him no one saw him even when he was standing right in front of them. He seemed to have a talent for vanishing into nothingness even though he wasn't invisible. He wondered if he should talk to the girl then decided against it mostly because he was afraid of girls. He never actually knew why he was afraid of them but he was which was a problem because like any normal person he wanted to get married one day however at this rate he would remain single perhaps...No he wouldn't walk over to her. He walked towards the school passing right in front of her. He doubted she would stop him.

Erina took another sip of her drink and it felt so good and refreshing, especially in this heat. Erina smiled and shook her head, turning it forwards. The field was a bit quiet without any sports playing, she really did wonder where everyone went off to. As she was watching the clouds go by her eyes wandered to the right of the field and she saw someone walking down the field, he seemed to look like a teacher given the way he looked, since he looked old enough to be one. She thought she would go over and introduce herself, Erina got up and walked towards him. "Hi, are you a teacher here?" She asked him as she put the cap back on the bottle. @Lighthouse8477
Erina took another sip of her drink and it felt so good and refreshing, especially in this heat. Erina smiled and shook her head, turning it forwards. The field was a bit quiet without any sports playing, she really did wonder where everyone went off to. As she was watching the clouds go by her eyes wandered to the right of the field and she saw someone walking down the field, he seemed to look like a teacher given the way he looked, since he looked old enough to be one. She thought she would go over and introduce herself, Erina got up and walked towards him. "Hi, are you a teacher here?" She asked him as she put the cap back on the bottle.
Silently Storm walked along over the field. Sighing he closed his eyes. He sensed something in the air something in the sounds of footsteps approaching. He opened his eyes as she looked at the girl. He stood stock still as she asked him a question. Was he a teacher? He chuckled. He should be. Softly he shook his head and stated, "Actually I am a student I should have graduated but I am really dumb when it comes to math so I never pass and I can't find anyone who's a tutor." He smiled gently at her.

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