• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern *xSoulsAchingx* - Rules


{1} Follow all the rules

{2} Be polite and use your manners

{3} No godmoding or whatever that is. The only exception is if they give you permission or if they are deemed inactive.

{4} Don't go straight into the relationships with your soulmates super heavy right away - I will PM you. We do need some drama in this or it will fall apart.

{5} If you are inactive, don't get upset if I asked people to take over your role.

{6} Please try to stay active, and if you are going to be off for a while tell me please.

{7} Honor the rules of rp-nation

{8} Fade to the back ground when thing get heated.

{6} 1 paragraph required, 2-3 requested

Just use common sense

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