Xen Zavrick

Kenzo Raxon

One of a kind
  • Name: Xen Zavrick 

  • Age: 20

  • Height: 5'10"

  • Weight: 172lbs. 

  • Primary Bending Element: Earth

  • Bio: Extremely little is known about Xen's past. He was born and raised in the metal city of Zhao Fu but left for currently unknown reasons. He then proceeded to become one of the most powerful Benders this side of the hemisphere, leaving a devastating trail of destruction and suffering in his wake. Because of his extremist views and incredible, unique Bending abilities Xen Zavrick was noted to have become a member of the Red Lotus, -which certainly did not help his case when he was eventually captured. With a fighting style similar to that of Kuvira's, he typically overwhelmed his opponents with quick, decisive, overly aggressive tactics with Metal Bending. His martial prowess is  needless to say quite noteworthy. During his historic capture, he showed for the first time his ability to super-heat the Metal he Bends, quite similar to how a handful of Benders have managed to super-heat raw earth, -resulting in Lava Bending. 

  • Crime: At great cost, Xen was finally captured in Republic City, his list of charges extending far beyond just a few. He was Republic City's second most wanted criminal for the better half of three years. He regularly robbed shops and stores, extorted businesses and Triads alike, and racked up a double digit body count and thousands of gold pieces worth of property damage; the exact number of either however was never definitively determined.. 

  • Appearance: Xen Zavrick is lean and athletic, and is incredibly agile. He has strikingly silver hair that is almost long enough to cover his eyes, which are also a piercing, deep silver color. He wears his personalized set of Earth Kingdom garb covered with custom metal armor both inside and out that he crafted himself. Typically he wears a mischievous smirk. He moves quite decisively and invariably with near flawless posture. 

Theme Song:                                                        (headphones strongly recommended!) 

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(future reference, I am god here, so I can fix anything you accidently hide) 

I hid it and reposted because I'm on a cell only, and once you've embedded a video clip it won't let you get rid of said embedded content  :(
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You have sixteen point for that tree ^^ 

Format for choosing: 

Speed: (Number of points allotted)

Speed abilities - name



in order from top to bottom.



You have 4 points to spend on the top tree (level ten point is predetermined at (learn metal) If you would like to change, that's fine.


Ability tree: ability name

(yes learn metal doesn't exist on the tree... imagine it does anyways. I'm too lazy to fix it right now.)

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