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Fandom Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters (CS)

Beatrix Mae Standford

  • -Complete-


    B A S I C S
    Name: Beatrix Mae Standford
    Nicknames: Bea, Trix, Trixie.
    Gender: female
    Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd) TBD

    A P P E A R A N C E
    Appearance: FC: Sophie Turner

    Hair: Red
    Facial structure: High cheek bones, slim face, oval face shape.
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 140
    Any extra extremities: (tails, extra arms, horns claws.)

    Does extremities stretching more than average count as "extra"?

    In Depth

    P E R S O N A L I T Y
    Personality: Beatrix has a very interesting personality. She tends to be a lone wolf when it comes to most things. Life left her at the bottom and after years of dangling. She was given the chance to be stronger and self sufficient. She is a natural born leader and tends to be a little bossy when it comes to missions and such. With her, its all work and no play. This is how she shows her intense loyalty to the X men and Xavier. She isn't completely a workaholic though. Catch her during her down time and she is actually a sarcastic, wise cracking female. She is as stubborn as a mule and will fight anyone if she thinks she is right and has the evidence to back it up. Her mind is often self destructive. And she pushes herself to do better even though she is doing the best she can majority of the time and even more.
    Vice (5+)
    Short Tempered
    All work no fun
    Quick Witted
    Habits: She tends to stay in the shadows unless she is needed. Not much of a talker either.

    I N | D E P T H
    Family History:
    Parents?: None that she knows of.
    Siblings?: None
    Other Mutants in the family? : None

    History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended): Beatrix was in the county jail before she was brought her. She was tried for killing a man, which was really only an accident and was ready to be prosecuted for her actions. One night though, her cell was opened and she was stolen. Taken to a place that the older man in the wheel chair called Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. That was when she was 20. At the age of 23 she is in her 3rd year at Xavier's school and is currently one of the mission leaders for the newer recruits.



    S C H O O L I N G

    Age: 23
    Year: 3rd
    Electives: TBD
    Clubs: TBD

    Abilities: Elasticity-

    The user is or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing user to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs.

    They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but may still feel pain.
    Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.
    Strengths: Elasticity, Not easily injured or hurt.
    Weaknesses: Can feel pain and it takes longer for her to heal.


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