• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters (CS)


Straight Judgin'
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Please Note the following:
* You may create as many characters as you can handle.
*But that does not mean that all of your characters will get accepted.
*Yes, I have to approve and accept your character before you can proceed.
*This is a semi-detailed to detailed rp, so please try and make character sheets detailed and creative!
*Let's keep the ratios of male and females somewhat equal okay?
*And your character MUST have a weakness. They have to be stoppable.

And without further a do....



Basic info:
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd) TBD

Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Facial structure:
Any extra extremities: (tails, extra arms, horns claws.)

Vice (5+)

Family History: *
Other Mutants in the family?

History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended)

Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.
Weaknesses: One for each ability.

Write description of relationships with other characters here.

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Beatrix Mae Standford



Name: Beatrix Mae Standford
Nicknames: Bea, Trix, Trixie.
Gender: female
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd) TBD

Appearance: FC: Sophie Turner

Hair: Red
Facial structure: High cheek bones, slim face, oval face shape.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140
Any extra extremities: (tails, extra arms, horns claws.)

Does extremities stretching more than average count as "extra"?

In Depth

Personality: Beatrix has a very interesting personality. She tends to be a lone wolf when it comes to most things. Life left her at the bottom and after years of dangling. She was given the chance to be stronger and self sufficient. She is a natural born leader and tends to be a little bossy when it comes to missions and such. With her, its all work and no play. This is how she shows her intense loyalty to the X men and Xavier. She isn't completely a workaholic though. Catch her during her down time and she is actually a sarcastic, wise cracking female. She is as stubborn as a mule and will fight anyone if she thinks she is right and has the evidence to back it up. Her mind is often self destructive. And she pushes herself to do better even though she is doing the best she can majority of the time and even more.
Vice (5+)
Short Tempered
All work no fun
Quick Witted
Habits: She tends to stay in the shadows unless she is needed. Not much of a talker either.

I N | D E P T H
Family History:
Parents?: None that she knows of.
Siblings?: None
Other Mutants in the family? : None

History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended): Beatrix was in the county jail before she was brought her. She was tried for killing a man, which was really only an accident and was ready to be prosecuted for her actions. One night though, her cell was opened and she was stolen. Taken to a place that the older man in the wheel chair called Xavier's school for gifted youngsters. That was when she was 20. At the age of 23 she is in her 3rd year at Xavier's school and is currently one of the mission leaders for the newer recruits.




Age: 23
Year: 3rd
Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Abilities: Elasticity-

The user is or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing user to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs.

They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but may still feel pain.
Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.
Strengths: Elasticity, Not easily injured or hurt.
Weaknesses: Can feel pain and it takes longer for her to heal.


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Julie Jane "J.J" McCarter
aka Forge



White, often dyed blue
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126lbs
Age: 21
Despite her abilities she has various burn scars over her hands and arms

JJ is rather reclusive, she often misses out of extra school activities only because of the difficulty she has socializing with others. She is kind but shy.
Reclusive, Shy, Lazy, Independent, Know it All.
Kind, Charitable, Loyal, Will always tell the truth
She bites her lower lip when she is focused or concentrating.
She has an odd love for k-pop.


Family History:
JJ was put up for adoption after she was born, she does not know how her birth parents were. What her adoptive parents were told was that her birth mother was young and had immigrated to America and could not afford to take care of a child alone.
Her adoptive parents are both human, she has no other known siblings.
JJ first time her abilities peaked was when she was 11, on her way home from school she was being picked on and teased by some of the girls from her class. She fled into a junkyard to escape them and hid inside the trunk of a car. The girls had seen where she had gone and while panicked she had held the trunk lid down, using her ability to fuse the metal together, like someone with a welding kit.
Three months later her parents were approached by the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, and she was enrolled. The school itself was a calming place for JJ to learn about her ability more, and only after coming to the school did they discover that her ability to conduct heat was a secondary ability. Her primary is that of an amplifier: She can amplify other mutants abilities within themselves for short periods of time.


Amplification: JJ has the unique ability to make other mutants powers stronger.
Heat Conduction: She has the ability to harness heat from other sources: the sun, fire and her own body temperature and focus that heat within her hands. It allows her to fuse metals or melt through plastic. Items with a low burning point will catch fire.
JJ is rather durable, given her tough youth prior to coming to the school and her dedication to keep herself physically fit, she has a great deal of stamina and a rather high pain
She is only able to amplify one mutant at a time, and it is incredibly draining on her body, more often than not, after she has used her ability, she needs to rest for a great deal of time.
While she can conduct heat from other sources, if she touches a heated item with anything but her own hands it burns her skin. As well if there is no external heat source and she must use her own body to conduct heat she can cause herself to become hypothermic.

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Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Facial structure:
Any extra extremities: (tails, extra arms, horns claws.)

Vice (5+)

Family History: *
Other Mutants in the family?

History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended)

Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.
Weaknesses: One for each ability.

Write description of relationships with other characters here
Basic info:
Name: Alex Vasil
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

Age: 22
Year: 1
Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD


Hair: Very dark brown curly and long
Eyes: Chocolate brown
Facial structure: High cheekbones. European (mainly French) descent
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 117
Any extra extremities: none

Personality: He tends to be pretty passive aggressive during planning fases. This does not, however, mean he does not contribute. He is noticeably perceptive and astute but he is largely driven by hedonism. As a consequence, he does not try to keep fit and generally does not apply himself to a task without prompting. He is best described as "a straight-up hedonist" showing no preference in gender for those he sleeps with.

Vice (5+)Thanks to his upbringing, Alex is more immoral then most people. He is perfectly fine using his power to do some pretty disturbing things. Tends to be pretty insensitive during serious situations. Doesn't care much for the others with him at the school. Willing to do pretty much anything if he deems it fun. Dislikes most authority

Virtues(5+) If he likes someone he will go out of his way to save them if captured. Has a very tactical mind. Can always keep his cool in any situation. Is willing to just go with whatever his teammates come up with. Doesn't hold grudges.
Habits: Takes really long showers, usually up to an hour. Twirls his fingers in his hair.

Family History: *
Parents? Niko Vasil
Siblings? almost 20
Other Mutants in the family? his father and 4 of his siblings Adalie, Jean-Paul, and the twins Emile and Camille

History: Niko Vasil is a notorious villain based in Europe. His power is controlling emotions. Nikos used his his power under the name Heartbreaker to enslave swathes of woman from all around the continent. He used these woman as his henchmen and gang to gain him fame and infamy across the world. He also used these women to have many, many children in the hopes of having some be mutants and further expand his power. He would constantly put Alex and the other kids through stressful events to get them to manifest their powers. Alex however has had his power since a young age, 5 or 6, which he would constantly use to mess with his family. Over time, he began getting stronger and stronger, leading him to take over his father's organization at the age of 18. His siblings were upset at him being the one to finally take out their father and chased him out of Europe where Alex then traveled to America. The sudden crime spree inflicted by Alex got him the attention of some of the more powerful mutants in America. After a long battle, Alex was captured and then recruited by Professor Charles Xavier.

Alex has the power to cause targeted involuntary movements in the bodies of other people, ranging from twitching a leg, causing a stumble to manipulating internal organs, inducing vomiting. He mainly uses this power to trip up his opponents during battle before finishing them off with the taser hidden inside his scepter. While useful in combat, Alex's power is best when given more time. If given enough time to use his power repeatedly, he becomes able to control all bodily functions of his victim. This includes using their abilities if they are mutants, and having access to their full sensory suite. He is able to have full control over multiple people at the same time.
Strengths: Basic mixed martial arts training basic first aid
Alex's control over his completely subjugated targets worsens as the distance between himself and the people he's controlling widens or when he is trying to control more people. As a side effect, his own coordination, speech, and fluidity of movement suffers the same extent that the people under his control have. In addition, assuming complete control over a person requires Alex to have a long period of time in close proximity with the subject, up to a few hours, so that he can "learn" how their nervous system works.

Open if anyone wants to make one

Bellz Bellz
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Basic info:
Name: Edward Harrison
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd)TBD

Year: 1
Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD


Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Facial structure: Idk
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165

Vice (5+): Rebellious, can't sit still, does anything he finds fun, dosen't think things through, arrogant, and stubbern.
Virtues(5+): Loyal, fun, happy-go-lucky, kind, handsome, and likes people.
Habits: Breaking rules.

Family History: Martha and Adonis Harrison.

History: Edward was a only child and as a result was coddled excessively by his wealthy parents. He was annoyed by this and became increasingly rebellious. He was constantly sneaking out of the house, learning new skills, getting into fights, etc. After finding out he could "learn fast" to an extent he started experimenting with it. After a while he realized he was a mutant and started to get some karate training, just in case. Of course days before he could get his black belt he was recruted by Xavier. Just the way the world works sometimes.

Abilities: Can copy abilitys; powers and skills he sees used. Can give others powers he has copied, though he can't give it to someone and still have it/relearn it.
Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.
Strengths: Had a red belt in karate before going to Xavier's school.
Weaknesses: Edward and others can only retain others powers for a few hours, though he can keep natural skills for a few days. Cannot give himself super strength or something similar because thats not something "used".
Misc: Dosen't know he can grant others his copied powers. Has a photographic memory.
He likes people so I could easily add someone to Edwards backstory.
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Basic info:

Alana Jane Hartley
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Mutant Class: TBD

Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Facial structure: Soft, heart-shaped
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 111lbs
Any extra extremities: N/A

Vice (5+):
Late nights, impatient, bottles-up her troubles, dwells on mistakes, hates disorder.
Virtues(5+): Friendly, helpful, playful, determined/focused, open-minded.
Habits: Repeatedly checking things, ordering everything and general perfectionism - stemming from her OCD.
Quirks: She quotes movies too often

Family History:
Dr Victor Hartley (Father) and Linda Hartley (Mother)
Siblings: Jason Hartley (Younger Brother, 19) and Millie Hartley (Younger Sister, 17)
Other Mutants in the family: Not aware of any

Alana had a good childhood, growing up with her wealthy parents and two siblings. She was happy and carefree, until she started high school. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her to excel in all subjects and to join as many teams or clubs as she could. Much to her distaste, she even became a cheerleader in order to secure the kind of popular circle of friends her flashy, image-conscious parents wanted her to be in. The other girls began making comments about the way she looked and harshly drawing attention to the slightest mistakes she made. She eventually decided to turn her back on cheerleading and other sports, deciding it wasn't worth the stress to be skinny and popular. Although she lost a lot of friends without effort, she couldn't shift the anxiety she had about making mistakes. As her telekinesis began to emerge, she felt like she had to control it and hide it from everyone, otherwise she'd be a freak as well as simply unpopular. With the pressure of exams added to the need to hide her mutation, her anxiety developed into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Whilst her parents were just happy to see her succeeding, they never realised how obsessive, troubled and sleep-deprived her studies was making her.

When she was 17, Alana started seeing a counsellor to gain control over her OCD. The sessions went well and she was able to mostly manage the disorder for a few of years without further counselling. A few months ago, things went downhill for Alana again as she found her telekinesis was becoming more and more intrusive. Perhaps is was the lack of therapy or simply her abilities evolving and becoming more difficult to inhibit, but she was struggling to hold back. It was during a play fight with her younger sister, Millie, that she accidentally lost control of her power and sent her sister crashing through the staircase balcony. The impact of the fall caused Millie to break her back and with fears that she would never walk again, their parents threw Alana out of the house and disowned their "freak" daughter. She was very soon after approached by Professor Charles Xavier and invited to join his school for gifted youngsters. Although the Professor being in a wheelchair made her feel guilty for what happened to Millie, she knew she had to accept his invitation if she was to even control her telekinesis and stop herself from harming anyone else.

Alana is very committed to learning and is very determined to master her power. She is intelligent and has an excellent memory. Her ability also makes her stronger than a person her size should be.
Weaknesses: As well as her fear, reluctance and emotions limiting her control over her power, she has to place a high level of focus on moving multiple objects at once. Overuse of her power can make her very fatigued.

TBD in play.
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Alistaire Maverick


"Heh...damn. You really think you have a chance, don't you...?"

basic information

Name: Alistaire Maverick
Age: Recently turned twenty-one.
Gender: Male
Mutant Class: To be determined.
School: Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters
Year: Second year.


Hair: Dark brown, with strands of platinum blonde. Naturally curly and feathery soft.
Eyes: A sky blue, with a unique silver coloring around the pupil.
Facial structure: Handsome and angular - a gift from his father.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 160lbs
Extremities: His eyes tend to glow white during heavy usage of his powers.

underneath the surface


Razor-sharp wit that tends to lash out at annoyances.
There are times where Alistaire can be downright cold and insensitive.
Bottles in his own negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, and grief.
Feels as if he has to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Feels responsible for things that he shouldn't feel responsible for.
Tries to keep himself at a certain distance from friends.
Not to say he refuses to have friends - he just doesn't have close ones.

Incredibly loyal and dependable. If you manage to gain his true trust, then he will go through Hell for you.
Independent. While fighting solo is usually a bad idea in this world, Alistaire has gotten by fine by himself.
Cool and clear-headed under pressure. Easily takes control of a situation, and fights strategically.
Confident and clear in his own decisions and choices. Doesn't hesitate, and takes responsibility of his actions.
Laidback amongst comrades. Can easily takes insults, flirting, and teasing - just don't be surprised if he smoothly turns it around on you.
Inwardly selfless. Will put himself in harms way for an innocent or friend if he can't find a way to save them without injury.


Mutants with extraordinary power...it was a thing that has become a tentative, uncommon norm in today's society. Seeing elementary kids sprout spikes from their backs is usually an event that requires the usage of '911'. So, what exactly happens when you see another unassuming elementary kid uproot an entire jungle gym from the school's playground, sending children, wood chips, and heavy metal flying through the air? You, of course, panic, before calling every emergency hotline the school has on record. The result? That same child panicking amidst the screams, running away from school, the middle-classed home that housed him for years, and the parents that were always distant and frightened of his power.

For years, he was on his own, growing up in the streets - but never stopping his own education. Books were often pilfered from common libraries, advancing in level as the boy aged. He stretched his power in secret, learning it's limits and reaches. When he was approached by Professor Xavier whilst hiding out in one of his many secret warehouses - not his, technically, but y'know how it is - the boy, at age 13, wasn't quite sure what to think. When the man spoke in his mind, however, he was convinced. The Professor took him in, allowing the urchin to stay at his massive mansion, where he was given formal education until he was old enough to enroll officially into the School.


In a condensed explanation, Alistaire has the power of 'Weather Manipulation', in a rawer form. Primarily, he has the ability to control the forces of nature via manipulation through his own force of will. Due to the unpredictability of Mother Nature, Alistaire's versatility and potential power is immense, although, like all mutations, he has his own limits and flaws. For one, overdoing it is a big no-no. It starts with a minor migraine, which transforms into pounding headaches, and then even forced unconsciousness. Generally, Alistaire's favored approach is manipulating the very wind itself, the powerful gales being visible to the naked human eye. Adding other elements requires a greater amount of focus.

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Basic info:
Name: Jeffrey Lyons
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Mutant Class: TBD

Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel-Brown
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135
Any extra extremities: Depends on his abilities.


  • Hastiness - He tends to do things or act in a hurry.
  • Irritability - He is easily annoyed or exasperated.
  • Moodiness - Due to his abilities,he has temperamental and changeable moods and tends to change moods unpredictably from cheerful to bad-tempered.
  • Recklessness - He has a lack of thought about danger or other possible undesirable consequences
  • Rowdiness - He is generally a rough and noisy person who often causes disturbances
  • Affability - He is generally a good-natured, friendly, and easy to talk to person.
  • Flexibility - Due to his abilities, he is very adaptable.
  • Imagination - He has the ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems in equally unusual ways.
  • Openness - He has an attitude of ready accessibility and isn't secretive.
  • Vivaciousness - He is extremely lively and high-spirited.
Habits: He always needs to be doing something and when there is nothing to do he will often crack his knuckles repeatedly just to give him something to do.

Family History:
Delilah and Steven Lyons.
Siblings: Katarina Lyons.
Other Mutants in the family: He's the first one.

History: Jeffrey was born and raised to a middle class family in South Carolina. He grew up in a suburb of Charleston with his parents and older sister. He had a rather normal upbringing. Both parents worked full time while Jeff and his sister went to school. He was only 13 when he discovered his mutants abilities. His parents were less than thrilled to have a freak living in their household. He was ostracized both at his home and school. Die to this, he did whatever any random freak of nature would do. Join a traveling circus.There he learned more about himself and his newly discovered abilities.

As it turns out a a lot of mutants think the same as Jeff did, because not long after preforming his first ever act he was approached by scouts for the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. They got him out of there and brought him to his new home. There he learned to better control his abilities and apply them along with what he learned working at the circus to many situations.


Animal mimicry:
Jeffrey has the ability to mimic the abilities, traits, and behavior of animals. Jeff can use the innate abilities that animals have. He can run like an ostrich, swing like a monkey, sprint like a cheetah, move stealthily like a cat, take the strength of an ant, track like a dog, hide like a turtle, constrict like a snake, etc. However, he cannot transform into animals, as this power only enables the user to mimic animalistic traits while still in his original form. I plan on Jeff being able mimic multiple animals at once as the RP goes on.

Due to the nature of his abilities, he is very adaptable and quick to change to what ever the current situation may call for. Also due to his upbringing, he is very flexible and acrobatic.

Currently he can only imitate one animal at a time and can only change to a different one every 10-15 minutes. The longer he imitates an animal, the more animalistic he becomes. He can never fully transform into an animal, but if imitating one for too long and he'll truly believe he is that animal.

If anyone wants to have their character to have any form of relationship, just send me a PM on here or Discord.
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Basic info:
Name: Suzanne (Suzy) Pruinae
AKA: Ms Chill
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd) TBD

Age: 23
Year: 3
Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD

Appearance: Pale in skin tone, and very thin, verging on a malnourished appearance. Though it hasn't been an extreme amount of time, Suzy still retains the exact same complexion as when she was twenty, a keen eye would note that she does not seem to age.
Often wears baggy black hoodies, winter cloths, and specially made black 'woolen' gloves, no matter the weather.
Often after extensive uses of ice-based abilities, her lips will turn from a pale pink, to a light blue, as if she herself is freezing.

White, frail, hangs below the shoulder blades.
Eyes: Blue-Grey
Facial structure: Thin and rigid in shape.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120lbs
Any extra extremities: Her hands are completely covered in ice, and appear like claws, this appearance continues to spread down her arms at a very gradual rate.
Though they are usually covered with specially made black gloves, designed to prevent accidentally turning furniture and peers into ice cubes.

Personality: Has a somewhat morbid outlook on life, and cares little for other's opinions of her. Cares little for rules, restrictions, and demands. Often seen with her hands in her pockets, and greatly reluctant to touch almost anything, especially others. While not being shy, Suzy is a girl of few words.
Despite not being afraid to use them, due to her past her powers frighten her, not that she would ever say it, or share any of her emotions for that matter. The idea that the ice running down her arms will one day consume her can become too much to bear.
Vice (5+) Apathetic, Slow to trust others, Self-Loathing, Distant, Taciturn, Afraid, Emotionally Repressed.
Virtues(5+) Compassionate, Trustworthy, Adventurous, Sarcastic, Independent, Thick-Skinned, Imaginative.
Habits Often gets distracted staring at her hands.
Quirks Has an unfortunate love for nature.

Family History:
Richard and Olivia Prunie
Other Mutants in the family? None

History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended)
Suzanne lived a full family orientated life in her youth. At the time, she was truly happy, without a worry in the world. She had never met a mutant before, nor did she have any real interest in them, wishing only to continue life the way it was going. However, fate had other plans.

By the age of 18, her entire family was saddened by the death of her grandfather. Suzy especially, having a close connection to him, always the first as a child to ask for another tale of his old days.
A few days after this, she left to walk through the park, reflecting while still mourning. The sun was shining bright, and yet, it seemed so cold. The sights of nature however, the trees and birds, warmed her mind.

It started out as small bits of ice at the tips of her fingers, she attempted to rub them off, yet they remained regardless of how she tried. As she sat down to investigate, running her hands along the grass, the green shades turned an icy white, that was when she became concerned. Standing, she rested her hand on a tree, only for the area around her hand to begin to freeze the tree, the frost quickly progressing up the foliage, until finally hitting a nest on one of the branches, the chirping that was previously coming from it seeming to suddenly stop.

In a panic she ran back to her house, attempting to take out kitchen tools to deal with this strange affliction. A desperate rush of fear overcame her as she touched her own arm, and yet, it did nothing to her. The tools however, soon became solid blocks, and did nothing to assist her. As her mother came home, she ran over to Suzanne, hand outstretched, in an attempt to discover what was going on. In an almost unconscious reaction, Suzy put up her hand to signal her mother to stay back. As their hands met, the frost crept up Olivia's arm, reaching toward her chest before finally stopping, causing her to fall unconscious. Soon after, Richard came down to witness what had happened, and got them both to a nearby hospital.

Despite what had happened, Suzy's father tried his best to console her. Despite the fact that her mother still lived on life-support, in her mind she had killed her. This drove her into a deep state of self-loathing.
She spent almost two years in that hospital, as the ice spread further along her hands, doctors, scientists, and mutant specialists trying their best to figure out exactly how to deal with the situation.

However, it was Xavier who determined that if she learnt to control her abilities, she may be able to control this affliction as well, and as such, she was brought to attend his school.
As she became more adapt in her powers, the rate of her freezing seemed to slow. Perhaps the old man was right. Though the cancer like growth has yet to come to remission.

Hydrokinesis, though still not mastered. Most of her current abilities revolve around the use of Cryokinesis, which can be volatile and hard to control.
Able to create water from the air, assuming enough hydrogen and oxygen is present, and then bend it to her will.

Due to her altered anatomy, Suzanne does not actually breath, but rather absorbs water into her body, and then recycles it to give her body oxygen. This comes to be both beneficial and detrimental.

Her body is covered in an extremely thin layer of ice which is resistant to physical attacks. This ice causes her exterior to always be below zero in temperature, in turn emitting a sort of cold aura around her.

Her hands, which are covered with a thick layer of ice, are immune to physical attacks, and resistant to energy attacks. Anything her hands touch are frozen at a rapid rate, which are more difficult to thaw than her standard cryokinetic abilities.

Currently unknown to her, she may also alter her body like the states of water.

Since she does not breath in the normal sense, she is resistant to poisonous gasses, and can survive underwater for any amount of time.

Suzy has a greatly reduced metabolism, meaning she eats very little, and can go for extended time without food.

Weaknesses: One for each ability.
While she is not necessarily weak physically, she is not highly athletic, meaning she relies on her abilities for intense movement as well as power.

Her greatly reduced metabolism means that she can go for weeks without food, but she requires a great deal of breathable air or water to survive and use her abilities, as she relies on creating water to feed her body oxygen.

Her icy exterior, which helps to shield her from attacks, is weak to constant high energy blasts, as they melt her exterior, making her vulnerable.

Fire, and fire based abilities, generally drain oxygen to be used, similar to her abilities, so in enclosed areas fire(or oxygen draining abilities) weakens her powers.
As well as this, a low oxygen environment will lower her ability to 'breath' more greatly than for most, meaning she won't be able to function physically, as well as use her powers.

Will go out of her way to assist any innocent bystanders.

Write description of relationships with other characters here.
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Alec Ramada





Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd)






Swing Dance


190 lbs


Smoker - Alec smokes privately, though not to excess.
Self-Important - Alec is not the sort to put himself in harm's way for anyone else, though this is more healthy cowardice than arrogance.
Defensive - Alec will find criticism in most any comment, and reply in kind.
Work-Consumed - Alec is focused more on his studies and learning how to function than on the people around him.
Impatient - He cannot stand being unable to learn something.

Determined - Once he sets his mind to a task, nothing will stop him.
Listener - Alec is always willing to sit down and have a chat, provided there isn't work to be done.
Trustworthy - Has never been known to lie or share secrets.
Bound to the Cause - Alec firmly believes in stark conceptions of right and wrong.
Poised - Alec always appears prepared. Whether or not he actually is is debatable.


Snaps to the rhythm of music compulsively.
Wears a very prominent name tag at all times to help people remember him.

Alec grew up in the suburbs of D.C, surrounded by the bustle of government life. Most of his neighbors were in politics or the military, and his parents were both prominent lobbyists. He grew up happily, well taken care of by his parent's combined salaries, which included several lucrative book deals and speaking fees. Alec did exceptionally well in school, earning a 4.0 every year and getting a 34 on the ACT. Rather than go to college immediately, Alec opted to feed his desire to see the world by going on a two year tour of the globe, punctuated by occasional stops to dive headlong into the history of places like Kabul, Rome, La Paz, and Ulaanbataar. Tragedy struck at the end of his trip - while flying from Shanghai to Ukraine on his way home, Flight #572 crashed in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The crash triggered Alec's mutant abilities, which led to extensive problems in the recovery process, as no one could recognize him. Eventually, he found his way home, but numerous problems caused by his powers drove him into the arms of the Institute. He has just begun the arduous process of getting acclimated to his existence, and has made no friends since his arrival.


A Real Phony - No documentation of Alec is ever correct. Photos taken of him depict altered skin tones, facial features, haircuts, or other details until he is totally unrecognizable. If he does appear on video at all, it is not recognizable as him, and voice recordings sound absolutely nothing like him. DNA tests always come back negative. In short, any attempt to catch a description of him is wrong.

Forgettable - Alec is intensely, unnaturally forgettable. This borders on near invisibility at times, as people walking by him will often have no recollection of his passing. Anything unusual is likely going to be remembered, though details of who did it are often lacking.

1. It is extraordinarily difficult for Alec to function in public life (license, insurance, bank accounts, etc.).
2. It often takes days or even weeks for people he encounters daily to be able to consistently recognize him without making a very conscious effort. Obviously, this creates lots of social problems.
3. Anyone with any sort of telepathy has no trouble identifying him.

As a new arrival, and as a result of his powers, Alec has no existing relationships on the campus.

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Basic info: Villain/Neutral
Name: Arsene Lupin
Nickname: Joker
Gender: Male
Mutant Class: (1st, 2nd, 3rd) TBD

School: None
Electives: TBD
Clubs: TBD


In action/combat,he wears a black trenchcoat,red leather gloves and a simple white domino mask with dark colored clothing and combat boots.

Hair: as shown in picture
Facial structure:
Any extra extremities: (tails, extra arms, horns claws.) None

Personality: Arsene is a bit of a lone wolf, due to his troubled past and alot of the jobs he does for money he has trouble trusting others. However, he is a valuable ally and will do his best to be by the side of the people he deems part of his "pack".

Vice (5+)
Quick to anger
Lone wolf
Licentiousness - pursuing desires aggressively and selfishly, unchecked by morality, especially in sexual matters


Flexibility - the quality of being adaptable or variable
Heroism - remarkable physical or moral courage
Loyalty - to bind oneself completely; allegiance

Will constantly glance over his shoulder/watch his or his alleys back due to years of thievery.

Plays with a butterfly knife
Keeps a deck of cards on him at all times.
Will usually flip or spin a joker playing card between his fingers

Family History: * (will put in as the rp progresses)
Parents? Mother and father
Siblings? none
Other Mutants in the family? None.

History (Before they got to the school and after if they currently attended) Born into a family of thieves,he didn't have an honest past, He grew up reading the novels of Sherlock Holmes and the Lupin Novels as well. His mother and father were both mutants and we're essentially the modern day Robin hood,taking from the wealthy families in Japan and later America and giving to the poor, seeing as his parents were caught and jailed when he was a young child he has plotted to pull off thier ultimate hiest. Steal all of the money in the Bank of America and give it to everyone below the poverty line,eliminating the upper class.

Please describe the abilities that your mutations allows you to posses.

Luck Manipulation- ability to manipulate luck and probabilities

The ability to copy for himself and/or fuse together other mutant abilities to make new ones

Able to disguise himself as another person by hand to target contact he can steal a person's appearance and copy thier short term memory.

Slight of hand
Thinks on his toes

Weaknesses: One for each ability.

His luck based power has an RNG effect to it,since he's had no formal training with it. This includes directly hurting himself with some of his manipulations

He can only copy 1 ability per day.
To copy an ability he has to have contact from the target to his hands, other wise he can't copy, he can only hold 6 mutant powers at a time. The more powerful the ability he tries to fuse the longer it takes (from days to weeks)

and every time he fuses 2 abilities he loses 2 additional abilities.

(So if he has 4 and fuses 2 he now has 1)

He can only copy one appearance at a time.

He for every memory he copies, he fogs up a bit of his own memories until he diposes of copied memories, starting from most recent back, because of this he suffers from amnesia after chronic use.

None yet.

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