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Fandom X-Men: Class of '15 (No longer accepting)

Lol. No,thas'k. She is wearing a sleeved hoodie and covering her feathered head, plus she never has her wings out unless she needs them to fly, so yeah. Only feathers visible are at her shins and back of shins xf it explained in my first reply xf, even ma profile cx
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Currently making a character but I'm curious where I should put him exactly. What would be better/more fun for the Rp at the moment? Should I just shove him in as a student already or maybe as a new mutant who's on the run that they are sent out to find or something...?

*Shrug* Just an offer to make things more interesting or different if need be as I still haven't read the pages to catch up. :3
:v Indecisiveness incoming then, I'll put the app up sometime today hopefully then. haha

And that's the Canadian Thanksgiving unless I'm mistaken, atleast me thinks Pyo's Canadian.

America's Thanksgiving is November 31st. :]
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
But... They celebrate Thanksgiving too? I am confused...
I google'd it just to be sure. And yes, they do, and I was right. xD
[QUOTE="shyguy the RP addict]"Impossible..." James muttered, turning on the radio. A rock station was playing Five Finger Death Punch; he was content for the time being. Whistling to the song, James drove on.

I can't not mention this coincidence.

Pandora was playing Cold - Five Finger Death Punch for me as I read your post.


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