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Fandom X-COM: End of the Blade IC (New)

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In Light of... Recent Events, the Council has activated the XCOM Initiative.

You will be tasked with defending our world from the invaders.

Remeber; the fate of our world is in YOUR hands. Good Luck, Commander.
Operation: Devil’s Moon Part I
  • Somedudesbutonly2

    Junior Member
    13:11 EST, March 4, 2015
    Operation: Devil’s Moon, Munich, Germany

    “This is Central, Strike 1-4 have arrived at the AO. Eliminate all hostiles and secure the area.”, rehearsed Bradford. The Skyranger was docked, and the squad slowly made their way out of the craft, wary of danger. There was a thick must in the air, and a chilling hum.

    In front of them was an crashed ambulance and a police car, a wrecked helicopter, crashed into a fountain, and a strange glowing pod. “That ain’t a weather satellite.” remarked Bradford. Surrounding the pod were bodies, covered in a sickly lime green goo.

    Unit - Advance to Ambulance (-1 Time Units)
    • Sight Range:
      • Unknown
    • Cover: Deep
    Unit - Advance to Police Car (-1 Time Units)
    • Sight Range:
      • Unknown
    • Cover: Medium
    Unit - Advance to Fountain (-1 Time Units)
    • Sight Range:
      • Unknown
    • Cover: Medium
    Unit - Advance to Abduction Pod (-2 Time Units)
    • Sight Range:
      • Unknown
    • Cover: Deep

    Tip - General Movement: “Moving from one location to another requires Time Units. There are two different movement variations. Team and Unit.

    Team movement works on a general vote/consensus from the entire team.

    Unit movement works by moving to a location as an individual unit. It can also provide cover.


    Team - Move Westward to approach the Building (-1 Time Unit)

    Unit - Move to Garbage Can (-1 Time Unit)
    • Sight Ranges:
      • Bob - Long
      • Jerry - Short
    • Cover: Deep
    You can rush to be adjacent to an enemy for melee, but it will take variable time units:

    Short (0 Time Units)

    Medium (-1 Time Units)

    Long (-3 Time Units)

    Tip - Cover

    None: 0 Enemy Aim

    Light: -1 Enemy Aim

    Medium: -3 Enemy Aim

    Deep: -4 Enemy Aim

    Tip - General Combat: “Firing, Melee and throwing a Grenade. Firing has many options.

    Firing Types:

    Headshot: +2 Aim, -1 Ammo, Doubles Damage Against Organic Targets, -2 Time Units
    • Usable by: Bolt Action, Burst, Semi Auto, Automatic, Pump Action
    Aimed Shot: +2 Aim, -1 Ammo, Requires 2 Time Units but only uses 1
    • Usable by: Bolt Action, Burst, Semi Auto, Automatic, Pump Action
    Snap Shot: -1 Ammo, -1 Time Unit
    • Usable By: Bolt Action, Burst, Semi Auto, Automatic, Pump Action
    Burst Shot: -1 Time Unit, Variable Ammunition
    • Usable by: Burst
    Full Auto: -5 Ammo, -1 Time Unit
    • Usable by: Automatic

    >> Headshot - Bob

    Tip - Reaction Fire & Reloads: “In order to trigger reactions fire, leave a time unit unused, which will trigger reaction fire. The priorities list for reaction fire is:

    Full Auto, if not possible

    Burst Fire, if not possible,

    Snap Shot

    Reloading your weapon takes one time unit, unless specified.”

    Tip - Airstrikes: “Once a mission the team will be able to call in an airstrike. It destroys all loot but deals a lot of damage.”

    GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Unit GRX-293 Unit GRX-293 Lord Bradorian Lord Bradorian
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    Operation: Devil’s Moon Part II
  • The eerie silence was interrupted by a cry for help.

    “Hilfe…”, whimpered one of the recon team.

    “What was that?”, said Bradford.

    “Hilfe…”, he whimpered once more.

    “He is saying ‘Help Me’, and judging by the signal’s strength it’s coming from a nearby building.”, said Doctor Vahlen.

    “Doctor Vahlen, can you communicate with him?”, said Bradford.

    “I will try. Hallo?Können sie mich hören?Wir sind hier um ihnen zu helfen.”, said Doctor Vahlen.

    Industrial Building West Entrance (-2 Time Units):
    • Sight Range:
      • Unknown
    • Cover: Deep
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