WW - the next generation!

She shrugged, "Whatever." She said uncaringly before looking over at the form sighing. She had no reason to stay if the thing that wanted to speak to her was gone. But then again....You do it, you get your but locked down for good. Whatever child. Closing her eyes again, Alec went back into control, kneeling down near Vent's form, setting a hand on his shoulder.
:: marco came up behind connor ::

Marco: "hey, Vent, what the hell is going on!?"

:: he stopped when he got close ::

Marco: "and whats up with that aura you're emmiting?"
"He's out Marco." Alec said, taking the unlit cigarette from her mouth and spitting on the ground. "As for what's going on, that is a great question that I don't think either of us can really explain and what aura?" she said, her hands going to her hips as she stood back up to look at Marco.
Alec rolled her eyes, "I mean he's knocked out dumbass. Clearly." Scoffing a bit, she picked up Vent carefully before looking at Marco. "Why are you even here?" She said it a bit meaner than she meant to.
:: Marco sighed ::

Marco: "jeez, if you're gonna be that way, then i'm going"

:: he turned around and began walking ::
Alec sighed, biting her lip "I'm sorry..." She said rubbing the bridge of her nose with her finger, "Really sorry." She sighed, before snapping her fingers at Vent making him poof back to his own bed after fixing his nose and burn. She then turned and started following Marco.
Marco: "relax, i was just kidding"

:: he gave a playful noogie ::

Marco: "man, you gotta loosen up!"

:: Marco had a look around ::

Marco: "you know, i think i saw a Cabaret club back there, wanna see a show?"

:: A Cabaret club is where ameture and beginer performers show off their skills in the hope of being noticed, it is popular with beginer megicians and small-time singers and bands, mostly Jazz-bassed ::

Marco: "how about it?"
Alec laughed lightly, giving him a playful punch in the arm. "Sounds good." She said happily before sighing and rubbing her forehead. The voice in her head was banging around and it was starting to hurt. What are you doing? Getting your attention. For what? I just wanted to ask, do you really think after what happened going out to a public place would be a good idea? Naturally. Don't get us killed.
:: Marco smiled at alec's approval ::

Marco: "cool"

:: he walked with her along the sidewalk towards the club ::

Marco: "lets see, according to that poster over there the next act should be a re-enactment of "the lion king", followed by an up-coming magician, what one do you wanna see, or both?"

:: Marco just realized, that they are REAL MAGES and he just offered to watch a magician who knows no real magic, after realizing this, he burst out laughing ::
Alec raised an eyebrow before looking at the poster herself and seeing The Amazing Jonathan written across it. "Disney kinda screwed with the lion king...and seriously, who wants to see people dressed up as lions but that dude. It seems interesting." She nudged Marco lightly, and pointed through the club window at the dude. "He does some pretty sick stuff for being normal, ya know?"


the amazing jonathan =P)
Vent awoke in his own bed. This was not where he had lost control.......

He could feel the presense of Conner in the back of his mind, but barely. Seems like he was..... Resting?

Whatever, he thought, getting out of bed and walking the hallways aimlessly.

Hope was dealt with for now.

Alec was nowhere to be found, but Vent had a feeling she was fine.

Conner was subdued in his mind for now as well.

Stuff seemed boring.


Coro, now back in Hell, awaited Konn's return. Not a big deal, I can just train ti'll he shows up again. He thought.

We're gonna take his father down for good this time! He thought, drawing his sword and practising some basic manuevers and spells.
:: on the top level of the DataDyne Sky-Scraper Artemis, Kiki and several elders, warlocks and advisors stood around a small stand with a puddle of glowing water in it ::

Advisor1: "Mr Highland, do you really think its time already?"

Artemis: "they are ready..."

Advisor1: "but students can die in this test!"

Artemis: "just like when we face the old ones or even the last remnants of Nightrise"

:: everyone already understood this, and stayed silent ::

Artemis: "call all students back!"

:: meanwhile, at the Cabaret Club, Marco grabbed the back of his head ::

the Amazing Johnson: "excuse me for a second"

:: the magician proceeded to pretend to snort up a bucket of powder and everyone laughed ::

Marco: "Alec.. i got a message... its the end of term exam is starting an a couple of hours"
Alec shrugged. "For you." She muttered folding her arms before standing up and heading for the door of the club. It didn't matter to her much, but it meant they had to leave so Marco could go take it.
:: Marco came after Alec and grabbed her by the arm ::

Marco: "no-can-do, the message says specifically to bring you in as well"

:: he bought his hand up, casting a unique spell, it makes NO-ONE care about anything they did ::

Marco: "don't worry, we could piss on these people now and they would'nt care"

:: he opened a portal and began to drag Alec into it ::
"NO." Alec said, wrenched away from Marco and teleporting herself to a different spot. She had no reason to go back to the school she wasn't a part of anymore. They could suck dirt before she would do something for them.
:: Marco threw up his arms ::

Marco: "you know what? fine! im not putting up with you're crap!"

:: he went through the portal and came out in the chamber at school ::

Marco: "hey mom, hey dad"

Kiki: "hello Marco dear"

Artemis: "hi son, look i think you know why you're here"

Marco: "yes, my test to see if i can become an official battlemage"

Artemis: "no... this test is to see if you will even be trained to become a battlemage"

Marco: "okay then"

:: Marco went up to the small puddle of glowing water ::

Marco: "Lyrium..."

Artemis: "yes, pure magic consentrated... this small puddle cost me 2.5 billion dollars, and i intend for it to be used in this school for hundreds of years"

Marco: "right..."

:: Marco dipped his finger into the Lyrium ::

Artemis: "Marco, you're test is this... you are to spend a day in the Dream Realm, living spirits there are beacons to demons and evil spirits, if you become possesed, we WIL be forced to subdue you and you will fail the test"

Marco: "and if i succeed?"

Artemis: "you will be sent to the himilayas, to train with the battlemage monks within their temples"

:: Marco took a deep breath, bent down and breathed in the rising blue mist of the puddle, next thing he knew, he was in the dream realm ::
Alec rolled her eyes before she appeared in the place she had teleported to. A nice peaceful place. The sound of waves crashing near by made her turn her head to see a nice white sandy beach with evening waves crashing upon it. Smiling softly she took her shoes off and rolled up her stockings walking through the sand and thinking.

It was nice, a long time since she had been completely alone, and Alec really liked it. Putting her arms behind her head she leaned back as she walked taking slow deep breaths. Looking around, she grinned again before sighing. "You would love this place.." She muttered out loud, her thoughts had brought back up something that she couldn't forget. "You really would, I can just see you doing something stupid like screwing with a snappy turtle or something out here..."
:: in the dream realm, everything was a blur everything was both peaceful and chaotic ::

Marco: "okay great... stayu calm Marco, you can do this..."

:: a beautiful woman appearedbehind him with her legs open ::

Woman: "here... come to me, i want you're seed"

Marco: "you have demon written all over you"

:: the woman jumped to her feet, showing her true form, she looked similar, but now her skin was purple, her eyes were black, and horns had sprouted from her head, and spikes down her back ::

Demon: "damn you!"

:: Marco held up his hand, and the demon was vanquished with little effort ::

Marco: "the dream realm is a polace where only someone's will is real, so long as my will is strong, i won't be touched"
Sighing again, she stopped walking swaying with the wind that blew over the empty beach. "I'm really sorry." Alec said sadly. From the edge of the trees that met the sand about 15 feet away from her, a voice responded. "I forgive you." It was his voice. Snapping her head in that direction she stared at the woods. "I really do. I've missed you a lot as well. I understand what you did, I do, I was out of line. I should be apologizing to you, everything you went through to help me."

She gulped taking a step forward. At teh same time, he came out from the woods.
As Vent walked the halls of the school aimlessly, he had a crippling headache. He fell to a knee, and the image of a hooded man appeared before him. The man was obviously pissed off, even though the top half of his head wasn't visible because of the hood.

Vent groaned as he looked up at the man.

"...... Whaa?" He squeaked out.
:: it was the first stage of his trial, Marco's Physical body lay on a bed in his own room, his father, mother and two battlemages watched over him, ready to restrain him, should he get possesed ::

Marco: "damnit, this place is so... screwwy"

:: clifs came and went in seconds, deserts became oceans and then became mountain ranges, and then forrests, ducks would become 30ft demons in the blink of an eye, and spirits of the dead wandered aimlessly, expecting to find heaven, they have no idea how to get across the river styx to the side of eternal bliss ::

Man: "please.. help me! the lord said i would be in heaven if i killed the un-believers! why am i here? are you an angel or another demon!?"

Marco: "i am neither..."

:: he pushed the lost soul away ::

Marco: "you are a murderer, not a saint, you're blind faith has landed you here, and even if i wanted to help you, i would'nt.... how many have you killed?"

Man: "no-one that mattered i swear! only heathens!"

Marco: "they were people too you fool!"

:: Marco pushed the man's soul off a cliff, it landed in a pit of snakes ::

Marco: "stay there and suffer, for i show no mercy to hypocrites like you"
Alec's knees nearly gave out. Jake was here, talking to her, living, moving, breathing. "H-how?" Jake smiled softly getting closer to Alec, "I was granted another try at life." He placed a hand on her shoulder looking down at her before laughing. "The big man ins't as 'cool' as everyone thinks he is either. In fact, he's a bit of a nut ball, chucking lightneing everywhere all the time. I swear i think-" He was cut off by Alec hugging him very tightly. Burying her face into his shoulder she started crying. Jake smiled darkly, wrapping his arms around her, in the hand he had kept behind his back, a sharp bamboo pole was in his hand.
:: marco wandered the dream-world, in his travel, he came across two smoke figures, but he could feel Alec's presance within one of them ::

Marco: 'wha!?"

:: a demon came up to Marco ::

Marco: "stay back!"

Demon: "relax Mortal, i have no intention of possesing you"

Marco: "why?"

Demon: "because i have possesed a mortal before.. being slow, heavy, weak and gassy, eigh, i hated it"

Marco: "i... see"

:: Marco pointed at the two smoky figures ::

marco: "what is this?"

Demon: "well you see, the dream world is paralel with the physical world, in this particular area, a person can view the people they care about, i saw you come in here, you came from the "time" portal, you just saw the earth get formed over 12 times in 5 minutes"

Marco: "nice"

Demon: 'it is, isn't it?, anyway, i think i can feel a damned soul coming this way, you take care now and don't let a demon posses you, i don't know why anyone would want a mortal body but oh well!"

:: Marco gave the demon a slight wave and went back to the smoky figure of Alec and some guy, he saw something behind the guy's back, it was a weapon ::

Marco "NO!"

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