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Fantasy Ww: Iuncta Iuvant

Rick glanced about, seeing there were lots of other books.

"But.... That one had smoke come out of it. Do any of the other ones make smoke?" He asked genuinely, more interested in the effect of the book itself than the other books. How could a book make smoke, even with magic? Did it just appear? Did it do it when it was mad or something?

... Are there any other books that do cool stuff?" He asked after a moment's pause, letting go of the person's book, noticing the defensive stance they took. Rick figured they probably needed it, or they just didn't share well. Either way, they did have it first...
"Most likely." Michele said with a raised eyebrow. As he let go of the book, Michele put it swiftly into his bag, making sure it was snugly in place. With a glance around the room he gestured towards the various shelves of books.

"Every last one in here does something. Well, aside from the mundane ones but those a small group by the front desk. Had issues with them biting students so the ink had to be replaced. So take your pick, they'll all surprise you, I'm sure."
Rick rubbed his chin, looking as if he was deep in thought. It was a difficult decision, which book would he take... He didn't understand any of the titles, what were they even talking about? Then he got an idea. Remembering olden days when his parents would tell him and his younger siblings bedtime stories to get them to sleep, Tybalt wondered if the magical world had any fairy tales of it's own. A small smile on his face, he tried making sense of the titles around him one more time before giving up and turning his gaze back to the boy before him.

Will you show me where to find a fairy tale book?" He asked, his curiosity welling up like a fountain.
Kana ran through the halls escaping what to her seemed like never ending fear. After what happened when she entered the school, that person she met, shes been watching every corner , every shadow to make sure she steers clear of him. Entering the library she had tripped into a column , slightly knocking her head into it. Backing up she held her forehead and groaned a little. To her right was a book with a black cover and gold writings that was on the rim and front cover. Kana thought it was pretty yet had an old vintage style to it. Grabbing it she ran her hand across it then down to the corner of it. As she was going to open it she heard voices, one that sounded familiar.

Walking around the corner she peered over a few books and saw two people, one was Rick. Smiling a little she walked over , tucking the book underneath her arm. "Hey Rick."
"A fairy tale?" Michele blinked. Looking at the kid he raised an eyebrow slowly. Why would he want a fairy tale, a child's story...but then, that would match his level of understanding, wouldn't it? Turning in the aisle, he raised his hand, pointing towards the northeastern direction. "There should be some over there...."

As a feminine voice spoke, he lowered his hand. Looking at the new arrival, she seemed to know the boy in front of him. Poor girl, he thought.
With his grin widening, Rick was about to head off in the direction of the fairy tale books, his new goal apparent and clear in his mind, when Kana arrived. The girl from the train earlier, the first person he'd actually talked with here at the Academy. He blinked a few times, waving hello to her while he gathered his thoughts.

Hey Kana, what're ye doing in the library?" He asked, a little antsy as he wanted to read about magical fairy tales. Comparing them to the old mundane ones he was read as a child might help to understand this magical world a little better, since he was basically a child in this realm.
Kana looked over toward the other boy who was unknown to her. Smiling a little she gave him a wave. "Hello, I haven't seen you before ...my name is Kana, and you are?" When she was asked a question Kana had looked back over toward Rick. "It's my free period so I'd though I'd have a look around. I'm glad I stumbled into the library, I was actually hoping to find books on herbs and medicine. Lucky for me I found one, but deciphering it will be a chore." She bell around her ankle chimed as she stepped forward , removing the book from underneath her arm to show him.

"What are you doing here though? You don't seem like the type to read book..ah not that I am trying to insult your or anything."
Rick pouted a little, but nodded in agreement as Kana made her observation. She was right. He was a bit of a meathead, even by small-town-farm-boy standards. He barely read, and if he did, it wasn't for long. It was something his older sister had reprimanded him on time and time again. He'd loved having stories read to him when he was younger, but to read on his own? He'd never bothered. He'd be too busy out in the field with his father, or running around in the woods with his siblings.

Yer not wrong, I don't read very often... But with all this new magic and stuff, I figured I'd wanna start learnin' more things." He explained his reasoning, rubbing the back of his neck and glancing off, avoiding eye contact with the two people before him that were certainly gonna judge him as a country bumpkin who was in over his head.

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