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Fantasy Wuldir, aWoM - Rules


Junior Member
Player Contract
  1. I will have fun writing my post or I will not post at all.
  2. I will drop out if I lose interest in the RP rather than force myself.
  3. I will speak my mind if I think something’s dumb or boring.
  4. I will not eat QuestingBeast’s asian snacks, but I will help myself to his tasty pastries.
  5. Caffeine is my hope, my love, my everything.
  6. When entering combat, the GM shall control the monsters. Unless OOC permission is arranged, please don't use pcs to kill or wound monsters. Success or failure of actions can be contested ooc.
  7. Characters can be killed, likely when they do something extremely stupid. This will be explained ooc or ic. Feel free to make multiple characters!
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