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"I have a secret," said Marry.

"So do I," said Allen.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Marry suggested.

"Okay," Allen agreed.

"I love you," whispered Marry.

“I see...”

"And yours?"

"I ran over your cat," whispered he.

Word Count: 42

It all started with the playful mocking. They laughed at him. Humiliated him, and recorded his every shameful move.


Then, he snapped - all of a sudden, he assaulted them. Fiercely. Terrifyingly.

Corpses and blood everywhere. 


He looked at us.


"K E E P   I T   S E C R E T ."

Word count: 42 

I wanted it to give more impact but I'm bad at writing. Surprisingly. #FeelsBadMan

She forced it shut as horrors ravaged the land, 

in ways both subtle and grand.

Later as her descendants would ask,

"Was there anything left in the box?"


She would look at those young eyes

with weathered ones and lie,

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She found him in the bathroom.

He was curled up in the corner with his bandaged knees pulled up to his chest, cradling the broken picture of a dead girl.

“I have a secret,” He whispered to the wall. “I’m not okay.”
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Well done everyone. These were good entries. Seeing as I'm horrible at giving much feedback to these things (and with these ones being so short), I'm just gonna pick a winner. Which is tough. All of these are so great!





Congrates and well done everyone. You did not make this easy.
There are many events in our lives that can change our destinies. Some people can have their entire life decided based on the action of another. For other people it could be the simplest item of the smallest insignificant value that could alter their future. A few can even claim one or more such events that led them down the path the ended up treading. Even a word or a thought can cause drastic changes in people's lives. The impetus, though trivial in itself, can cause tremendous impact.

It's akin to a pebble thrown into the wide ocean. The pebble is small, but the ripples it causes can permeate the entire surface showing effects vastly beyond the point of initial exposure. Similarly, a person or a thought can generate vastly different changes in one's so called 'destiny'.

In one such tale from the a War-torn time, a young soldier saved a woman from suicide by pulling her out of the water she'd plunged into. Instead of thanking him, the woman cursed the young soldier and even attacked him. After she'd settled down and some patient inquiry, the woman then told him of her tragic circumstances.

As it turned out, her husband was framed and was sent to prison for a crime he did not commit. She was left alone and penniless to tend to her husband's sick elderly parents and the their young children. To buy the medication for her sick mother, she pawned all her possessions for a silver galleon. But it seemed the gods were not done mocking her as she got taken in by the pawn shop owner who swindled her with a fake coin.

In her depressed state of mind she had no way out but to take her own life. She then broke down crying as she stayed in a crumpled heap.

The young soldier felt very sympathetic and said to her, "What a tragic story. I have a silver galleon here; please take this to take care of your family. Please give me the fake silver coin so that others will not fall into the same plight." He brought out the shiny silver coin that the girl carefully took into her hand and went to look for

Putting away the counterfeit galleon into his pocket, the young soldier hurried on to report to duty. Weeks later in a fierce battle, he was struck dead on in the chest. The bullet hit and sent him tumbling from the impact. He closed his eyes as he welcomed the sweet embrace of death. But it seemed to have struck against the fake galleon which has left a dent on the fake coin, and he was spared.

The young soldier clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Well worth it! Hah hah! This coin is worth a million others!" He kissed the bent piece of metal.

With a thought of compassion, a single galleon saved the woman and her family. It also extended the young soldier's life by many years and that of his lineage by multiple generations. It is actions and in-actions that decide what you will end-up doing or not doing. There is no such thing as destiny.

Word count ~ 530
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It is said that no matter what path we take we will always be lead to our destiny. Everyones destiny is unique, never exactly alike anyone else's. 

This tale of destiny is true, despite what modern ideologies might lead you to believe. Well, at least it was true. Destiny has perished at the hands of an ever-growing humanity. Of course, this isn't a metaphor, it is literal. How can destiny die?  You may ask. It's a long story, but if you wish to read the story, then your wish shall be granted. Here we are then:

"Fate." The man growled, his sword and bow swaying at his aides as he did so. "I prefer destiny, thank you very much." She replied, her words flickering with amusement as she turned around to face the man. "I don't care about what you prefer. I must talk with you." Destiny laughed coldly. "Look, I know why you are here. Of course, I would know, I am the controller of every beings destiny. The answer is no, I will not rewrite your sons destiny. He is to die and that is that. That is the way of things. I have no quarrel with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I was about to make a cup of tea. Would you like some?" The man man unsheathed his sword and took a step closer to Destiny, practically snarling his next sentence. "I am your ruler. You will listen to me. Rewrite his destiny." Destiny laughed again for a while, before taking on a serious tone. "I don't care who you are. I listen to no one and do what I think is best. The alternate death I have planned for your son is nothing compared to the death he would receive if I kept him alive." Suddenly, the man placed his sword on Destinys neck. "I control the destinies of every being including myself. What you are to do, do it quickly Odin." Odin plunged his sword into Destinys neck. She fell to the ground, the color of crimson covering the floors as she became lifeless. "Good riddance." Odin muttered as he sheathed his sword and left the room.

Yes friends, that is how I died. That fateful day Odin killed me. I still find the memory amusing. Odin thinks he killed me, but destiny can never truly die. 



Wanna make a few notes:

Okay, so, this is loosely based off of Norse mythology, hence the use of the name Odin. 

Also, anything in regular text is the narrator (which, if you couldn't guess, is Destiny) in current time. The first two paragraphs and the last paragraph is current time. 

Thats about it, hope you enjoyed my terrible writing.
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We’ve always been told that there’s a thing called destiny. Everyone has one. It’s in the stories we watch and read. The hero is always destined to save the world.
All of it is lies though. Every single word.

Let me start from the beginning (For that is always a great place to start). My name is Amy. Pretty boring name if you ask me, but we can’t choose the name we are given. I was born to two boring plain jane parents, like everyone else, and went to school. When i was ten i was told that, for some odd reason unknown to me, that i was chosen. My parents were the one to tell me this, and when i asked what they meant by chosen i got to response. In fact they don’t remember telling my that i was chosen. So with me only being ten years old I never brought it up again.

By the time i was 18 i had forgotten all about it. Played it off as some childhood joke. That was when they went onto the same sort of trance as the first time and told me what i was chosen for. I was chosen to assist this guy save the world. His name was Daniel. I was to help him.  After my parents returned i told them i needed to leave and went on a search for Daniel, whoever he was. There must've been a million Daniels out there. How was i supposed to find my Daniel.

After about ten days of roaming around I found him. I don’t know how i know. There was just this pull in my stomach that pulled me towards this guy. I knew it was Daniel. The problem, and the point of my giving you my life story, is the SOB already have a world saving partner. They had already saved the world. About five years before this. So much for being chosen for this save the world destiny thing. It was done. My job had been done before i even knew what it was. How can you stand there and tell me it is my destiny to save the world when i didn’t get a chance.

Don’t you see destiny is fake. It’s not real. It’s a story parents tell their kids so their kids will feel important. It’s all lies. Just another way the universe has to screw people over. So, word of advice: don’t get your hopes up. It’s probably not worth it anyway.

Word Count: 420 (Sorry about the lowercase i's. Or any grammar mistake. Whoops.)

( btw HIIII FRIENDS!!!!)
“There’s no such thing as destiny.”


Her hand stilled mid spell, her brain belatedly registering the comment. A laugh burst out of her and she slapped her hand over her mouth as she dispersed the magic she had been gathering, trying desperately to swallow the laughter that was coming out without her permission. The grey gaze of her blonde companion was sharp, defensive. “What are you laughing at?” he demanded. “There isn’t!”


She leaned on the table, trying desperately to not fall onto the floor from laughing so hard. It wasn’t working very well and she ended up kneeling beside the table anyways. By the time the laughter gave way to giggles, she was crying and her sides hurt. She rubbed at her cheeks, grinning at the boy beside her. He hardened his glare. “Sorry, sorry,” she urged, attempting to get back up. “But that’s a ridiculous statement.”


“No it’s not,” he chided, though he uncrossed his arms and helped her back up. “There’s no such thing as destiny.”


Her smile grew endearing. “Then why does Fate exist?”


“He’s an anomaly.”


She smacked her hand over her mouth again as another bout of laughter welled up inside her. She could feel Fate grumbling about being called an anomaly but there was amusement in his disgruntled tone. She grinned on his behalf and he mentally smacked her. She wasn’t even fazed. “He’s Fate.”


Her blonde companion turned and enacted the spell they had been practicing flawlessly. “He’s a part of a sentient entity that’s playing God.”


“Fate is keeping us all on our destinies.”


Her companion’s hand stilled in the air and a distant and almost hopeless look crossing his face. She felt the humor of the situation fall away as quickly as it had appeared and she turned away, looking down at the matchsticks they were turning into needles. She picked a match up and lit it. It crackled to life before settling into a simple flame. She rotated the match this way and that as she allowed magic to keep the flame at the tip of the match without going out. She knew that her companion’s gaze was on the flame as well.


“Many people question fate and destiny,” she started out, her voice soft in the empty room. “Many question the existence of a god or several gods or whether there is something out there guiding us and they have a right to do so. For me, fate and destiny exist. It has to. Because if it doesn’t,” the flame was blown out, “then I am nothing more than a broken mind trying to piece together two separate personalities and an overactive imagination.”


She put down the spent match and looked at her companion, her expression serious. “I don’t mind if you don’t believe in destiny, Draco. I really don’t. But, for me, I have to believe that there is already a path we’re meant to walk, even if we stray from it or if it changes as we change and grow.” She turned away. “I have to believe that Fate is not just my creation, that what I see isn’t made up. Otherwise, I might go crazy.” She looked over at him. “And this world would be doomed.”


He swallowed heavily, his hand a tight fist around his wand. “Ok,” he said, giving a slight nod. “Destiny exists.” He touched her arm, offering a tight, soft smile. “And you’re not crazy, Ray. You’ll never be crazy.”


She smiled gently at him. “I hope you’re right, Draco.” She looked back down at the matches. “I hope you’re right.”

Word Count: 600


Well that got depressing rather quickly.

Destiny – noun​

                the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.

Um, no. There is no such thing. Life is a continually collapsing wave-front of quantum possibility that encompasses every possible outcome up to the point where we interact with it by observation. In the instant that we perceive something, infinite possibilities collapse into a singular event that immediately becomes part of our past. Pretty straightforward, yes?

Nope. Now take the billions of moving possibilities that make up the citizens of the world, each one in a constant state of collapse as they move forward, always observing. But, not just observing their own choices. We observe our environment, and in doing so, cause things about us to collapse from infinity into what we see. All those other observers, tugging us out of our perceived path, trying to fit us into their scheme of things; it’s enough to drive you mad.

But wait, there’s more! You see, you’re not really you. You’re one of an infinite number of you’s, spread out across an infinite number of universes, each one of you making slightly different choices, even as all the people around you make different choices. At any given moment, you are, quite literally, doing everything. Well, one of you is.

In the end, doesn’t this make the concept of destiny a bit meaningless? After all, we’re all doing any and every thing that is possible at this very moment. It’s kind of hard to say that just one series of events will happen to a person or thing, when it’s all happening to everyone and everything all the time, isn’t it?

Word count : 276
First time posting here, let's see how this will work out.


Destiny? A cruel concept, the idea that one's every action is predetermined, set in stone from the very moment they were conceived, that every decision ever made by them in the end can be described by nothing but 'meaningless'.

I refused it. I refused that such a thing could possibly exist, wouldn't allow such a strange thing to take control of my life.

And whenever I screamed about the injustice of it all, my mother simply used to smile at me and say

Don't you worry my child. God has a plan for all of us, and just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want the best for you.

I left church as soon as I was able to.

I studied, I researched, I thought and theorized, as this thought didn't want to leave my head: I'll prove them wrong.

I became a physicist, I studied the mysteries of our world, I read the laws of our existence written between the fabric of reality itself.

And I didn't like what I found.

Because what I found out was the fundamental truth that we are nothing special. Atoms fused to molecules, a huge collection of matter that developed over millions of years into a state where it became able to question its own existence.

But ultimatively only a enormous collection of particles.

Particles that followed a certain set of rules.

If the whole world were to reset itself, if the entire universe were to turn back into the beginning of time itself, if the big bang happened again – wouldn't it all happen again?

Wouldn't the first two particles that came into existence collide again in the very same manner they did once already, with no reason to behave any differently? Wouldn't this singular moment spawn a chain-reaction of unimaginable proportions that would ultimatively create all the stars, the planets, our planet, the life on it, the interaction of said life with its environment, the development of cultures and the people within said cultures?

And all of them exactly the same as they were created once before already?

Wouldn't it all end up in my existence at this very moment again, a person with a mindset who deludes himself into thinking his life was anything more than that, a predetermined reaction of unimaginable small particles, that would inevitable play out the same way over and over again if given the same starting conditions?

It was all irrelevant.

This choice before me, if one could even call it that, the decision between whether to accept the fact that all my life had and would forever be set on a path that I had no part in creating, or refusing to accept such a horrifying concept – what was the point to it, what was the point to a choice where, no matter what I chose because of my 'free will', I would have always ended up taking the same option anyway?

No, no there is no such thing as destiny.

There was no such thing as a god watching over me, deciding my fate and setting a path for me, hoping for my wellbeing.

A destiny would've meant that my life had a purpose, a goal it would work towards to.

But all it really was, was a series of events that always were and always would end in nothing more than a continuation of other events, events I would no longer be a part of.

And for the first time in my life I wished that my mother had been right.


wordcount: 593
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Well, this was a tough one. All the entries carried a certain theme around the prompt, which they emphasized by using the phrase given. I am lazy, so no reviews. If you were expecting some, I am sorry for disappointing you.

The winner is:


Good stuff.

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