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Other Writing Games! Join Anytime!

Whatever we do sounds good to me. As long we don't wait too long. Waiting too long could kill this off and I don't want it to die.
That's what I'm thinking. Even though I totally forgot to put an entry in for that last one. X•D
I won't leave no matter how long I have to wait but I say if a judge doesn't judge within 48 hours of their deadline, either it defaults to @fliptheclown as judge or those present vote on a winner if there isn't a post that has the most likes. 0-0 Winners should be allotted 72 hours to present a new prompt mostly cuz life is a thing and not all of us are online all the time and sometimes it takes a while to think of a prompt. Though, if you submitted to a prompt, I would hope you were checking the results within 24 hours following the deadline. 0-0 Just me, though. 
Quick question: Does the writing have to be about Damocles, or about the proverb, "The Sword of Damocles Hangs Above"?
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Her star was particularly bright tonight. That is what she thought every night. There was that one star in the sky that got a little brighter with every passing day. When Dana had told this to the adults, they merely brushed her off as they always did. It was just her imagination acting up, they said.

Dana tilted her head in confusion. The longer she looked at her star, the larger it seemed. That had never happened before. She looked away, counted to ten, then looked back. It was definitely larger, and it was growing steadily.

Somehow, the night suddenly felt a lot darker; the only light being that of the growing star. Dana quickly stood on her perch. The darkness shifted.

A shadow.

“Damocles!” A single voice shrieked, breaking the calm of the night. The pervious stillness was destroyed by chaos. Bells rang with the same desperation that people ran with.  Panicked screams seemed to be the new form of communication.

Young Dana watched the pandemonium with surprising serenity. She had yet to be taught the stories of Damocles. She didn’t know that she was meant to fear her life. The unearthly gurgle that sounded vaguely similar to a laugh cut through all the human noises. Dana looked towards the noise.

Her star was held by a figure made of darkness; its great, bat-like wings casting a shadow on the entire village.

It seemed her parents were right. Stars did not grow bigger or get closer.

Swords carried by demons did.

(252 words)

(... I dunno, is this alright?)
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Her star was particularly bright tonight. That is what she thought every night. There was that one star in the sky that got a little brighter with every passing day. When Dana had told this to the adults, they merely brushed her off as they always did. It was just her imagination acting up, they said.

Dana tilted her head in confusion. The longer she looked at her star, the larger it seemed. That had never happened before. She looked away, counted to ten, then looked back. It was definitely larger, and it was growing steadily.

Somehow, the night suddenly felt a lot darker; the only light being that of the growing star. Dana quickly stood on her perch. The darkness shifted.

A shadow.

“Damocles!” A single voice shrieked, breaking the calm of the night. The pervious stillness was destroyed by chaos. Bells rang with the same desperation that people ran with.  Panicked screams seemed to be the new form of communication.

Young Dana watched the pandemonium with surprising serenity. She had yet to be taught the stories of Damocles. She didn’t know that she was meant to fear her life. The unearthly gurgle that sounded vaguely similar to a laugh cut through all the human noises. Dana looked towards the noise.

Her star was held by a figure made of darkness; its great, bat-like wings casting a shadow on the entire village.

It seemed her parents were right. Stars did not grow bigger or get closer.

Swords carried by demons did.

(252 words)

(... I dunno, is this alright?)

It's perfect! I think Sims has dropped this whole thing all together. I say we have someone else vote it in now.
Alright guys, Simji is out it would seem.  Everyone read the posts entered for the last prompt and cast your vote, I.e. post the name of the person you think should win; at the end of the day (9pm (UTC -8:00 Pacific Standard Time)) I'll count them all up and let everyone know who won.  All the posts for the last prompt are between pages 5 and 6.

My vote is for Asharasahare
Ahh, thanks for thinking of me @asharasahara ! I have been busy and unable to participate or read through these awesome writings. The like thing sounds cool but then you have to wait for everyone to vote. If you don't mind that then it would be fine. 

Otherwise just let whoever posts a prompt first take it haha : p

ill just suggest that if there is a ton of demand for more prompts and more opportunities to be able to choose a prompt, then feel free to start a second writing game thread. 
Hm. I may just make a Writing Games thread of my own later, but we'll  see. It depends on how long it takes for this next prompt. I am very impatient. Hah.
@Ambedo you just make the next prompt OK? OK. So it has been written, so it must be

and if you want the next round to be judged by number of likes received, then indicate that in the prompt post.
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UiOh. Oh. Wait. 

I thought we were voting on the next person to pick a prompt. -_-  
Alright guys, Simji is out it would seem.  Everyone read the posts entered for the last prompt and cast your vote, I.e. post the name of the person you think should win; at the end of the day (9pm (UTC -8:00 Pacific Standard Time)) I'll count them all up and let everyone know who won.  All the posts for the last prompt are between pages 5 and 6.

My vote is for Asharasahare

0-0 Wh-wait, what? Why mine?!
You all want to play or not?! Ha, silly, polite people.

IF someone has a GOOD PROMPT they really want to play, THEN JUST POST THE DAMN PROMPT!! AHAHAHA.


Constraints: At least 300 words, and (I hope I can trust you guys to constrain yourselves) only one hour to finish from the time you start writing.

Due time: 12 hours from now.

(Well, I got permission, but I feel kinda bad since I haven't wrote anything yet)


@That Guy Over There* Yer fine. ^_^  )


The sound of marching feet was deafening. Armor plating clattered against itself as the invading army made its way towards the heart of the city, the heart of the kingdom. If any were still living within the ruins of the city, they hid at the sound of the passing army. Fires were still burning, even in the heart of the city, a walled off area just as destroyed at the rest of the city. The enemy had been relentless and made sure not a single part was missed and those that were seeking refuge behind battered walls did not have time.


"Taika." She turned, her footfall stilling. The teenage boy joined her, weapon in hand. "Are you sure about this? Can we really do this?"


Taika started again. "I don't know. But we don't have other choices." She glanced at him as he fell into step beside her. "You don't have to do this with me, Ove."


Ove gave her a smile. "Yes, I do." Rushed footfall drew them to a stop, their gazes going back the way they had come. Another teenager was approaching, their red hair bobbing around them as they came to a stop beside the pair. "We both do," Ove continued. "This is our kingdom as well. We're not about to let you do this alone."


The red haired teen grinned. "Not in any lifetime," they agreed.


Taika offered them a tight smile. "We will most likely die."


The red haired teen shrugged. "We're gonna die anyways. Might as well try."


"Please Taika." She looked at Ove. "Let us help."


She sighed. "Fine. But stay close.”


Taika took the lead, weaving her way between knights and civilians, between the tired and the injured. This was their last stand, their last fight, and a lot of hope was resting on one teenager’s shoulders.


The archway leading into the heart of the city loomed over them as they passed underneath it with the knights that were making a last stand with them. The knights spread out to either side as Taika continued straight ahead, stopping several hundred feet before the archway. Ove settled behind her right shoulder, the red haired teen behind her left. Before them, emerging from the smoke and flames, was the invading army.


Taika settled the book in her left hand and allowed it to fall open. She barely glanced at the page as the army came to a sudden halt. The silence that followed was deafening.


A man on a horse wearing golden armor stopped a short distance before the army, facing Taika. “Surrender now or be wiped out!” the man shouted, his voice cold and lifeless. “Your kingdom has fallen!”


“As long as we stand, our kingdom survives!” Taika shouted back, her right hand tightening around her tool.


The man arched an eyebrow and gestured. A shot lobbed itself through the red haired teen’s shoulder and the teen grunted, curling around the wound.


“Bai!” Ove exclaimed, taking a step towards them.


Bai threw up a hand, shaking their head. “I’m fine.” They straightened though their back was hunched and stepped closer to Taika. “Taika.” The army before them surged forward with a battle cry. “Now.”


Taika took a step forward as the book in her hand started to glow. Words fell from her lips that were not of the common tongue, not of any tongue that existed in that world still.


A rumble rolled through the earth as the center of the city began to glow behind the final stand.



Words: 587

Time: 32.5 minutes
Drawing a blank on this one. But I'll try and get something up!

Well, it's not like you have to do something specific to the artwork's details, just do something related. For example, you could disregard features like the characters or the background... I'm pretty flexible, I just wanted to see what thoughts the image stirred in other people.

Heck, you could even do something on the pixiv fantasia title xD  
Well, it's not like you have to do something specific to the artwork's details, just do something related. For example, you could disregard features like the characters or the background... I'm pretty flexible, I just wanted to see what thoughts the image stirred in other people.

Heck, you could even do something on the pixiv fantasia title xD  

When I first saw the picture the only thing that popped up in my mind was an overly dramatic commercial about joining the army xD

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