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Other Writing Games! Join Anytime!

It can see us, I know it can.  No one believe me but I swear it's there.  Whenever we stop to make camp for the night I can feel it watching us like a hungry beast eying its prey.  I sent Alec and Farrel to investigate, but they didn't find anything.  Everyone thinks I'm paranoid, everyone except Jack; Jack thinks I'm mad. I don't know why they can't feel it, but I can... I've always felt it. 

There's something here but I guess they're right, it's not hiding in the shadows... it's hiding right in front of them, in me.
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A person is defined by their past. We always look behind us, knowing that we cannot change what has been done, yet still silently reminiscing of those times. Eventually we all have to move forward, into that unknown abyss we call the future. The tunnel that stretches into oblivion, calling your name.I walk in the darkened silence,doubts and reasoning left behind. Why do we chase this unknown destiny?It is because we as humans, are driven by curiosity. We feed from knowledge and grow strong. Though where it ends is unclear, we all will follow it's path someday.
Great! The results should be posted in about two hours. I have an alarm set. 
*twiddles thumbs*

Erm... I may have something here.

It's not anything good, but I just decided to post it anyway.

There was a wall.

A wall placed by society.

A wall he desperately wanted to break.

It was like a stab to the heart, watching the days go by, time pass before his eyes, because he knew, one day he’ll be gone. Both of them will be unable to talk with each other again. Why were people so cruel? Why couldn’t they let them be? And it was because of them, there was still that unyielding force that kept them from each other.

His love was not unrequited! He saw the smiles and the glances! But the wall stands, unbreakable.

I don't think it flows nice enough T-T
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It really was! Don't do that to yourself. DX 

Whatever. You're entitled to your wrong opinion. 
Ash. Cute Japanese honorifics! I love them. 

A little less than an hour. 
As with everyone else, this was an extremely difficult choice for me. So, after a couple minutes of thought, I decided that this round goes to: 


Oh my. Were I the judge, I'd hand the trophy to you, Francis. Yet now that it's in my grasp, you'll not induce me to part from it by any measure!

I'd like to thank my mother and my brother and my beloved unicorn horn. If it weren't for them, I'd never be able to float on the refracted rays of light which to human eyes seem a myriad of colours. Honorable mentions to the warm chicken that is being digested in my stomach, that really lightens the mood.

And I took that joke too far, didn't I? Typical.

A New Challenger Appears!

Challenger as in prompt as in I'm about to give you a prompt. Don't get too excited now.



Credit: "Ozymandias" by Percy B. Shelley

Use this quote for inspiration. Whatever comes out, if you like it, please do submit it to the contest.

Minor Stipulation: the submission is not to precede 200 words, and not to exceed 500. 

The clock is ticking! After 24 hours from the time of this post, there shall be decided a winner.

Come and fill my literary appetite with your bottomless talent.

The servant walked down the corridors, his steps echoing off of the walls and back to him. He came upon the throne room. Knocking once, he stepped in. 


A booming voice replied, rich and full of authority. "Yes Nicholas?"

Nicholas took a breath. "Sire we are under fire from the enemy. They wait just outside our gates and I've been sent to lead you to safety."

The king was silent for a moment. When he spoke again, it was a stern tone. "Nicholas. You shall take my wife and child to this place. I must remain here."

The servant stood in shock. Never before had a King refused protection from enemy forces. "S-sire may I ask why?"

The monarch looked to his servant, and stood from his throne walking to an armor stand he kept in the room. "I wish to fight. I will not run away from this. Not like my father. Now go!" 

Nicholas ran out of the room, towards the royal quarters. Jordan sighed, and removed the crown. He tossed it to the ground and equipped his gear. As he grabbed the gleaming sword from the wall there was banging at his door. He turned to see two soldiers burst in. The battle began. Swords clashed, metal upon metal. Jordan rolled to the side dodging a swipe. The blade hit the soldier's ally and he fell in a heap of crimson, pooling on the floor around him. Jordan had been watching this man die, when it hit. Letting out a gasp, he looked down to see the sword that went straight into his abdomen. Scarlet droplets began flowing out like a river. The soldier yanked the sword free with a grunt, and left him to fall on to his knees. The soldier watched as the king crumbled in a heap at his feet, the life slowly leaving him. Before he was to die, the soldier spoke. "Ozymandias sends his regards." Then, he turned and walked out of the room leaving Jordan to die. As Jordan lay gasping for his final breath, he smiled. "M-my son....be brave. Thomas, you will rule successfully......Jennieve, I love you." Tears mixed with his blood, as his final breaths left him and the soul dissipated from this form. The King has fallen. 
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Ambedo lifts a hand so king-like in the air, RpNation so meek beneath his boot. His hand was on his chest, his breathing labored. He had just won a writing competition, see. He was victorious over all, the ultimate writer. The legendary roleplays! The- the King of Roleplay Nation! "LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE PETTY MORTALS. FEAST YOUR EYES-"

I'm kidding, guys.
Ambedo lifts a hand so king-like in the air, RpNation so meek beneath his boot. His hand was on his chest, his breathing labored. He had just won a writing competition, see. He was victorious over all, the ultimate writer. The legendary roleplays! The- the King of Roleplay Nation! "LOOK ON MY WORKS, YE PETTY MORTALS. FEAST YOUR EYES-"

I'm kidding, guys.

Sad, I would have liked to see this finished.

Hoi~ New person here~
Ah. Maybe, but probably not. 

Welcome to the fabulous Writing Games.

She stared at the letter in hand in disbelief. Well, more the first line written on the parchment than the letter itself. She passed the letter on to the other two as she turned her gaze to the messenger in disbelief. The one beside her took the letter. “Is this for real? Are they serious?”


The messenger nodded. “Yes, your Highness. I brought it from his hand here personally.”


Laughter bubbled out of her as she looked at the other two, her eyes still wide with mirth. “They can’t be serious.” She fought her laughter though the grin settled into place. “Ancient ones, they cannot be serious.”


“Seems legit,” the one beside her commented, passing the letter to the man across from her. “And very serious.”


She shook her head, laughter still playing in her chest. “This is just ridiculous.” The one beside her smirked in agreement. She looked to the man holding the letter, asking, “Are they threatening one of us or the kingdom, then?”


He shook his head. “Hard to tell. It could be one of us or the kingdom itself.”


“It would be very foolish to challenge the kingdom,” they commented.


She snorted. “That or arrogance.” She frowned, the humor in the situation dissipating. “Is there any immediate threat to the kingdom?”


He shook his head as he passed the letter back to the one between them. They took the letter, looking it over again. “Not that I can tell,” he supplied. He looked to the messenger. “Do you know if your supposed King of Kings is coming to take the kingdom or challenge us?”


The messenger shook their head. “I do not know, Sire. If I may extrapolate…” The one in the middle gestured to go ahead. “Your Highnesses, my King has – as of late – challenged rulers. If it is not successful, he destroys the lands. I do not think you will be the exception to that rule. He has become arrogant,” they nodded towards her, “as your Highness had speculated earlier.”


She looked to the one across from her, all three of them frowning. He didn’t miss her look but he didn’t comment on it as he spoke to the messenger again. “You have quite the tongue for a messenger. You are educated?”


“Yes, Sire.” The messenger shifted their weight, a sign of unease. “I…am of a higher class originally.”


She stood up, her frown deepening. “Were you of noble blood before he took your kingdom?”


The messenger let their head drop, hands clasped before them. “I am sorry, your Highness. It is forbidden to talk about the days before his rule.”


“That would be a yes,” the one between them ground out. She turned to them, placing a hand on their arm while looking to the man across from her. “Eros, we have to defeat him.”


“I know, Elpis,” he soothed. He looked to the one between them, her eyes following. “Eir?”


"Might as well show him why we see this as a joke."
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