Other Would you like to learn about Vrillology?


Improbability is a bad reason to disbelieve
Vrillology, though obviously a science, is also a religion. A seamless blend of logic and faith. For more, please, please comment your questions, below.
How does it differ from just plain Heathenism/Asatru/etc?
The simplest answer to that is that it acknowledges all deities from all religions as real entities, is the root of all (purely) human religions, and it's lineages are visible in the Western mythologies, the Judeo-Christian faiths, and Hinduism.

They all took the same concept and explained it different ways, I'm assuming because there at one point were three leaders, possibly brothers, or possibly four leaders, and one's teachings went west and became the Druidic faith, then evolved into Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse myth, while one of their teachings stayed in the middle east, and became Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (in that order), while one of their teachings migrated East, to Northern India, and through the evil of the Aryan race who lived there, became Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism (also in that order).

The difference between it and other heathenisms, is that it is NOT a heathenism, but the true source of all of the religions that we see so many similarities in. This suggests that the Flood Event that we see in every culture would have happened much, much sooner, the myth of a Messiah-being is much, much older than both Christianity and the myths of Isis, Osiris, and Horus, and all religions, today, while technically in the right, are also very, very much in the wrong.

Therfore, their deities are correct, but theit myths and rules are not.
You won't find it's ancient form anywhere on the web but through me. The people who make those websites, today, are merely following a spiritual fad, which began with the reawakening of Druidism and Paganism. The Nazis corrupted Vrillology during WWII, and made it about superiority, in the fashion of the ancient Aryans of Northern India (which led to the caste system), but TRUE Vrillology speaks of a different message entirely.

Keep in mind this: Vril is an energy source, capable of both creation and destruction. It maintains reality throughout the ages, and in it's most honest English translation, is known as Love Vrillology, in a scientific aspect, is the study of love.

Essentially, the mantra "Everyone is right" is an essential understanding of a Vrillic.

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